I do respect your opinion but pneumonia shouldn’t even be in this conversation as we discuss airborne viruses that can be transmitted person to person.
Look, this is a hell of a conundrum. If you’re in your 20s and have very low risk of developing fatal complications then congratulations. But, there should at least be an understanding of those who aren’t. More people have died of this virus in the US inThe last 3 months than have died from the flu in the last 3 years combined. It’s much more contagious and thus more deadly. Anyone pretending otherwise either has a bad news source or is knowingly misleading people.
You are simply wrong. I posted information above demonstrating that Covid-19 is being overcounted while the flu is significantly undercounted by comparison.
If we were counting flu related deaths the way we're counting Covid related deaths then we would have well over 100K every year in spite of having vaccines and treatments.
My sources... are the horses' mouths.
Just google “Flu deaths in US” and pick a credible site like John’s Hopkins.. and notice a flu season is 10 months long. This thing is raging through society in just 3 months - and that’s with state lockdowns. Imagine the death toll has everyone continued to gather.
So if you pour a gallon of water into a bucket at .5 gal/min or 1 gal/min... how much water ends up in the bucket? Spreading deaths over 12 months instead of 6 does not save lives. It may in fact inhibit herd immunity while weakening immune systems due to "sheltering" and create more Covid infections and deaths.
The ONLY legitimate argument ever made for the shutdowns was the possibility that medical resources could be overwhelmed... and that never came close to occurring. Not even in NY.
The lockdowns have not proven effective at preventing the spread. Looking around the world there is no direct correlation between deaths and the aggressiveness of national lockdown policies. Japan really blows a hole in that notion. They did not aggressively lock down. They apparently quarantined symptomatic cases. They are a very densely populated country with Tokyo larger and denser than NYC. Japan currently has under 17K cases and under 1000 deaths.
It will take years and comparative studies with other national responses and pandemics to know if they even slowed the spread. It is unlikely that even a single death was prevented though you might argue that a different person died from Covid later than would have died earlier. In the end, you will very likely see the lockdowns very "quietly" discredited. It won't get the news coverage that the Covid hysteria has.
The social distancing and lockdowns deployed... have NEVER been studied or peer reviewed. The plan appears to have developed under Bush in response to a flu pandemic... and is possibly based on an 8th grader's science project.
Although our top officials were not very forthcoming early on, we now know to a significant degree who is and is not vulnerable. We should educate and protect the vulnerable and stop the scare-mongering of everyone else.
On the other hand, I get the economic issues. I pray there is an end soon as those without work are suffering. But, in the end, I personally must protect my family by making the right choices.
The right choices have to be based on true information and a valid risk assessment. The problems with the numbers and misleading information being thrown at us make that more difficult than it should be.
In the end, the overreaction to Covid-19 is likely to create far more collateral damage in terms of lives, years of life, and standard of living than the virus itself.