Air fresheners are illegal in Minnesota

She was found guilty and went to jail.

I thought about bringing that situation up but honestly it’s completely different. Botham Jean was in his apartment minding his own business and she walked in and shot him. He had zero culpability in that situation.
10 years with probably a chance of only serving half of that is getting off lightly. I don't care where you are.
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Did the police shoot him point blank or did it hit the back window.
Speaking of back window, who else remembers when a, I think was a reserve officer, blew out the back window of an alumni pulling into circle park during a football game?
Ive been to alot of countries in the middle east and asia. Alot of smells in those places. Ive also been french settlements and alot of smells.

yea definitely. And you drive anywhere in Central Pennsylvania and it stinks to high heaven. What does that have to do with this? Idk, nothing
If BLM hadn’t come out acting like a bunch of freaking savages with their message, I think they’d have gotten a lot more support. A lot of white people ..... just like black folks.... believe the cops have too much power and flex it too often.
BLM and ANTIFA are not genuine organizations that give a damn about these victims. They are leftwing goon squads and street enforcers.
Not saying he was guilty, just that it was a good stop because he had warrants. You can disagree with the stop (which I understand) but sometimes you have to be petty (but legal) with your PC.
And that's a problem imo. This is part of the system, legality, protecting itself, over protecting the individuals involved.

Under that level of pettiness we are all legally criminals. The end result is that it empowers the cops to a point where you get bad situations. And it's done in a manner that doesnt make anything better, to justify the whole effort.
That was more of a rhetorical who cares. Sadly, that dumbassery is a regular exercise in these discussions.
I’m usually more than happy to give the LEO the benefit of the doubt to see how it plays out. But after seeing that video there is only one logical conclusion. She F-ed up and royally. Which is why I think the chief put it out so quickly. He said pressure was being exerted on him to not release it. But after seeing it it pretty much speaks for itself.
By doing that they were able to identify someone who had a warrant out for his arrest. Pulling him over was a good thing.
My understanding is that he wasnt identified until after they had him pulled over. To that point the cops should have been considering him innocent. Instead they operated in a manner that lead to a wrongful shooting.

The cops shouldnt be able to just pull people over and then justify it. There needs to better a better process to avoid issues like this.
I never said the job is easy. In fact I know it’s just the opposite. However that isn’t an excuse to not weigh the proper consequences against this officer for her actions. Most of my reaction here is driven by the dumbass “these things happen” crap that a few are putting forth. That’s freaking ridiculous. She killed a guy for no valid reason. End of story.
To me it is no different than the doctor that is doing his job and leaves a sponge inside the body therefore causing death..... The reason the doctor does not go to jail is bc his job is life and death.... a cops job is life and death..... make a a mistake and it ends up in harm or death.The answer is to come up with better ways of policing..... if we can order a pizza from Amazon and it be delivered by a drone then surely we can come up with devices that can incapacitate a perp without causing death to the perp or terminal risk to the officer..... This was a high adrenaline situation with a perp that had proven to be potentially violent.

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