‘23 AL RB Khalifa Keith (Tennessee)

Don't want to bump Eric Gray's thread but for those on here that said Small was way better than Gray preseason, Gray finished 18th in the country in rushing yards lol
I’m glad he wasn’t here.

No lol.
Let's see what Jabari does next season. Thru the first 3 seasons, they are every comparable. If anything that says more about Small. (Tougher comp).

If Jabari gets healthy this off season and rushes for 1300 yards then Small >>> Gray.

If Small hits 1300 next year that puts him at 2943 rushing, 3rd all time at UT
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Let's see what Jabari does next season. Thru the first 3 seasons, they are every comparable. If anything that says more about Small. (Tougher comp).

If Jabari gets healthy this off season and rushes for 1300 yards then Small >>> Gray.

If Small hits 1300 next year that puts him at 2943 rushing, 3rd all time at UT
I’ll say this, out of “3 stars” that have over performed, he’s definitely up there with Cam Sutton, Tillman, etc.
Gray is not a punk like To'o To'o. He was one of my faves, but he needed to go, and he went out of conference. I have fond memories of the guy. Never followed him after he left. Wish him well. I most remember him holding up the orange britches with Trey and beaming and the bowl game performance. I didn't like how he added "VFL" to his tweet of his leaving-early for the draft announcement but didn't mention us in the announcement. But it's not a big deal. Either way it sounds awkward (because it is) and I don't care.

But I'm riding with Small, Wright, Sampson, Seldon, and Keith. And if we portal up another, I'm good with that too.
Small also got all those rushes from 3 yards in at the goal line from the big plays to be fair
To be completely fair, this time last year everyone was in a worry exactly because we needed someone to punch it in like Small (and Fant) did all this year. I give Small and the OL props for it. I does the opposite of detracting from Small imo. Loved it.
We won 11 games without him

I say we did ok
I never said we suffered without him, or that we were any worse for not having him. I only said he'd have been great in this offense. Him being potentially successful in this offense and our current team success are separately independent ideas.
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Questionable logic equating my harmless belief that he'd have been successful in Heupel's offense to "crying over him".
He was gone. Pining for what he COULD HAVE DONE is textbook “crying”. Felt the same about posters who vexed over Tiyon Evans not loving us anymore. As Stephen Stills waxed eloquently “Love the one you’re with!”
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He was gone. Pining for what he COULD HAVE DONE is textbook “crying”. Felt the same about posters who vexed over Tiyon Evans not loving us anymore. As Stephen Stills waxed eloquently “Love the one you’re with!”

You'd be right if I were longing for him to have been at Tennessee within my post, but I wasn't. Innocently suggesting that a player would be an ideal fit for a particular offense isn't textbook anything. Jahmyr Gibbs would have killed it here, too. Saying so isn't crying over him. You're overthinking it, not to mention sensationalizing it, and now digging your heels in on the subject in your incessant desire to be right.
You'd be right if I were longing for him to have been at Tennessee within my post, but I wasn't. Innocently suggesting that a player would be an ideal fit for a particular offense isn't textbook anything. Jahmyr Gibbs would have killed it here, too. Saying so isn't crying over him. You're overthinking it, not to mention sensationalizing it, and now digging your heels in on the subject in your incessant desire to be right.
There’s nothing to be “right” about. Tired of the “if only” threads and posts about players who left for whatever reason. Feel free to ignore.
There’s nothing to be “right” about. Tired of the “if only” threads and posts about players who left for whatever reason. Feel free to ignore.
Sage advice. You may experience less VolNation heartache by following it, yourself.
Sage advice. You may experience less VolNation heartache by following it, yourself.
Key word FREE. I have ZERO “VolNation heartache” simply by doing WTF I want. It wasn’t “advice”. It was an alternative to a losing proposition. 😎
Key word FREE. I have ZERO “VolNation heartache” simply by doing WTF I want. It wasn’t “advice”. It was an alternative to a losing proposition. 😎
A losing proposition in a subject that "there is nothing to be right about" (your words). Interesting.

I guess as tired as you are of being so greatly troubled by the opinions of others re: other players who don't play for Tennessee, I'm equally bothered by your self-appointed duty to aggressively bark back at anyone and everyone who posts something that rubs you raw. I just choose to ignore it. Feel FREE to do the same. Or keep doing WTF you want. I've not lost an ounce of sleep over it yet, and I doubt that changes. <insert snarky butchna emoji>
A losing proposition in a subject that "there is nothing to be right about" (your words). Interesting.

I guess as tired as you are of being so greatly troubled by the opinions of others re: other players who don't play for Tennessee, I'm equally bothered by your self-appointed duty to aggressively bark back at anyone and everyone who posts something that rubs you raw. I just choose to ignore it. Feel FREE to do the same. Or keep doing WTF you want. I've not lost an ounce of sleep over it yet, and I doubt that changes. <insert snarky butchna emoji>
I’m wrong on this one.
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A losing proposition in a subject that "there is nothing to be right about" (your words). Interesting.

I guess as tired as you are of being so greatly troubled by the opinions of others re: other players who don't play for Tennessee, I'm equally bothered by your self-appointed duty to aggressively bark back at anyone and everyone who posts something that rubs you raw. I just choose to ignore it. Feel FREE to do the same. Or keep doing WTF you want. I've not lost an ounce of sleep over it yet, and I doubt that changes. <insert snarky butchna emoji>
Can’t believe you still haven’t put that guy on ignore?
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