Alabama football: At least five players have reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus

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If 5 players had pneumonia without symptoms would anyone be writing stories about the season being in jeopardy? Pneumonia can be really deadly. It puts people in the hospital. It can result in folks being put on a vent. There is no vaccine. It doesn't even require someone to pass it to you. It can just materialize based on environment and health conditions.

Interesting that these stories are being pushed just as something that unites people starts back up. Big Orange Country (and Americans in general) need positive things to coalesce around. College sports is one of those things. Look at how all the bickering and arguing stopped when the barrage of commitments started.

This is bigger than a virus now. Has been for a while. As a country we've let this virus do nothing but promote division. We see those chickens coming home to roost right now. College athletics brings us together with that team spirit that the athletic dept memo referenced. The risk from now playing is greater than the risk of playing.
There is absolutely a pneumonia vaccine. Just because you type false information doesn’t make it true.
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I agree, but thats not my point. I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of posters on here.
I agree both are dangerous. But in my opinion the societal implications of those protesting for basic human rights is so monumental for our country that it’s very hard to say it shouldn’t happen... even amidst this viral outbreak. It’s a far cry from attending a sporting event for entertainment. That said, I’m really looking forward to the football season; I just doubt I would attend unless things vastly improve.

By the way, to all posters comparing to the flu:

In the last 5 years annual flu deaths in the U.S. has ranged from 23,000 to 60,000 in a single season... which is 10 months long. COVID-19 by contrast has killed nearly 110,000 in about 3 months.

Deal with the current virus however you wish but the flu comparison is blatantly false and without merit. Those who continue to sprout this nonsense are either knowing spreading lies or too lazy to look up basic stats. Again, argue your stance - many points are valid - but the fly comparison is outfight ignorant of facts.
If 5 players had pneumonia without symptoms would anyone be writing stories about the season being in jeopardy? Pneumonia can be really deadly. It puts people in the hospital. It can result in folks being put on a vent. There is no vaccine. It doesn't even require someone to pass it to you. It can just materialize based on environment and health conditions.

Interesting that these stories are being pushed just as something that unites people starts back up. Big Orange Country (and Americans in general) need positive things to coalesce around. College sports is one of those things. Look at how all the bickering and arguing stopped when the barrage of commitments started.

This is bigger than a virus now. Has been for a while. As a country we've let this virus do nothing but promote division. We see those chickens coming home to roost right now. College athletics brings us together with that team spirit that the athletic dept memo referenced. The risk from now playing is greater than the risk of playing.
Again, I think we should play and feel wholeheartedly about that. But I just dont trust those in power and those that make decisions about this stuff and this is why I am back to having serious doubts about the season.

I think we are only going to see more and more cases being reported on football players as they report to campus and even though the stats show that young people are not at high risk, the older folks that they come in to contact with (coaches, support staff, professors, employees on campus, etc) are at high risk and those people won't be able to be on campus. Anyone that has it will have to quarantine and then you have to wonder what about all those that test negative that were exposed to it, will they be required to quarantine too? Its just gonna be a huge mess with all the restrictions they are putting out there. Its part of the reason our church is doing outdoor services right now because of all the restrictions and rules we have to follow to meet indoors. Just a lot less clean up and sanitizing outdoors.

I think its all ridiculous myself, but I am thinking from other side of the argument and what their talking points are going to be.
I guess ALL those players over the age of 75 better WATCH OUT!


Sure, go ahead and make light of it—ignore the fact that those with the virus could likely contaminate others who are older or otherwise compromised. The risk isn’t so much to the young and healthy-/ it’s the risk of others that they expose.
There is absolutely a pneumonia vaccine. Just because you type false information doesn’t make it true.

Learn something everyday. I apologize for the misinformation.

So I looked it up, the vaccine only protects against a portion of the pneumonia causing bacteria. It's estimated to be 60-70% effective in healthy people and less effective in people with compromised systems. So, I'll restate as follows and my original point will still be valid: Despite the fact that both flu and pneumonia vaccines exist, both have statistically significant gaps in efficacy such that many people still contract and die from the diseases annually. So if 5 players tested positive for either of those without symptoms, my point is still valid. There would be no news articles or panic.
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Learn something everyday. I apologize for the misinformation.

So I looked it up, the vaccine only protects against a portion of the pneumonia causing bacteria. It's estimated to be 60-70% effective in healthy people and less effective in people with compromised systems. So, I'll restate as follows and my original point will still be valid: Despite the fact that both flu and pneumonia vaccines exist, both have statistically significant gaps in efficacy such that many people still contract and die from the diseases annually. So if 5 players tested positive for either of those without symptoms, my point is still valid. There would be no news articles or panic.
I do respect your opinion but pneumonia shouldn’t even be in this conversation as we discuss airborne viruses that can be transmitted person to person.

