AJ Johnson baptized (video)

Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Mark 2:17)
I count myself in the latter group as well.

Amen to that! Glad to have AJ join me as a brother in Christ.
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Sin is sin. We all fall short of the glory of God. Buncha people in here not removing their own planks from their eyes.

"Go and sin no more." Nobody else except AJ and God know his heart.
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I'm glad he's found Christ.

But I can't imagine half of you all heaping praise upon aj Johnson if it was your daughter that was allegedly raped.

Heck, if jameis Winston became a pastor next weekend, yall wouldn't say a lick of praise.
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I hope Nerd, Crusse, and Huffhines never become figures of the law. They won't bother with facts/evidence they'll just be judge, jury, and executioner.

I hope Nerd, Crusse, and Huffhines never become figures of the law. They won't bother with facts/evidence they'll just be judge, jury, and executioner.


Did I ever say the kid was guilty? I made a point to put in alleged. I'm just pointing out that I think that yall are a bunch of hypocrites.

Also, since when have posters on VN been apprehensive about determining the guilt of a defendant? Oh, that's right, when they wear the uniforms we like.
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All I'm saying is that baptism isn't a cure-all for horrendous acts if you refuse to admit to them and make amends for them, as someone else stated.
Sin is sin. We all fall short of the glory of God. Buncha people in here not removing their own planks from their eyes.

"Go and sin no more." Nobody else except AJ and God know his heart.

Which is exactly what I'm saying. If he did it, God knows. And if he did it and he maintains his innocence for the rest of his life, God still knows, and He surely won't look on it favorably, regardless of baptism.
I hope Nerd, Crusse, and Huffhines never become figures of the law. They won't bother with facts/evidence they'll just be judge, jury, and executioner.


What are you talking about? I never offered an opinion or a remark about anything he may or may not have done. Pretty sure the other 2 didn't say he did it, either. Seems like they said, "if he did..."
Well since no one is all knowing, it's up to judge and jury to determine his fate here. If he is found innocent, then proceed to heap praise for his baptism and such. If evidence finds him guilty, then hopefully he will get a long and lengthy prison sentence. Until then, I'll reserve any judgement on whether he is guilty or not, including praising him for any perceived "good deed" like getting baptized.
Did I ever say the kid was guilty? I made a point to put in alleged. I'm just pointing out that I think that yall are a bunch of hypocrites.

Also, since when have posters on VN been apprehensive about determining the guilt of a defendant? Oh, that's right, when they wear the uniforms we like.

All I'm saying is that baptism isn't a cure-all for horrendous acts if you refuse to admit to them and make amends for them, as someone else stated.

What are you talking about? I never offered an opinion or a remark about anything he may or may not have done. Pretty sure the other 2 didn't say he did it, either. Seems like they said, "if he did..."

First off, it's obvious where you stand on the subject so there's no need to be cryptic about it or deny it when someone points out your view. Second, the thread is about him getting baptized. Why even bring those negative comments into the thread at all? His case has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Originally Posted by n_huffhines View Post
"I hope the publizity stunt works out for him."

Yes, you mean absolutely nothing by your comment even though it's drenched in sarcasm.

The three of you have expressed your feelings towards the situation very well and in depth in other various AJ threads.
First off, it's obvious where you stand on the subject so there's no need to be cryptic about it or deny it when someone points out your view. Second, the thread is about him getting baptized. Why even bring those negative comments into the thread at all? His case has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Originally Posted by n_huffhines View Post
"I hope the publizity stunt works out for him."

Yes, you mean absolutely nothing by your comment even though it's drenched in sarcasm.

The three of you have expressed your feelings towards the situation very well and in depth in other various AJ threads.

fwiw, the first thing I said was a response to a person that said that no matter what now, he's right with the man upstairs. I responded to that because I believe that that's a ridiculous stance. If a person does something egregious and never admits to it or makes amends for it, no amount of baptisms will make God look differently on that person
First off, it's obvious where you stand on the subject so there's no need to be cryptic about it or deny it when someone points out your view. Second, the thread is about him getting baptized. Why even bring those negative comments into the thread at all? His case has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Originally Posted by n_huffhines View Post
"I hope the publizity stunt works out for him."

Yes, you mean absolutely nothing by your comment even though it's drenched in sarcasm.

