'21 AL WR Roc Taylor (Memphis signee)

Irrelevant. You aren’t connected to JH staff and the TN athletic department. The fact that you have seen him play means nothing. You aren’t a D1 talent scout. You aren’t a D1 position coach.

Neither are you but I can tell you what is going on with Roc but you don't want to see it. Just want to make CJH out to be the bad guy in this when he is not
Neither are you but I can tell you what is going on with Roc but you don't want to see it. Just want to make CJH out to be the bad guy in this when he is not
Roc isn't the bad guy either. There is no bad guy in this scenario. But JH is the adult, and Roc is the kid. The mistake in all of this, IMO, is the timing. Do this last week, even late last week, and it's not as bad as the day before NSD.
Bad look for us.
Made it on Yahoo's page 😂 Like we need more negative lighting.

I'm sure there is a good reasoning but dang, hope it was worth it.

Good luck to Roc Taylor. Appreciate you sticking it out with us.
Bad look for us.
Made it on Yahoo's page 😂 Like we need more negative lighting.

I'm sure there is a good reasoning but dang, hope it was worth it.

Good luck to Roc Taylor. Appreciate you sticking it out with us.
It is meaningless. He was never signing here. No real negative consequences
This sounds like a good time for my “fix all the wrongs in recruiting plan”

1) there is no NSD anymore

2) recruits can sign the moment they commit

3) recruits get a one time release from an NLI if the HC leaves

4) the school can revoke an NLI if they choose but they lose that spot plus another.

Problem solved
I was hoping this kid would sign with us. But if grades are a concern as mentioned herein, the Vols cannot afford to use a ‘ship on someone who may not qualify. This holds especially true with all the departures via the transer portal. Just cannot afford to take the risk.

Maybe it would have been a different story if grades were not an issue - or maybe not. Anyway, wishing the kid the best of luck.
Neither are you but I can tell you what is going on with Roc but you don't want to see it. Just want to make CJH out to be the bad guy in this when he is not

So is it your assumption that Pruitt and his staff were not going to sign him? And that his offer was pulled either on ESD or before?
The only reason it made it to Yahoos page is because our fanbase is insane. If this was literally anywhere else I guarantee you nobody givsachit.
I disagree. Has nothing to do with our fanbase. It has everything to do with us currently being a raging dumpster fire and a regular punching bag for the media. You've been conditioned by that self-same media to blame the fans. It's never the fault of administrators, coaches, or an over zealous media, it's always "the fans". Only it's not.
So is it your assumption that Pruitt and his staff were not going to sign him? And that his offer was pulled either on ESD or before?

Yes, have you not been paying attention to this thread? I also told you outside of grades he got lazy and was no longer in football shape
Roc isn't the bad guy either. There is no bad guy in this scenario. But JH is the adult, and Roc is the kid. The mistake in all of this, IMO, is the timing. Do this last week, even late last week, and it's not as bad as the day before NSD.

Weezer - Your argument does not have any substance. The kid has not heard from the old staff or new staff in awhile. He was visiting other schools and trying to get other offers. If the person that offered you a job got fired and you have not heard from the company, why would you think you have a new job. The kid is not homeless so there are adults around him. Why would you want to go to a place that you are not wanted? I am betting that the new staff was unaware that this kid thought he had a scholarship.
This article was meant to embarass UT.
This is no disrespect to Roc but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if CJH didn’t know who he was until today or whenever his offer was pulled.
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Weezer - Your argument does not have any substance. The kid has not heard from the old staff or new staff in awhile. He was visiting other schools and trying to get other offers. If the person that offered you a job got fired and you have not heard from the company, why would you think you have a new job. The kid is not homeless so there are adults around him. Why would you want to go to a place that you are not wanted? I am betting that the new staff was unaware that this kid thought he had a scholarship.
This article was meant to embarass UT.
Only not everyone thinks like that. You're assuming this young man does. What makes sense to you or I may not to him. Just like you dismissing my argument as having no substance. I look at your argument and feel the same. Why? Because we think differently. We can't assume this young man sees things like we do. And I've yet to see where this kid has himself dissed UT for pulling his offer last minute. All the vitriol is coming from the adults that, as you pointed out, surround him. Would not surprise me in the least to find out he's not sure what to think.
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