AJ Johnson hurting us on pass plays?

GOOD LORD GUYS!!! Everything that has been said is pretty much spot on but there are a few things that need to be considered. First of all is that Petrino, as much as I dislike the man, is maybe the best at creating bad matchups as he schemes for a game. Running backs across the middle will ALWAYS be a mismatch for a linebacker like AJ. The only way to combat that is to go to a nickel package and that is typically a down and distance type defense. You guys are insane if you don't think AJ is a monster on stopping the run. If he gets isolated, as he did a few times Saturday, he should have help and he did. Teams will get yardage, a team coached by Petrino that has good talent like WKU does, will make plays. UT's defense will be fine. This Saturday may make you feel that's not true, but I think Oregon would likely ring up 40 on Bammer. You guys really just need to chill a bit. I read on here all the time that you would love to have Chavis back but his defenses were always of the bend don't break type. AJ will be fine and the defense will be fine.

Good post, but I would not classify Chavis' UT Ds in that way. While not blitz crazy due to usually deep talent, they were certainly aggressive and attacking Ds that tried to create havoc and mistakes. JMO.
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never mind that we were playing outside in coverage and the middle of the field was left to the linebackers to address ...after they check their run keys . Sounds easy ...but you must consider that this is a CBP offense that relies heavily on play action which makes those run keys look so much more real and makes an LB one or 2 steps late in their zones.

Our coaches schemed for Patrino and committed to the edges . The left the backers with two assignments , key the run and drop to zone . This paid off early with turnovers . It made the LBS look bad ..but as a team D it worked.

Patrino adjusted and attacked the middle . After the half we adjusted and shut that down opting for a more balanced D.

You really gotta know what you're looking at before you judge an individual. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
AJ isn't built for pass coverage. Look at former NC LB and current Titan LB Zack Brown. He has the supper long arms and is built for pass coverage, AJ isn't. But AJ will fight thru any blocker or blockers and tackle anyone with the ball. I'll take him all day making tackles. He is just a tough middle LB. GBO
So I'm listening to Ainge and he's talking about AJ being slower and not playing well in the pass defense. He thinks while AJ is a great player, but having him in there in certain passing situations is hurting our defense. I have to say that I tend to agree with this. I like AJ and think he's a great player, but there were some times in the WKU game where they got first downs in that middle. I was just curious as to what Volnation thought about this?

I tend to think that you put your best players on the field, especially in the position we're in, but those speedy Oregon players might eat that middle up this weekend.

A.J. reminds me of Herman Lathers.....
If you will all recall, Herman Lathers was a good linebacker but he could not help us in passing situations. He did well in the Senior Bowl in Montgomery, Alabama but still was not drafted. My guess is his not being effective in passing situaitions ruled out any chance he had of playing in the N.F.L.
Play a modified 3-3-5 with McCullers in the middle and Hood and Couch at end, Johnson at MLB. These 4 guys primary goal is clog the LOS with mass, allowing nothing between the tackles. The nickle back is a hybrid rover type, probably Moore. He works with AJ to defend the middle, switching up their keys to confuse O's schemes. AJ plays no part in pass coverage. If QB fakes handoff to RB, AJ blows that RB up, taking him out of the play. If QB drops back to pass with out the fake, AJ keys QB and may become the 4th rusher depending on other reads. DB's play zone. OLB's Brewer and Sapp need to be especially active, contain, bring the lumbar to running QB, an occasional well timed blitz. On short yardage plays, go back to base D if time to sub, if not AJ can move up to DE with Hood moving inside and the nickle/rover at MLB.

CBJ will have to use his TO's strategically. Wouldn't be surprised if most are used on defense.

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