AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

So tell us what you really feel about women.

If it walks like a duck

I have 3 kids and my wife lost one

I think a child is a gift and should not be treated as an inconvenience

If one does not want a child, they can give it up for adoption to another loving family

I also think its a little hypocritical that certain members of government push gun control " to save the lives of our children" yet in the next breath want it legal to murder one
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Would it be better if it was YOU the one deciding? What about letting the people directly involved deciding?

That's the point - I'm not deciding - I'm leaving it up to the woman to make the decision - I'm not saying I believe that abortion is morally right - I just don't think you or I or anyone else has the right to make that decision for them. Also, all you right-wingers that are so anti-abortion are the same people that once the mother has a child and can't support the child automatically call them "freeloaders". Hypocrisy has no end.
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For example???

I will give you just one example:

remember that the income tax was enacted in 1913 for persons making 1 million dollars or more and it was to be temporary just to pay for our expenses related to the WW1 ? How is that working out today? Does not just about everybody have to pay such tax today? Is it not a good example of the goverment starting a limited action and then later expanding it to everybody?

How is that inconsistent? I support freedom, the least interference from a central goverment, the better! The least policies from a central authority the better! I want every conflict to be resolved at the local level! with only the individuals involved directly with said conflict taking part in the solution!:thumbsup:

It's inconsistent to say that policies shouldn't be based on rare situations when it comes to abortion but should be based on rare situations when it comes to gun control. I thought I was being pretty clear.

For clarity, I think that your nightmare scenario of an armed rebellion is highly unlikely.
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It's inconsistent to say that policies shouldn't be based on rare situations when it comes to abortion but should be based on rare situations when it comes to gun control. I thought I was being pretty clear.

For clarity, I think that your nightmare scenario of an armed rebellion is highly unlikely.

So it is rare for criminal gangs to take control of goverments? forgive me but history says otherwise. :thumbsup:
I'll go you one further....from someone who knows...trust me....IF AJ and OBrien resisted much at all....they are VERY fortunate not to be in the hospital today....as big as they are...most good cops wouldn't take much before the submission would begin...SO...probably a lot of restraint showed by the cops....

And here's where the false bravado kicks in that turns citizens off. Why would a cop be considered good if people being arrested ended up in the hospital?
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Dontchew tell me whir ta talk!
I got muh rights!

I understand people wanting to discuss controversial topics, but there is a time and a place for it. People come on here for news regarding UT sports, not to see if you a conservative or liberal. I have an opinion, but I realize that people don't want to read through it to get to the actual news. There is a forum set aside for this kind of discussion.
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