AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

You know that is a extremely rare situation, are we to make policy based in very rare ocurrances?

We should damn well consider all of the potential consequences of a law (any law) before enacting it. I'm not even going to touch the abortion argument as pro or con, but I will say this:

Do you not see it as a little bit inconsistent to say "I need my gun because the police state is going to form and the people will need to rise up in an armed rebellion" and then 2 posts later to say "are we to make policy based in very rare occurrences?"
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Come on! We don't need a political debate here! This thread is about UT football! Not what side of the gun debate you're on! Take that to the politics forum!
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If your wife was pregnant and you were told that she would die if she had the baby I'm not sure you would be sitting quite so high atop your moral high horse.

Only 1% die in child birth. Mostly from complications during the birthing process. That can't be determined prior

It's not about safety its about having the freedom to rid yourself of the responsibility of being a parent. It means you can be a slut and then wipe the chalkboard clean
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If your wife was pregnant and you were told that she would die if she had the baby I'm not sure you would be sitting quite so high atop your moral high horse.

That's an exception and I accept its moral ambiguities. It's an unfathomable choice, but one that is extremely, extremely rare. But you shouldn't use that example as a means to justify something like abortion that too often is done out of convenience and a blatant disregard for life and not to save the life of the mother. BTW - having confidence in what you believe is not a moral high horse.
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Only 1% die in child birth. Mostly from complications during the birthing process. That can't be determined prior

It's not about safety its about having the freedom to rid yourself of the responsibility of being a parent. It means you can be a slut and then wipe the chalkboard clean

So tell us what you really feel about women.
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We should damn well consider all of the potential consequences of a law (any law) before enacting it. I'm not even going to touch the abortion argument as pro or con, but I will say this:

Do you not see it as a little bit inconsistent to say "I need my gun because the police state is going to form and the people will need to rise up in an armed rebellion" and then 2 posts later to say "are we to make policy based in very rare occurrences?"

How is that inconsistent? I support freedom, the least interference from a central goverment, the better! The least policies from a central authority the better! I want every conflict to be resolved at the local level! with only the individuals involved directly with said conflict taking part in the solution!:thumbsup:
This would have never happened if Dooley were still here.

Sorry, just trying to make sure we hit every major debate ever had on VN in one thread.
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The 2nd amendment is so far from being the most important that it's crazy. I'm not in favor of voluntarily surrendering any rights, but anyone who thinks that the right to own a gun is the most important right guaranteed under the constitution has obviously never considered what the removal of many of the other rights would be like.

Honestly, if all the other rights are respected and enforced properly, there's no need to have a gun. The 2nd protects against a somewhat far-fetched nightmare scenario. I'm not interested in giving it up but saying it's the most important shows that you've spent more time reading NRA pamphlets than the constitution.

The gun is to ensure the other rights are protected.:thumbsup:
Those who don't learn from History are doomed to repeat it

In all the history of the world, once the population is disarmed, they become victims of abuse at the hands of the governing

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Khmer Rouge, and many more, disarmed the populace in the name of safety.

General Yamamoto said that Japan could never defeat America by invading our country because a gun would be behind every blade of grass

Too often, people blame inanimate objects for the failings of society. Alcohol is not to blame for drunk drivers. Murders are not the will of a bad gun. Humans are the faults for all.

Safety can never be guaranteed no matter how safe Liberals want life to be.
Great Post
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You know that is a extremely rare situation, are we to make policy based in very rare ocurrances?

Policies are made all the time to protect minorities and just because it is "rare" does not mean that it doesn't deserve protection. What about rape or incest as well?
Stopping for five seconds at a sobriety checkpoint is hardly the same.

It is the same, remember those movies in the 60's about the commie countries always asking for your papers? well, that is exactly what happens in today's check points in our country. Sad but true.
That's often brought up. I find it very hard to believe that every single gun crime ever was committed using a stolen gun. The argument that "criminals will get guns no matter what the law is so why not just let them buy them legally with no restrictions" is crazy. If you prevent or deter even 1 death, isn't it worth it? Is convenience in the gun purchasing process THAT important?

I find it hard to say that my convenience is worth more than potentially the life of another American.

Good for you. Now go post a sign in your front yard saying "This is a gun free home".
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Policies are made all the time to protect minorities and just because it is "rare" does not mean that it doesn't deserve protection. What about rape or incest as well?

We do not need a "federal" policy telling us what to do, every comunity should resolve such situations on their own.
If your wife was pregnant and you were told that she would die if she had the baby I'm not sure you would be sitting quite so high atop your moral high horse.

Yea because reasons like that are the only times women decide to kill a child.

How is that inconsistent? I support freedom, the least interference from a central goverment, the better! The least policies from a central authority the better! I want every conflict to be resolved at the local level! with only the individuals involved directly with said conflict taking part in the solution!:thumbsup:

It is the same, remember those movies in the 60's about the commie countries always asking for your papers? well, that is exactly what happens in today's check points in our country. Sad but true.

:clapping: you give the govt an inch they will take a mile.
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Good for you. Now go post a sign in your front yard saying "This is a gun free home".

I love this stupid argument. Like 1 or 2 or even 10 guns will really matter if this so-called "apocalypse" happens that all you right-wingers are so worried about.

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