Akron was Dirty

They went down early, were underdogs, were in a hostile environment, back against the wall, undermanned, outmatched, etc… what I’m saying is that by the time the 3rd quarter rolled around— our players (namely Callaway) should have known that their players would resort to extracurricular activity in order to try and turn the tide by any means necessary. You have to know that they will try anything in order to get back into that type of ballgame, or at least try to not lose by 50.
The dirty play started much earlier than you are saying. Their guy dove at Hooker’s knee after he optioned on the TD early in the game. Your take on this is simply wrong. They were a dirty team and I hope they go 1 and 11. Wish we had beaten them 80 to 6
Irons played a great game, but there were a few plays where he was kicking or fighting after the play and acting to the refs as though he’d been attacked.
And hit him in the face right before and pretended to be innocent

Calloway shouldn’t have done what he did though and definitely deserved the ejection

He also deserved to be pushed off the forks and thrown to the turf on the sideline by Merrill and an OL like he was.
My take is just that vol fans over react often and claim teams are dirty, when they aren’t. We also boo at calls, even when they’re correct.
There were bad calls in that game. Bru didn’t pass interfere, there wasn’t a “roughing the passer” in the 2nd, and there was a textbook target on Sampson on his first touchdown.
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This is why I think people shouldn't overreact on Calloway. I saw their players, several times, hit our guys in the face when the refs weren't looking. Often after plays were over and for no freakin' reason whatsoever. The game was well out of hand and they were still doing this stuff. It's obvious they were coached to do it.

Sure, Calloway shouldn't not have done what he did, but I think it was a culmination of all the dirty stuff the Akron players were doing throughout the game. And they continued doing it even after his ejection.

What Calloway did deserved punishment. One game I would say. You cannot use well an Akron player swiped him as a justification for throwing multiple punches. Calloway isn’t a freshman. He knew better. Did you see Hooker throw punches when he got hit low and it was dirty? No. Some of our other guys got chop blocked. Did you see them throw punches? No.
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Some of you have never played sports. When you are facing a team that is by consensus, far superior to your team—You often resort to any tactic possible in order to gain an edge. It’s just sports.

Any coach worth a **** would not allow his team to act like thugs to gain an advantage. Akrons QB is legit and he even acted like a thug. The Refs gave Akron all the edge they needed.
I don't think Tennessee should ever schedule Akron again in any sport. Tennessee should schedule someone like Kennesaw State or Jacksonville State.
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This is why I think people shouldn't overreact on Calloway. I saw their players, several times, hit our guys in the face when the refs weren't looking. Often after plays were over and for no freakin' reason whatsoever. The game was well out of hand and they were still doing this stuff. It's obvious they were coached to do it.

Sure, Calloway shouldn't not have done what he did, but I think it was a culmination of all the dirty stuff the Akron players were doing throughout the game. And they continued doing it even after his ejection.

What Calloway did deserved punishment. One game I would say. You cannot use well an Akron player swiped him as a justification for throwing multiple punches. Calloway isn’t a freshman. He knew better. Did you see Hooker throw punches when he got hit low and it was dirty? No. Some of our other guys got chop blocked. Did you see them throw punches? No.
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We bought out the Army game to play these thugs. But at least we didn't have to play Army, right guys? Right?

The academies have a history of low hits because of their lack of size. Especially OL blocking for the option.
It may have been worse.

Was Tennessee dirty for these two tackles while taking out the knees? Or was that just what they had to do to get the man on the ground?
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It's not a popular viewpoint, but some of the blame here lies on our coaching staff some would say.
We are up 49-3 at the point this altercation happens, if I recall correctly.
Isn't it somewhat on our coaches to "take the foot off the gas" against an obvious inferior opponent to keep the situation from escalating?

There were chippy shots, low blocks, a few shoves and pushes for several series before Calloway's incident - clear indications that Akron was frustrated.
It's kind of like when you got a little brother and you pick on him and then hold his head when he starts swinging so you're just out of arms reach...eventually he'll land a blow that'll piss you off !!!

All of that said, if we find ourselves in the same situation this week, I hope we hang an extra two or three scores on teh Gators just because !!!
No I don't think so. Dirty, bad sportsmanship is or should not be expected before a game. If this environment is expected, then steps should be taken BEFORE the game starts NOT after a play or plays just fan the flames.[/QUOTE
It was all very suspect on tv, so I can just imagine in person, (you generally get a better feel for what’s actually going on)
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Officials were sorry. Then again, you don’t get the A-team for UT v Akron. But the officiating was suspect at best, and incompetent at worst.
Yeah, I think they (refs) and possibly coaches? could have nipped a lot of that in the bud a lot earlier, before it escalated to the point that it did.. was probably a pressure cooker situation.. If I were Akron coach, I would have told Irons to dial it back
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We bought out the Army game to play these thugs. But at least we didn't have to play Army, right guys? Right?
Army also has the chop block history, go for the knees thing as well, it would have been injury city, I think we would be doing exactly what we are doing now lol
That player for Akron should have been tossed for targeting Hendon Hooker's knees
yeah didnt we have a stupid call against us vs pitt for hitting the legs? i saw hooker and multple wr's getting hit low multiple times, but i swear that hit to the legs call vs pitt is the only one time i've seen it in any ncaa game this year.
100% on the Akron coaching. They had a game plan right from the start. They were knocking the ball out of our players hands to prevent our guys from getting our tempo, there were 2 occasions I saw that our guys were very frustrated with it. One was Wright and the other was Calloway. Then the low hits started and a lot of jawing. I wouldnt do a thing to Calloway

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