Ainge opens up about his dislike for Hamilton


The hair. The truth is out there....and it lies within his hair.
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What ever happened to "MikeHamiltonFan" that use to post here?

I've often wondered that myself. I remember having quite a few arguments with him back in the day. Guy was a master of illogical nonsense excuse-making. I'm sure he left and came back under a different name, like most of the Dooley sycophants.
I've often wondered that myself. I remember having quite a few arguments with him back in the day. Guy was a master of illogical nonsense excuse-making. I'm sure he left and came back under a different name, like most of the Dooley sycophants.

There is a lot of that here, surprised you could tell it was missing :birgits_giggle:
Was Ainge channeling Edgar Cayce?

Is it any wonder why Knoxville sports talk radio is the worst in the country?
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What does this mean? Hamilton was asking him for advice on what to do?

More or less Hammy was trying to get players on his side to oust Fulmer. Then he could go back to TPTB and say "even the players want a new coach". Ainge even said that he was personally upset with Fulmer at the time due to the flip flopping with R. Clausen but he wasn't about to sell him out.
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If true (that is a big "if"), then this only confirms my suspicions about Ainge holding our program back for 10 years. If we really had an opportunity to get rid of Fulmer in 2005 and Ainge had a hand in keeping him here, then he screwed our program.

Not sure if serious.
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