Look, this is a hell of a conundrum. If you’re in your 20s and have very low risk of developing fatal complications then congratulations. But, there should at least be an understanding of those who aren’t. More people have died of this virus in the US inThe last 3 months than have died from the flu in the last 3 years combined. It’s much more contagious and thus more deadly. Anyone pretending otherwise either has a bad news source or is knowingly misleading people.

Just google “Flu deaths in US” and pick a credible site like John’s Hopkins.. and notice a flu season is 10 months long. This thing is raging through society in just 3 months - and that’s with state lockdowns. Imagine the death toll has everyone continued to gather.

On the other hand, I get the economic issues. I pray there is an end soon as those without work are suffering. But, in the end, I personally must protect my family by making the right choices.
...By the way, to all posters comparing to the flu:

In the last 5 years annual flu deaths in the U.S. has ranged from 23,000 to 60,000 in a single season... which is 10 months long. COVID-19 by contrast has killed nearly 110,000 in about 3 months...
If the flu deaths were counted like the COVID-19 deaths, the flu numbers might be higher than they are. For COVID-19, deaths in some states are labeled as COVID-19 if the person had the virus at the time of their death regardless of whether the virus was responsible for their death. There have been a number of reports of obvious bias in the reporting (e.g., gunshot victims classified as COVID-19 deaths simply because they had the virus when they were shot; patients in hospice due to cancer and died but were counted as COVID-19 as they tested positive after death). The virus is serious and precautions need to be taken, but the risk of death to otherwise healthy people is low.

In Knox County, there has been 1 COVID-19 death for people under the age of 74 (that person was in the 45-64 age group). There have been 4 deaths for people over the age of 75. Data was not reported on other health factors that may have played a role in the deaths. Out of 470,313 people in the county, there have been 5 deaths. Hopefully, the warmer weather will decrease the incidents of COVID-19 as happens with many viruses.
It’s not absurd at all. They have a better chance of dying from the flu
Can you provide a source for this statement? I’m an ER physician, have practiced medicine for 10 years and have NEVER seen someone die from the flu. The flu can predispose people to secondary infections, leading to pneumonia and sepsis, and I’ve seen people die from sepsis. I’ve just never seen people die from just the flu. COVID19 is very very different.

It is not a simple respiratory virus. In addition to causing a flu-like syndrome (which can lead to pneumonia and sepsis just like the flu) it is also associated with formation of blood clots which can cause strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary emboli. In the sickest patients it causes what is called cytokine storm, which is an overreaction by the body’s own immune system that causes lung tissue and endothelial damage which can lead to flash pulmonary edema and severe respiratory distress (You leak fluid out of your smallest blood vessels in your lung and drown from the inside.)

It is not a joke, it is not fake, it is not a hoax. I am saying this only to try to save lives. If even one of you that liked the above post takes my warning seriously and decides to wear a mask or wash your hands or socially distance, then it is worth getting roasted by the entire site.

If you’re not convinced yet that the flu is not more deadly than covid19, you may want to look at the numbers again. My guess is that you’ve been saying “the flu is worse” for the past few months, when you first repeated the statement there were probably only 10,000 Covid19 deaths. We’re almost to 110,000 deaths now. Thats not to mention that the CDC reports flu deaths very differently than they are reporting COVID19 deaths. An algorithm is used to estimate how many deaths MAY have been caused by the flu each year. If flu deaths were reported like coronavirus deaths the numbers would be much much lower than the numbers you seem to be referring to. Unfortunately even with the inflated algorithm flu numbers, covid19 is much much more deadly than the flu.

I love my state, I love the Vols, and messages like yours are dangerous. We are still in the middle of the pandemic. It is not going away anytime soon, and the worst has not hit our state yet. Please be safe and don’t get your information from politicians. Listen to the medical experts. And if the news sources and social media posts are telling you that doctors are lying to you and it’s all fake, you may want to reevaluate where you get your news as it may end up costing you or your loved ones your life.

Study Shows COVID-19 Body Count 20 Times Higher Than Seasonal Flu Deaths

COVID-19 and Pulmonary Embolism -
Can you provide a source for this statement? I’m an ER physician, have practiced medicine for 10 years and have NEVER seen someone die from the flu. The flu can predispose people to secondary infections, leading to pneumonia and sepsis, and I’ve seen people die from sepsis. I’ve just never seen people die from just the flu. COVID19 is very very different.