The three of you have expressed your feelings towards the situation very well and in depth in other various AJ threads.

Because he's at the center of a rape allegation. It's kind of relevant.

Please find me one other post where I have said anything about aj outside this thread.

I'll wait...
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All sin is equal in that all sin is worthy of eternal judgment and condemnation. Now, there are differences in consequences we might face in this life for our sin, but lying to your mom about staying out too late is just as much a sin as murder. They both equally condemn and they equally require repentance and God's graceful forgiveness for salvation.

And I don't think I ever said being baptized saved him from his sins. There is nothing salvific about baptism. Baptism is commanded and a great thing. But It is merely meant to be an outward action of an internal transformation.

If we commit any sin at one point in life, then at a later point truly accept Christ in our hearts, God's grace completely forgives and saves. Which is pretty much every coneversion story ever...including AJs if his conversion is genuine.
Originally Posted by n_huffhines View Post
"I hope the publizity stunt works out for him."

Yes, you mean absolutely nothing by your comment even though it's drenched in sarcasm.

Yeah, I made a joke about this specific event OP mentioned and it has nothing to do with his innocence or guilt.
All sin is equal in that all sin is worthy of eternal judgment and condemnation. Now, there are differences in consequences we might face in this life for our sin, but lying to your mom about staying out too late is just as much a sin as murder. They both equally condemn and they equally require repentance and God's graceful forgiveness for salvation.

And I don't think I ever said being baptized saved him from his sins. There is nothing salvific about baptism. Baptism is commanded and a great thing. But It is merely meant to be an outward action of an internal transformation.

If we commit any sin at one point in life, then at a later point truly accept Christ in our hearts, God's grace completely forgives and saves. Which is pretty much every coneversion story ever...including AJs if his conversion is genuine.

I can't disagree more with every single point you made (except the middle one I guess lol). The handy I just gave myself is not equivalent to choosing to kill another person. It just isn't. Venial sins are just not the same thing as mortal sins. At all.

God's grace is only going to forgive and save if the person is deserving of forgiveness and saving in the eyes of God. If a person kills another person, then gets off on some technicality or error on the part of the prosecution, has a conversion, but never admits guilt and accepts the consequences of his sin, then God isn't going to think, "wellllllll I mean you did convert soooooo I guess there's nothing I can do"

You have to earn it.
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I can't disagree more with every single point you made (except the middle one I guess lol). The handy I just gave myself is not equivalent to choosing to kill another person. It just isn't. Venial sins are just not the same thing as mortal sins. At all.

God's grace is only going to forgive and save if the person is deserving of forgiveness and saving in the eyes of God. If a person kills another person, then gets off on some technicality or error on the part of the prosecution, has a conversion, but never admits guilt and accepts the consequences of his sin, then God isn't going to think, "wellllllll I mean you did convert soooooo I guess there's nothing I can do"

You have to earn it.

Are you Catholic or Mormon? I'm familiar with both of those faiths feeling that way.

You are putting scenarios out there that I'm not defending. I definitely don't think it's okay for someone to "convert" but never admit our guilty and repent. Genuine belief in Christ calls us to be humble repentance.

And your legalistic perspective that "you have to earn it" couldn't be further from the truth or more heartbreaking if true. There is literally nothing we can do to earn salvation...that's literally the whole point behind Christ coming. We needed a savior because we couldn't earn it. We couldn't do it on our own. No one "deserves" grace or forgiveness, and if you believe that I feel sorry for you. There is no peace in that whatsoever. All fall short of the glory of God. None deserve forgiveness. But he gives his grace to us freely anyways...or so the Bible says.
Are you Catholic or Mormon? I'm familiar with both of those faiths feeling that way.

You are putting scenarios out there that I'm not defending. I definitely don't think it's okay for someone to "convert" but never admit our guilty and repent. Genuine belief in Christ calls us to be humble repentance.

And your legalistic perspective that "you have to earn it" couldn't be further from the truth or more heartbreaking if true. There is literally nothing we can do to earn salvation...that's literally the whole point behind Christ coming. We needed a savior because we couldn't earn it. We couldn't do it on our own. No one "deserves" grace or forgiveness, and if you believe that I feel sorry for you. There is no peace in that whatsoever. All fall short of the glory of God. None deserve forgiveness. But he gives his grace to us freely anyways...or so the Bible says.

