‘23 AL RB Khalifa Keith (Tennessee)

Something VQ noted which is true is the fact that we didn't sub on offense. If you start a drive, you finish it. Small happened to start most drives. Barring a setback in the ball security and/or pass pro department, I think we could see Wright be that guy this year. Not sure why some are against it. If Wright is the starter full time this next season, it means the staff completely trusts that he fixed those issues, which would make him a premier SEC back. Not many players have his combination of size, speed, creation, drive, motor, explosiveness, etc
I agree. No disrespect to Small but I like Sampson better too... and the idea of someone with Seldon's raw athleticism at the position if he can learn the playbook and pass pro is pretty exciting.

Even if Small is considered #1, it is apparent he cannot hold up to the work load he's been given. He needs to be scaled back.
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Had to click “See ignored content” to see whom you’re responding. Took half a sec to remember why he was on my list. Remember BigOrangeVols fondly? 😏
I don't remember him, but my ignore list has grown quite a bit this past year.

It's grown MORE during the most successful season in the past 20 years lol
And I said "people". That means plural.

Butchna has added personality, wit, and when he wants to a much more comprehensive perspective on the college football world- for years!

All I've ever seen you do is insult me. That's the only reason I know you're on here...
If you don't like somebody- why even talk to them??
Never change, brother! 😅
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I agree. No disrespect to Small but I like Sampson better too... and the idea of someone with Seldon's raw athleticism at the position if he can learn the playbook and pass pro is pretty exciting.

Even if Small is considered #1, it is apparent he cannot hold up to the work load he's been given. He needs to be scaled back.
I think Sampson has more potential than Small, but haven't seen enough of him yet in important snaps to put him over Small at the moment
It does have Small as the starter vs Clemson.

I'm simply saying Wright's a better running back now than Small.
Which wasn't the case last year.
Tiyon was the better back last year, but Small is Mr. Reliable. He doesn't blow assignments. He doesn't fumble. He brings it every single day at practice and never complains and is coachable. I stated earlier this season that he isn't great at any one thing, but he's good at everything. He's a team first guy that has garnered the trust of his coaches. All this is affirmation of his work ethic and work habits. He's the least physically gifted of all of our running backs, yet he's the unquestioned leader of the room.
A losing proposition in a subject that "there is nothing to be right about" (your words). Interesting.

I guess as tired as you are of being so greatly troubled by the opinions of others re: other players who don't play for Tennessee, I'm equally bothered by your self-appointed duty to aggressively bark back at anyone and everyone who posts something that rubs you raw. I just choose to ignore it. Feel FREE to do the same. Or keep doing WTF you want. I've not lost an ounce of sleep over it yet, and I doubt that changes. <insert snarky butchna emoji>
Never known you to bark.....
I just don’t see why everybody keeps throwing small below every RB on the roster … all of our backs have one trait that the other don’t have so I think they complement each other well … y’all would be going on the same way if small decided to enter the transfer portal.
I just don’t see why everybody keeps throwing small below every RB on the roster … all of our backs have one trait that the other don’t have so I think they complement each other well … y’all would be going on the same way if small decided to enter the transfer portal.
Naw. Talent wise he’s 3rd best on the team. Once Sampson and Wright nail down the pass pro they will move ahead of him. Sure he battled through some injuries all year but I guarantee he doesn’t scare opposing defenses like the other two can.
Jaylen Wright doesn’t scare any opponents.. I have never seen him make a defender miss in the open field in 2 years..
Something VQ noted which is true is the fact that we didn't sub on offense. If you start a drive, you finish it. Small happened to start most drives. Barring a setback in the ball security and/or pass pro department, I think we could see Wright be that guy this year. Not sure why some are against it. If Wright is the starter full time this next season, it means the staff completely trusts that he fixed those issues, which would make him a premier SEC back. Not many players have his combination of size, speed, creation, drive, motor, explosiveness, etc

I wonder if the wrist issue he’s having surgery on was a reason for the fumbles.
Damn am I gonna have to block you too lol?

