Akron was Dirty

As you know, our players are taught to hand the ball to the official that spots the ball, so we can go fast. I noticed several times, that after the play, their players tried to knock the ball out of our players hands on the way to the official. That was clearly taught by their coaches as s way to slow us down, and it is the definition of unsportsmanlike. The refs never called it, so things got chippy and out of hand. Morehead should be ashamed to coach such tactics, and the refs could have called it, and prevented things from getting chippy.
As you know, our players are taught to hand the ball to the official that spots the ball, so we can go fast. I noticed several times, that after the play, their players tried to knock the ball out of our players hands on the way to the official. That was clearly taught by their coaches as s way to slow us down, and it is the definition of unsportsmanlike. The refs never called it, so things got chippy and out of hand. Morehead should be ashamed to coach such tactics, and the refs could have called it, and prevented things from getting chippy.
Excellent post.
A player’s play is a reflection of their coach.
Akron’s was bad and dirty!
Moorhead is a POS………..
As you know, our players are taught to hand the ball to the official that spots the ball, so we can go fast. I noticed several times, that after the play, their players tried to knock the ball out of our players hands on the way to the official. That was clearly taught by their coaches as s way to slow us down, and it is the definition of unsportsmanlike. The refs never called it, so things got chippy and out of hand. Morehead should be ashamed to coach such tactics, and the refs could have called it, and prevented things from getting chippy.
Moorhead is an awful coach who has been a failure everywhere he's been, and he's failing at Akron right out of the gate.
This is why I think people shouldn't overreact on Calloway. I saw their players, several times, hit our guys in the face when the refs weren't looking. Often after plays were over and for no freakin' reason whatsoever. The game was well out of hand and they were still doing this stuff. It's obvious they were coached to do it.

Sure, Calloway shouldn't not have done what he did, but I think it was a culmination of all the dirty stuff the Akron players were doing throughout the game. And they continued doing it even after his ejection.
I agree, I cant see Calloway reacting that way for just the face swipe, it was something they were doing the whole game, I dont blame him sometimes you gotta just do what you gotta do, I wish he'd laid him out.
Watching the game, I couldn’t believe how dirty this Akron team really was.

I usually don’t mind pulling for the underdog against superior opponents but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they lost every game on their schedule.

It was a very ugly game to watch.
I'm with you here. I want them to lose and Moorehead get fired and sent to HS level coaching. Dirty play like that goes all the way to the head coach. I wish nothing but bad for Moorehead.

Edit: Actually I don't want him in HS level coaching getting innocent HS players hurt either.
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Moorhead is an awful coach who has been a failure everywhere he's been, and he's failing at Akron right out of the gate.
Other than the thuggery, they repped well…football wise. Showed some talent and a pulse. We were just that much better. They could have held their heads high if they weren’t so busy aiming them at our players knees.
Some of you have never played sports. When you are facing a team that is by consensus, far superior to your team—You often resort to any tactic possible in order to gain an edge. It’s just sports.
That's BS and I've played HS, College, and Pro.

Playing dirty consistently means your'e not good enough to perform the sport you participate in.

A little over agression now and then is understandable, but flat out going out there to be a goon is something else all together.
They ran their mouth all game and got the reaction they wanted especially from Callaway, it wasn't smart but I've been there where emotions take over but you've got to keep it in check when trying to get pt
Honestly don't think I have cursed & yelled at the TV more than last night, dirty play by akron, and the officiating was disgusting, especially the walking dead looking mofo.
I truly believe Huepel was content with it being 42-3… but Akron kept poking the bear so he poured it on. Ive seen us play in chippy games but none like this. Even after the game was over their QB #10 was talking crap to every UT player he seen in orange. Just disgraceful
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Watching the game, I couldn’t believe how dirty this Akron team really was.

- Their offensive lineman literally kept driving Tyler Baron to the ground when the play was already over.

- I saw at least two times where Hooker was hit below the knees after the ball left his hands.

- Their CB swiped Calloway in the face mask first then said something to set him off.

I usually don’t mind pulling for the underdog against superior opponents but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they lost every game on their schedule.

It was a very ugly game to watch.

Yeah, those guys suck. They should have just lined up, played fair without trying to injure players, and then went home with a fat check, but they brought a ton of attitude. Every time we dominated them was a pleasure, and I hope they lose every game.
I truly believe Huepel was content with it being 42-3… but Akron kept poking the bear so he poured it on. Ive seen us play in chippy games but none like this. Even after the game was over their QB #10 was talking crap to every UT player he seen in orange. Just disgraceful

That’s why They put the foot back on the gas pedal.

To bad we didn’t try an onside kick to try to score 70.
This is wrong. In war yes, you resort to such tactics, but this is a game and some of the things done could alter a players ability to continue to play the game. Or worse, their life long dream of playing professionally. I hope you are not coaching and promoting this in our youth

Once when my son was a senior (DL and playing with a torn ligament) a team went high and low on him every single possession (from start of game) like 5 times in a row.

The refs did nothing, however I got one of the coaches attention, let him know what was going on. Advised him I was filming the game and this would not continue. He talked with the D line coach who said he saw what was going on and spoke with the refs. The refs went and talked with the opposing head coach. That coach called a time out got his entire team together then the game resumed………it never happened again.

After the game “our” coaches thanked the other coach and acted impressed how he was able to stop what had been happening.

However it kind of made me more angry…..although I didn’t do or say anything. To me it was easy to see what was happening was “coached.” Sure this happened on occasion with any random team. However I had never seen anything like what happened before……nor had I ever seen a coach call a time out to talk to players…….then suddenly they know “how” your supposed to block…….now they know what’s legal and what’s not. They were simply told to do that and they did……until they were forced to stop.
That's BS and I've played HS, College, and Pro.

Playing dirty consistently means your'e not good enough to perform the sport you participate in.

A little over agression now and then is understandable, but flat out going out there to be a goon is something else all together.
We bought out the Army game to play these thugs. But at least we didn't have to play Army, right guys? Right?
Dude it was stupid
We bought out the Army game to play these thugs. But at least we didn't have to play Army, right guys? Right?
Yeah still very glad we didn't waste and entire week making a whole gameplan just to scrap it for an offense no one else uses while being chop blocked to death all game long. And beating them what? 45 to 13 instead of 63-6?
It’s a MAC team coming into a hostile environment playing in front of the most fans they will ever play in front of—as 47.5 point underdogs. It was to be expected.
How so? How is playing thug dirty “to be expected?” That’s complete BS
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How so? How is playing thug dirty “to be expected?” That’s complete BS
They went down early, were underdogs, were in a hostile environment, back against the wall, undermanned, outmatched, etc… what I’m saying is that by the time the 3rd quarter rolled around— our players (namely Callaway) should have known that their players would resort to extracurricular activity in order to try and turn the tide by any means necessary. You have to know that they will try anything in order to get back into that type of ballgame, or at least try to not lose by 50.
My whole family is military, my dad and pappaw served 26 years. Proud heritage from patriotic Americans.

Still not a good idea to play service academies who run the triple option offense. Their blocking scheme relies on pulling guards and "chip/cut blocks" which were supposed to be eliminated from the game by now....but are still alive and well. They involve blockers, many times a pulling guard, going below the waist to "cut down" our defensive linemen. These blocks, and the teams that use them, are notorious for causing serious injuries to ankles, knees, even groin muscles on defensive linemen which are just trying to do their jobs...

It is not worth taking the unnecessary risk to your players on the DL....especially before starting SEC play...there are plenty of teams to play which run conventional offenses like the ones our SEC foes will run.

Thanks for the insight and the family service,

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