I don't post often so ill say my piece and fade back into the viewing section.
I haven't read much but have already noticed several different versions of the incident. What is a common theme is the bashing of the police. Im am officer in middle Tennessee and don't know the reputation of UTKPD. But I ask you to put your self in the position of the police officers on scene. Again, I don't know the reason for the call but I assume it was a fight call. An officer arrived on scene and he has a group of football players that have been drinking and in a fight. Im a little dude compared to these guys so some might go into handcuffs if no one is cooperating and if I am out numbered. At least until I feel the situation is under control.
As far as the charges, I personally believe the resisting arrest charge is often misused. Yes, passive resistance is still resisting. But if I was being arrested I probably would give you the business too. Also, it is a college party. Of course there is going to be drinking and possibly minors there. Unless someone is physically injured or a property crime has occurred then I would've had them close down shop and call it a night. Im a training officer and stress to new recruits that we are only here to enforce criminal laws (some at our discretion) and to serve the public. Never are we to make anything personal and always remain professional. Unfortunately, there are a limited few that abuse their authority and walk a thin line on violating people's rights. These people seem to overshadow the good of law enforcement.
Due to the nature of the call and the people involved, supervisors were probably on scene. Officers then made LAWFUL arrest in fear that they would be reprimanded by their superiors for being lenient towards ut football players. Regardless, the officers made a decision and the defendants will have their time in court.
I just ask that you put yourself in the shoes of the police before bashing them. Ultimately, these are pretty minor charges and to be expected at a college. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. If there were no injuries or property crime, I personally would've looked the other way and asked for the party to shut down. Orange tinted sun glasses or not. Apologize for rambling along. Ill head back to the viewing section. GO VOLS!