You have just decided to start insulting me out of nowhere!?
That's what I mean when I say "I don't know you".
I've never even replied to a message you've sent.
Never even had a disagreement/agreement about anything with you.
What is wrong with people like you? Obsessed with people that aren't even vaguely aware of you...

GAF life...
I'm not the only one with issues with you. There's plenty who don't like know it all attitudes.
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We rushed for 39 TD’s which lead the country so we get production from all of our runners. Maybe Heupel rewards Small for being the upperclassman, doing everything that has been asked of him, and being an example to the younger RB’s on how much work to put in to get better. We see the young guys getting better and we just assume it’s that they are more talented. Maybe they are but talent alone only goes so far. Having someone older to set the pace is crucial. It’s setting the right culture and that is going to pay dividends. Looks like it already has. Everyone can have their favorite for their own reasons and that’s cool just remember in a day and age of the portal/NIL loyalty should be rewarded. I think that’s why you see Small out there first IMO
Small is RB1. Makes few mistakes. Consistent in carries, in the passing game, and in his blocking assignments. Wright is more of a threat to take it to the house and is probably the more dynamic runner. Either Eric Gray or Tiyon Evans could have been studs in this offense. Not taking anything away from either Small or Wright. Still think Wright kills it next year.
Small is RB1. Makes few mistakes. Consistent in carries, in the passing game, and in his blocking assignments. Wright is more of a threat to take it to the house and is probably the more dynamic runner. Either Eric Gray or Tiyon Evans could have been studs in this offense. Not taking anything away from either Small or Wright. Still think Wright kills it next year.
Small is your high school girlfriend who is a 6 on a good day. Wright and Sampson are the two 8s you met the first month at college. At some point it’s time to let go of ole reliable for the potential of a greater payout.
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Small is RB1. Makes few mistakes. Consistent in carries, in the passing game, and in his blocking assignments. Wright is more of a threat to take it to the house and is probably the more dynamic runner. Either Eric Gray or Tiyon Evans could have been studs in this offense. Not taking anything away from either Small or Wright. Still think Wright kills it next year.
Small can't create a big play like Wright can. Won't matter until you play the good defenses and front 4s/7s. But I think Clemson was the ultimate proof of that where Small had 13 carries for 38 yards (2.8 ypc) and Wright had 11 for 89 (8.1 ypc). Even if you take out his one big run of 42 yards, then you have 10 carries for 47 yards (4.7 ypc)
I want to see Wright and Sampson both get stronger/bigger. Not by a whole lot, but 7-8 pounds. Fill out some and be able to run over people as at least part of their game
I want to see Wright and Sampson both get stronger/bigger. Not by a whole lot, but 7-8 pounds. Fill out some and be able to run over people as at least part of their game
I think Wright is pretty filled out now but Sampson could add some weight. He is smaller tho and his strength is his explosiveness so don’t want him to add too much weight tho
Small can't create a big play like Wright can. Won't matter until you play the good defenses and front 4s/7s. But I think Clemson was the ultimate proof of that where Small had 13 carries for 38 yards (2.8 ypc) and Wright had 11 for 89 (8.1 ypc). Even if you take out his one big run of 42 yards, then you have 10 carries for 47 yards (4.7 ypc)
It seems to me that the staff likes the direct up the middle runs to go extremely fast….. the overwhelming majority that small runs…. When we go off that then we give it to Wright…. Defenses start pinching down in the middle and that is one of the reasons why Wrights long run worked so well. I don’t care who they start… just win!!!
Wright has better vision, breaks more tackles, and has more speed than Small. However...if you had one defender between the RB and the endzone, Small is more likely to make that guy miss in the open field. They are both good backs, but I think we can all agree that Wright is probably going to be option #1 in 2023 if he's healthy. He developed from a solid RB to a playmaker in 2022. Glad we have both of those guys and Sampson.
Wright’s spin move is the best since Montario Hardesty. Uncanny balance that we haven’t had in our running back room since maybe Kamara and Kelly.
I think being shorter has its advantages in that regard. Lower center of gravity, allows for great spin moves. @me
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