AJ Johnson hurting us on pass plays?

It'll be interesting to watch. Your defensive lineup on the first play of a drive is usually what you're stuck with the whole drive against Oregon. If AJ starts a drive, I'd expect them to work passes across the middle and stretches to the outside that make him run sideline to sideline. If Brewer is in, I could see them working in a lot of inside zones to test his toughness in run support.
this will be helped when Bates gets here. hes good in coverage. and I think AJ is not as slow as some of you might think. Part of it was just being out of position, and getting picked. and some bad angles. It will get better. I do agree is not exactly your 3rd down LB, but he brings attitude and energy and can stuff run and make big hits. He will get better, its only 2nd game of new defense. Patience my fellow fans.
this will be helped when Bates gets here. hes good in coverage. and I think AJ is not as slow as some of you might think. Part of it was just being out of position, and getting picked. and some bad angles. It will get better. I do agree is not exactly your 3rd down LB, but he brings attitude and energy and can stuff run and make big hits. He will get better, its only 2nd game of new defense. Patience my fellow fans.

An experienced Bates and JRM would be ideal nickel LBs against Oregon.
Yeah, I don't think its a matter of speed. AJ should be able to cover all but the very fastest TEs in the country. He certainly should never be on a runningback though. There were times last week when he was way out of position because he didn't expect the runningback to move out of the backfield. Once WKU figured this out, they threw to the rb multiple times and AJ never adjusted. I'm fully expecting Oregon to try the same thing at some point on Saturday. As long as AJ keeps everything in front of him and trusts in his teammates, we should be fine.
Yeah, I don't think its a matter of speed. AJ should be able to cover all but the very fastest TEs in the country. He certainly should never be on a runningback though. There were times last week when he was way out of position because he didn't expect the runningback to move out of the backfield. Once WKU figured this out, they threw to the rb multiple times and AJ never adjusted. I'm fully expecting Oregon to try the same thing at some point on Saturday. As long as AJ keeps everything in front of him and trusts in his teammates, we should be fine.

Opposing OCs can easily scheme to isolate AJ to be forced to cover an RB or slot receiver and in some cases, a talented TE would be tough for AJ too.
I had a chance to watch the early part of the game again at lunch. On the first drive, WKU hit a receiver that dragged across the field from opposite side into AJ's area. Aj had slipped out a bit to help CB, Rec. made catch underneath, AJ made the tackle, WKU picked up the first down.
A play or two later they tried the same play to opposite side , again trying to slip into AJ's area. Dude made the catch and AJ drilled him for about a two yard loss.
That's learning from your mistakes.
Obviously, later in the game Petrino decided to drag the Slot that AJ was heads up on to opposite side of the field. Aj lost a step in the traffic and couldn't catch back up to avoid the TD.
I don't believe Petrino went back to the play a second time.
ainge has a point about pass coverage with AJ but damn Ainge is annoying.

I am so glad I'm not the only one. He takes an hour to get to the point because him and Jay Bay are cracking some corny ass joke that only they laugh at. If he would just talk X&O's he would be good. He understands the game.
This is not a novel idea...great run stuffer, but gets exposed on short and intermediate crossing routes. He's still a solid LB, just lacking good sideline to sideline speed.

.... and awareness as to what routes the O will likely run. Just lacks situational awareness which could help offset his lack of lateral speed. Very good vs the run.... not so much vs the pass whether its man to man or zone. Hope he hangs around one more year and improves that aspect of his game.... and we could use the depth 😊
IIRC, there was a report last week that the coaches were working AJ on the offensive side.

This may be the reason.... possibly converting to a short yardage back ?
Let me get this straight... Petrino is KNOWN for creating favorable mismatches for his personnel, and does, and this somehow means that he didn't do exactly that, and also, A.J. Johnson is terrible. Is that right?

OP, did your mother have any children that lived? Seriously...
Let me get this straight... Petrino is KNOWN for creating favorable mismatches for his personnel, and does, and this somehow means that he didn't do exactly that, and also, A.J. Johnson is terrible. Is that right?

OP, did your mother have any children that lived? Seriously...
Obviously reading comprehension isn't your thing. In no way, shape or form did I even remotely come close to saying that AJ Johnson is terrible. So no, that's not right. That's not even close. Nice try, but leave the talking to the big boys. You're obviously missing the point.
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I was with you all the way until the Chavis part. Chavis was rarely a bend but don't break coordinator. Its a popular misconception because fans remember the Mustang defense that we inevitably went to whenever we had a substantial lead late in a game and he would try to make the opposing offense burn clock.
For the most part, Chavis mixed in blitzes and stunts and wrinkles in coverage on a regular basis.
For anyone around that remembers back far enough - Marme was the ultimate bend-but-dont-break DC - Chavis was a welcome change IMO.

We referred to that as the "prevent-a-win".
Yes he is, he is a beast against the run and takes good angle there. However he takes horrible angle in coverage and is our slowest linebacker. I love AJ and I think he is a good player but they shouldn't ask him to cover a WR/RB.

Unfortunately certain offensive sets make him have to cover a WR/RB.
AJ is a very capable LB, but I think his overall game is slightly above avg. Pass coverage is very avg. and run coverage is slightly above avg. Takes bad angles many times in run coverage as well as pass coverage.

Our overall LB play leaves a lot to be desired. We have a lot of help on the way and would rather play the Ducks in two years rather than this year!!
i said this a couple of days ago and got bashed. But he needs to improve in the run game as well because a lot of the big holes that #5 was running thru was because he took the wrong angle to make the play in the hole. Check out this thread:


Didn't really get bashed but I found this comment to be a bid odd from vols4life:

Getting Curt and Smith back this coming week will only improve this defense...and CTT will look at the film and fix AJ problems

Someone needs to tell this guy that a coach can't fix slow.
This is not a novel idea...great run stuffer, but gets exposed on short and intermediate crossing routes. He's still a solid LB, just lacking good sideline to sideline speed.

You have got it. Not much you can do coaching to cover that up.
You know I've always liked AJ and appreciated his game but it's pretty apparent (not just this year but last year) that he has a weakness in pass coverage. There was even an issue in pass coverage in the Austin Peay game. Last year, during the Akron game I can remember the slot receiver abusing AJ repeatedly. I actually think as a run and chase linebacker AJ is good--he appears to be put in a good position coaching wise so the only other conclusion you could draw is he's a notch below in the coverage skills.

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