It is not a simple respiratory virus. In addition to causing a flu-like syndrome (which can lead to pneumonia and sepsis just like the flu) it is also associated with formation of blood clots which can cause strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary emboli. In the sickest patients it causes what is called cytokine storm, which is an overreaction by the body’s own immune system that causes lung tissue and endothelial damage which can lead to flash pulmonary edema and severe respiratory distress (You leak fluid out of your smallest blood vessels in your lung and drown from the inside.)

It is not a joke, it is not fake, it is not a hoax. I am saying this only to try to save lives. If even one of you that liked the above post takes my warning seriously and decides to wear a mask or wash your hands or socially distance, then it is worth getting roasted by the entire site.

If you’re not convinced yet that the flu is not more deadly than covid19, you may want to look at the numbers again. My guess is that you’ve been saying “the flu is worse” for the past few months, when you first repeated the statement there were probably only 10,000 Covid19 deaths. We’re almost to 110,000 deaths now. Thats not to mention that the CDC reports flu deaths very differently than they are reporting COVID19 deaths. An algorithm is used to estimate how many deaths MAY have been caused by the flu each year. If flu deaths were reported like coronavirus deaths the numbers would be much much lower than the numbers you seem to be referring to. Unfortunately even with the inflated algorithm flu numbers, covid19 is much much more deadly than the flu.

I love my state, I love the Vols, and messages like yours are dangerous. We are still in the middle of the pandemic. It is not going away anytime soon, and the worst has not hit our state yet. Please be safe and don’t get your information from politicians. Listen to the medical experts. And if the news sources and social media posts are telling you that doctors are lying to you and it’s all fake, you may want to reevaluate where you get your news as it may end up costing you or your loved ones your life.

Study Shows COVID-19 Body Count 20 Times Higher Than Seasonal Flu Deaths

COVID-19 and Pulmonary Embolism -

You’re welcome to look up. I’ve already posted it twice at this point.

Edit: also seems disingenuous to say people die from sepsis instead of the flu, given that the sepsis is typically caused by influenza.
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Can you provide a source for this statement? I’m an ER physician, have practiced medicine for 10 years and have NEVER seen someone die from the flu. The flu can predispose people to secondary infections, leading to pneumonia and sepsis, and I’ve seen people die from sepsis. I’ve just never seen people die from just the flu. COVID19 is very very different.

It is not a simple respiratory virus. In addition to causing a flu-like syndrome (which can lead to pneumonia and sepsis just like the flu) it is also associated with formation of blood clots which can cause strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary emboli. In the sickest patients it causes what is called cytokine storm, which is an overreaction by the body’s own immune system that causes lung tissue and endothelial damage which can lead to flash pulmonary edema and severe respiratory distress (You leak fluid out of your smallest blood vessels in your lung and drown from the inside.)

It is not a joke, it is not fake, it is not a hoax. I am saying this only to try to save lives. If even one of you that liked the above post takes my warning seriously and decides to wear a mask or wash your hands or socially distance, then it is worth getting roasted by the entire site.

If you’re not convinced yet that the flu is not more deadly than covid19, you may want to look at the numbers again. My guess is that you’ve been saying “the flu is worse” for the past few months, when you first repeated the statement there were probably only 10,000 Covid19 deaths. We’re almost to 110,000 deaths now. Thats not to mention that the CDC reports flu deaths very differently than they are reporting COVID19 deaths. An algorithm is used to estimate how many deaths MAY have been caused by the flu each year. If flu deaths were reported like coronavirus deaths the numbers would be much much lower than the numbers you seem to be referring to. Unfortunately even with the inflated algorithm flu numbers, covid19 is much much more deadly than the flu.

I love my state, I love the Vols, and messages like yours are dangerous. We are still in the middle of the pandemic. It is not going away anytime soon, and the worst has not hit our state yet. Please be safe and don’t get your information from politicians. Listen to the medical experts. And if the news sources and social media posts are telling you that doctors are lying to you and it’s all fake, you may want to reevaluate where you get your news as it may end up costing you or your loved ones your life.

Study Shows COVID-19 Body Count 20 Times Higher Than Seasonal Flu Deaths

COVID-19 and Pulmonary Embolism -

From one health care professional to another, thank you. Keep saying it. If even one person listens, it will make a difference.

Stay safe.
You’re welcome to look up. I’ve already posted it twice at this point.

Edit: also seems disingenuous to say people die from sepsis instead of the flu, given that the sepsis is typically caused by influenza.

I’m not being disingenuous, I’m being the exact opposite. You don’t have to listen to me. I hope you and your family stay safe. Go Vols.
It is absurd to some. I think its absurd that either one of you think you have a clue what's absurd and what's not about this thing. Lol. People still getting it and still dying. Life has to go on for the rest of us, but this can't just be ignored.

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