AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

People are getting shot in the freaking Fort, but God forbid some grown men have a few guests at their apartment. I hear the cops have gotten really bad over on Fraternity Row as of late, too.

What a waste of tax dollars.
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Does anyone know what we as a fanbase did to anger the football gods? Because it seems like this kind of crap is exclusive to Tennessee these days.
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Wait til ESPN gets wind of this! They will have this crap running across their screens for weeks!
Sounds like they were doing the hurry up and get inside and turn the lights off trick so they can't search and it didn't pan out as planned..
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Does anyone know what we as a fanbase did to anger the football gods? Because it seems like this kind of crap is exclusive to Tennessee these days.

I went to a Big12 school, and it is unbelievable how much pressure there is for law enforcement to look the other way. Heck, a football player could have some coke in hand at a party, and as long as he gave it up and didn't resist, nothing would EVER come of it.
I'm sure they could smell or tell

Can't be arrested for smell. You can flat say to a cop "I smoked weed ten minutes before you got here" and they can't arrest you for it.

Possession is a whole other story.
So if u smell like a drug....the police can then come to wherever u live and search it?

I believe so. Happens with motorists more often than it does with people in their homes, but yeah, it happens.

It's basically the loophole that allows them to have a legal search without having to acquire a search warrant.
Can't be arrested for smell. You can flat say to a cop "I smoked weed ten minutes before you got here" and they can't arrest you for it.

Possession is a whole other story.

But it gives them probable cause to search you....
So if u smell like a drug....the police can then come to wherever u live and search it?

KPD could say that a person of interest entered his residence & then walk right in if the party was at his apt. but if it wasnt then no they cant just go unlock his door and start tossing the place. Although, there may be some different guidelines on a school campus?

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