Earn it in the sense that if you do something wrong you must, in turn, do something to get back in God's good graces. This isn't a Get Out of Jail Free card to commit any sin you want ever and not get what's coming to you, solely because Jesus is who you pray to. If you do wrong, you must accept the punishment of doing wrong and look for forgiveness. At that point, God will willingly forgive you. God has a hand extended at all times, but reaching for it requires work on your part.
Are you Catholic or Mormon? I'm familiar with both of those faiths feeling that way.

You are putting scenarios out there that I'm not defending. I definitely don't think it's okay for someone to "convert" but never admit our guilty and repent. Genuine belief in Christ calls us to be humble repentance.

And your legalistic perspective that "you have to earn it" couldn't be further from the truth or more heartbreaking if true. There is literally nothing we can do to earn salvation...that's literally the whole point behind Christ coming. We needed a savior because we couldn't earn it. We couldn't do it on our own. No one "deserves" grace or forgiveness, and if you believe that I feel sorry for you. There is no peace in that whatsoever. All fall short of the glory of God. None deserve forgiveness. But he gives his grace to us freely anyways...or so the Bible says.

I don't see where he said you "have to earn it", I see where he said if you actually did something but didn't admit to it and maintained you didn't, then proclaiming yourself a Christian seems a bit hollow.
I don't see where he said you "have to earn it", I see where he said if you actually did something but didn't admit to it and maintained you didn't, then proclaiming yourself a Christian seems a bit hollow.

I said those exact words in the sense that if you sin, you earn God's forgiveness by repenting, accepting the consequences of the actions, and asking for forgiveness
Well since no one is all knowing, it's up to judge and jury to determine his fate here. If he is found innocent, then proceed to heap praise for his baptism and such. If evidence finds him guilty, then hopefully he will get a long and lengthy prison sentence. Until then, I'll reserve any judgement on whether he is guilty or not, including praising him for any perceived "good deed" like getting baptized.

A secular jury is not going to be the decision-maker regarding AJ's baptism or heart. IMO, only the man upstairs knows.

I am a Christian and an attorney (I know, some think that is an oxymoron). Innocent people get convicted, and guilty people get acquitted. It's the system that our civilization has. But that verdict won't determine his fate in God's eyes. Don't let that determine whether he did a good deed.
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Again...we can only deal with our "earthly bounds". Honestly, I would rather have our justice system, as flawed as it could be, determine his fate rather than wait for the being "upstairs" to determine his fate. The fact he got baptized has zero bearing on that.
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Again...we can only deal with our "earthly bounds". Honestly, I would rather have our justice system, as flawed as it could be, determine his fate rather than wait for the being "upstairs" to determine his fate. The fact he got baptized has zero bearing on that.

Civilization has to have a system, both government and justice. Otherwise, it's called anarchy. We would never know what God decides regardless. A secular jury of his peers will decide how to punish (or not) while on Earth. God will determine his fate after physical death.
All sin is equal in that all sin is worthy of eternal judgment and condemnation. Now, there are differences in consequences we might face in this life for our sin, but lying to your mom about staying out too late is just as much a sin as murder. They both equally condemn and they equally require repentance and God's graceful forgiveness for salvation.

And I don't think I ever said being baptized saved him from his sins. There is nothing salvific about baptism. Baptism is commanded and a great thing. But It is merely meant to be an outward action of an internal transformation.

If we commit any sin at one point in life, then at a later point truly accept Christ in our hearts, God's grace completely forgives and saves. Which is pretty much every coneversion story ever...including AJs if his conversion is genuine.

This post is spot-on. We ALL fall short.

"as it is written: None is righteous, no not one, no one understands, no one seeks God" (Romans 3:10-11)

It is only by God's amazing grace that we are pardoned, and His grace is enough to cover all our blemishes. There is no ranking order of sin -- either we are pure and blameless (which has only occurred once) or we are deserving of eternal separation from God. We don't seek or earn salvation, God calls us to it. It is His will, and His doing, and the suggestion of our ability to win His mercy is nothing short of blasphemy. That would, in fact, be giving us the power of salvation.

The beautiful reality is that once we understand this, we can stop acting like we have done something or been something better than someone else and accept the sacrifice that has been provided for us all.
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