Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I didn't say she was a victim, did I? She chose this career and from everything I have seen... she loves every minute of it. I'm saying that the right has chosen to focus on her for things which have nothing to do with policy. The right is resentful of who she is.

I disagree , the right is just making fun of her crazy ideas and ideology . I don’t see a difference in making fun of her vs let’s say Pelosi both are looney in what they say in public
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I didn't say she was a victim, did I? She chose this career and from everything I have seen... she loves every minute of it. I'm saying that the right has chosen to focus on her for things which have nothing to do with policy. The right is resentful of who she is.
So you speak for the right now as well?
No more looney than Maxine Waters or Bernie Sanders or even Sheila Jackson Lee... so, what is different about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? She is young, charismatic and in the eyes of some - attractive. This obsession with her comes from resentment... not policy.
From my point of view, I don't understand how someone who was a bartender 6 months ago, wins a primary in a Democratic district where she got maybe 15,000 votes, and now we should be interested in anything she has to say. I concede that she MAY know something about mixed drinks. She has no experience doing anything. I think the whole phenomenon is a joke perpetrated by the media.
From my point of view, I don't understand how someone who was a bartender 6 months ago, wins a primary in a Democratic district where she got maybe 15,000 votes, and now we should be interested in anything she has to say. I concede that she MAY know something about mixed drinks. She has no experience doing anything. I think the whole phenomenon is a joke perpetrated by the media.
It's clickbait
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I disagree , the right is just making fun of her crazy ideas and ideology . I don’t see a difference in making fun of her vs let’s say Pelosi but are looney in what they say in public
It's much more than that... There was a segment this morning on Fox & Friends which discussed her not smiling during the State of the Union Address... someone from the right posted a video of her dancing from when she was in college because they thought it would make her look bad. There is an idiot who appears on Fox News to say that she went by "Sandy" in school because she wanted to sound more "white". There are other such pathetic examples which have nothing to do with ideology but instead show a resentment of who she is... and a need to attack it.
No ones defending the mainstream media nor does the media accurately represent pretty much anything
It's much more than that... There was a segment this morning on Fox & Friends which discussed her not smiling during the State of the Union Address... someone from the right posted a video of her dancing from when she was in college because they thought it would make her look bad. There is an idiot who appears on Fox News to say that she went by "Sandy" in school because she wanted to sound more "white". There are other such pathetic examples which have nothing to do with ideology but instead show a resentment of who she is... and a need to attack it.

Nobody resents her, she is an absolute moron. Her ridiculous policies are attacked as much as anything else she does. The girl is bats**t crazy.
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From my point of view, I don't understand how someone who was a bartender 6 months ago, wins a primary in a Democratic district where she got maybe 15,000 votes, and now we should be interested in anything she has to say. I concede that she MAY know something about mixed drinks. She has no experience doing anything. I think the whole phenomenon is a joke perpetrated by the media.
Exactly! I feel the same way. So, why is the right making such an emphasis of her? This is about resentment. You don't feel like she deserves to be in Congress and you resent her for not only being there but also having the nerve to be young and happy.
Nobody resents her, she is an absolute moron. Her ridiculous policies are attacked as much as anything else she does. The girl is bats**t crazy.
You wouldn't be talking so much about such a frivolous person if there wasn't a tinge of resentment behind it.
Or, her life experience and the life experiences of those she is around on a regular basis have led her to a specific set of beliefs. Experience is a cruel teacher.

We should always make a good-faith effort to see people's opinions through their eyes and their formation - especially if they have a view we disagree with. Our ability to examine issues from multiple perspectives is one of the few things that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
Outside of combat, abject poverty, or family tragedy how does a 29 year old have enough life experience to impart wisdom on anyone? She’s an idealistic hipster with a four year degree that got her a gig tending bar.
I still think that suqhhh or whatever his name is, may be the same troll we had on here that supposedly worked in D.C. for Susan Collins.
Well if hes gonna troll, he should add more comedy to it
It's much more than that... There was a segment this morning on Fox & Friends which discussed her not smiling during the State of the Union Address... someone from the right posted a video of her dancing from when she was in college because they thought it would make her look bad. There is an idiot who appears on Fox News to say that she went by "Sandy" in school because she wanted to sound more "white". There are other such pathetic examples which have nothing to do with ideology but instead show a resentment of who she is... and a need to attack it.

You mean like ummm Mike Pence sitting to still during a news conference , I shouldn’t even have to mention the memes and gifs on Trump , Pelosi ,” Cryin Chuck “, Aunty Maxine ... come on , she’s a big girl now in big girl politics it comes with that big pay check and beni’s .
Exactly! I feel the same way. So, why is the right making such an emphasis of her? This is about resentment. You don't feel like she deserves to be in Congress and you resent her for not only being there but also having the nerve to be young and happy.
Haha yeah young and happy.
That was a better job. Subtle
Exactly! I feel the same way. So, why is the right making such an emphasis of her? This is about resentment. You don't feel like she deserves to be in Congress and you resent her for not only being there but also having the nerve to be young and happy.
My view is one of wonderment that you folks pull out some no name with a thin resume as your next savior. The whole phenomenon is not unlike B. Hussein Obama.
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Obviously it is going to depend and I have stated that throughout. As per your specific example, 400k house at 30 yr mortgage we will say along with your other parameters. A family income of 150-200k per year would achieve that.

What always happens is that we go after the very top earners and you all throw in a high middle class earner and say "You are hurting them too." Like I said let's start at the top and work down.

Yes it's subjective, yes there are differences, no there is not a perfect system. But this current system as with any Reaganomics/Libertarian dream is not going to be supported.
Try that. The guy that owns your hospital that you work at just shut it down. Speaking in future tense of course.
It's much more than that... There was a segment this morning on Fox & Friends which discussed her not smiling during the State of the Union Address... someone from the right posted a video of her dancing from when she was in college because they thought it would make her look bad. There is an idiot who appears on Fox News to say that she went by "Sandy" in school because she wanted to sound more "white". There are other such pathetic examples which have nothing to do with ideology but instead show a resentment of who she is... and a need to attack it.
If you're for womens rights how do you sit on your hands when human trafficking arrests were mentioned?
How do you sit on your hands when the little girl that beat cancer was mentioned?
How can you not clap for a cop that was shot 7 times or for those Veterans that could hardly stand?

She deserves every bit of scrutiny she's getting. Welcome to the big league O-Crazio.
My view is one of wonderment that you folks pull out some no name with a thin resume as your next savior. The whole phenomenon is not unlike B. Hussein Obama.
And who in the hell has done that? That is crazy. After 10 years or so in the House, she will be hosting a talk show (and probably making a lot of money). I don't see anyone on the left making her out to be something she is not... and never will be.
That wouldn't even start to touch it. Tearing down every building in the US and building it back would easily cost that without any of their other BS.

And what state would be gone from Gov domain? You would need a landfill the size of Kansas. Lol
I pick Minnesota since they typically been picking some radicals to go to Congress out there
If you're for womens rights how do you sit on your hands when human trafficking arrests were mentioned?
How do you sit on your hands when the little girl that beat cancer was mentioned?
How can you not clap for a cop that was shot 7 times or for those Veterans that could hardly stand?

She deserves every bit of scrutiny she's getting. Welcome to the big league O-Crazio.
Well, she did air mail a high five, you got to give her that.
And who in the hell has done that? That is crazy. After 10 years or so in the House, she will be hosting a talk show (and probably making a lot of money). I don't see anyone on the left making her out to be something she is not... and never will be.
Why is the media covering her?

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