Ainge opens up about his dislike for Hamilton

More or less Hammy was trying to get players on his side to oust Fulmer. Then he could go back to TPTB and say "even the players want a new coach". Ainge even said that he was personally upset with Fulmer at the time due to the flip flopping with R. Clausen but he wasn't about to sell him out.

If true (and I have doubts), that's silly.

Unless you're looking to oust a coach for some kind of misconduct, which clearly wasn't the case here, why do you need to line up player testimony to fire the coach? The results on the field were enough.

Wasn't this about the time when some former players bought that newspaper ad in support of Fulmer?
Ainge should spend every day debating the pros and cons of fashion design. Now there is a topic this fanbase could get behind.
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If true (and I have doubts), that's silly.

Unless you're looking to oust a coach for some kind of misconduct, which clearly wasn't the case here, why do you need to line up player testimony to fire the coach? The results on the field were enough.

Wasn't this about the time when some former players bought that newspaper ad in support of Fulmer?

This was in 05. The player support ad was in 08.

05 Fulmer still had too much clout for Hammy to make any change without building a case outside of one bad season.

And I agree that it's silly and just another example of why Hammilton was not cut out to be an AD.

I don't think Ainge would make the story up. However the conversation actually went down it clearly rubbed Ainge the wrong way.
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Hamilton is an annoying douche.

I got a less than stellar opine on Hammy after he kept posting those "look at me, and my African adoptions"-----and "Having 250 over to the house for a dinner party" Tweets. If you're all THAT------you don't have to tell it.
I like Ainge for he most part.
Although when he starts piling on some people who made mistakes, he seems to get a little amnesia.
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I like Ainge for he most part.
Although when he starts piling on some people who made mistakes, he seems to get a little amnesia.


i.e. ripping on Vonn Bell and his friend for getting pulled over w/ open container and then he got busted for a DUI a week or two later.
And I agree that it's silly and just another example of why Hammilton was not cut out to be an AD.

I don't think Ainge would make the story up. However the conversation actually went down it clearly rubbed Ainge the wrong way.

Maybe Ainge simply misinterpreted the conversation?
Sometimes I think Ainge is in a world of his own the guy has something new every week don't know what he's thinking half the time
Ainge is pro-Fulmer almost to a fault.

Did the conversation actually happen? Who knows? I think that he has a better outlook on the Hammy Fulmer relationship than any most of us though since I'm sure he witnessed some behind the scenes stuff while he was there.
Ainge is pro-Fulmer almost to a fault.

Did the conversation actually happen? Who knows? I think that he has a better outlook on the Hammy Fulmer relationship than any most of us though since I'm sure he witnessed some behind the scenes stuff while he was there.

I would doubt that Ainge or any other player on that roster witnessed any "behind the scenes stuff" of substance between Hamilton and Fulmer. Notwithstanding that Ainge needs to grow up a bit considering he is a father of two.

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