It takes wisdom to understand wisdom.
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I understand people wanting to discuss controversial topics, but there is a time and a place for it. People come on here for news regarding UT sports, not to see if you a conservative or liberal. I have an opinion, but I realize that people don't want to read through it to get to the actual news. There is a forum set aside for this kind of discussion.
I'll agree with you wholeheartedly on the Patriot Act! However, that was created by your boy GWB, so you probably didn't really mean to include that one. IRS - really!?!
It should be a woman's right to choose and not man .......especially not yoursIf it walks like a duck
I have 3 kids and my wife lost one
I think a child is a gift and should not be treated as an inconvenience
If one does not want a child, they can give it up for adoption to another loving family
I also think its a little hypocritical that certain members of government push gun control " to save the lives of our children" yet in the next breath want it legal to murder one
It is the same, remember those movies in the 60's about the commie countries always asking for your papers? well, that is exactly what happens in today's check points in our country. Sad but true.
By gosh, someone here who actually understands politics and isn't blind sheep following a party line just cause someone said to do so. By any chance are you also an Independent?
I am thrilled you were able to escape the iron fist of communism! Regale us with the details of your incarceration.Yep, exactly the same. Just last decade when I was stopped at a sobriety checkpoint and I failed to provide ID, they threw me in a Siberian gulag for an indeterminate amount of time. I escaped just this morning and came here to warn others.
It takes two to tango
A man's parental rights are the most abused. He's not suppose to have a say but he better pay
More hypocritical thinking
Yep, exactly the same. Just last decade when I was stopped at a sobriety checkpoint and I failed to provide ID, they threw me in a Siberian gulag for an indeterminate amount of time. I escaped just this morning and came here to warn others.
Not only that. We actually have cases where a man had his sperm placed in cold storage for having babies with his wife at a later date. But then they have a falling out years later. Against his wishes, she gets herself inseminated with his sperm and court forces him to pay child support. The argument rejects his our bodies ourselves and says once he ejects his sperm it's no longer his. He has no say in whether or not his ex-wife may inseminate herself. Men face a lot of double standards in legal proceedings regarding rights relevant to children. i even recall a case where a guy had one child with a woman, he divorced her as she slept around. After divorce she had 2 additional children by other men and got the court to force him to pay for all three. That was even put on Dr. Phil several years ago if i recall right.
You think is funny, but we are really going down that road.:ermm: