Ainge opens up about his dislike for Hamilton



Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
Ainge is talking about a conversation he had with Hamilton his sophomore year. Said Hamilton approached him cryptically about a coaching change in 2005.
This must be rehash old grievances week. People don't know what to talk about since Butch Got Dis.
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Apparently Hamilton also asked him if he should give Fulmer the highest buyout in college football history and bring him back after losing to Vanderbilt. Hamilton was obviously out to get Fulmer.
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Is Art Bell involved in this convo?

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Ainge is talking about a conversation he had with Hamilton his sophomore year. Said Hamilton approached him cryptically about a coaching change in 2005.

If true (that is a big "if"), then this only confirms my suspicions about Ainge holding our program back for 10 years. If we really had an opportunity to get rid of Fulmer in 2005 and Ainge had a hand in keeping him here, then he screwed our program.
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I think he was responding to the perinneal douche John Adams' article in the GVE. He basically was praising Hammy and Derrick Dooley. That alone should awaken any snoozer ITT. But, truthfully, he was telling a story about how Hammy approached him to get his input on a coaching change and what kind of coach he would want. I mean, who does that? Who goes to a kid and asks him about something that big? Who puts a kid on the spot like that? I'll tell you. Hamilton. Hamilton didn't want Fulmer around and he took away every resource that CPF had to bring him down. Kind of like Major League where they made the team travel on buses, stuff like that. Then, he gives an open checkbook to a snot nosed punk who damn near put this program in a place we'd never get out.

That's what he was talking about. I think some people need to put their naive opinions aside and listen to what some people who know way more on the subject at hand. I think Eric's show is pretty good, with the exception of the commercials and some of the arrogance, but in all, it's all we got.
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But But But Hamilton was a great fund raiser!


I will give him that. All of our new upgrades and facilities are based upon a lot of Hammy's fundraising and efforts. Other than that, he ruined the program temporarily
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