Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

One of my kids was altruistic and decided she didn't care how much money she would earn, she just wanted to help people and went into lowest paying job she could get with a college degree, social work. Well after two years she wised up and went into business and is much happier.
I think besides the pay its also just incredibly thankless work. nothing ruins good will like seeing more people take advantage than those thankful.
I won't go into it, but I'm following my calling. I'm ok with not making Megabucks if I can increase the quality of future teachers and weed out the idiots and convince them to go work at 7-11 or sell Amway instead.
As a student teacher, my wife caught another teacher's daughter cheating with another student while in her class. She didn't say a word but stood near them while they took the test, so they couldn't cheat. The student made a "D" on the test, bringing her grade for the 6 weeks down to a "B". She then gave the student a "B" for the 6 week period.

The teacher she was working under told her that this student was a straight "A" student, and she had to work with the student's mother, and told her to change the student's grade. My wife refused, and subsequently the teacher went behind her and changed the grade from a "B" to an "A.

Shortly before that, my wife went into the teacher's lounge one day on a break, and listened to a bunch of bitter, middle age teachers talk about how many years left until retirement. She came home that night and said that she didn't want to wind up like that. The grade change cemented her view of the educational system, and drove her to the private sector. It was a good decision.
I appreciate that, i really do.
And I really mean it.

On the off occasions I have not flown Delta (flying for work and another airline was much cheaper) it hasn't gone well. At all. It of course doesn't go 100% according to plan on Delta either but the times it hasn't, I've complained and gotten compensated. :)
I stand to make less than I did teaching at a middle school in a poor county, by about $6k. With more committee meetings and a higher research load.

In higher education, you can eat well (administration) or sleep well (professor).

I sleep better with a full belly.
I learned this from my nephew. Pegasus is a proper noun as it refers to a specific animal by name so you can't have "a" Pegasus. If you wanted a winged horse you want a pterippus, which you could name whatever you wanted.

That kid is pretty damn geeky but he's sure as hell smart.

That sounds radically perverted. Like some kind of super sexually confused deviant.
Actually, very glad you brought this up.
I had completely forgotten a point that is pivotal to the healthcare debate.

For those against national care, you ask why should I have to pay for someone else's care. Well, you already do. When someone who is uninsured has to use the hospital, the hospital can't refuse them. They get the care, can't pay the crazy amount and the hospital then has to eat the cost. They do that by raising costs and insurance premiums on everyone. The only difference is that under our system we cant negotiate prices as effectively and the uninsured don't have to pay in (post mandate repeal).

So if we had single payer health coverage, and the same person came into the same ER with the same problem, wouldn't others still be paying for the ER visit? The big thing that libs haven't figured out is that there's no free lunch; and when you penalize and disincentivize those who work harder to earn more, the "free lunch" just becomes more expensive. Socialist utopias all over the world have proven it time and time again. First chance you get, go to Cuba and get an education on what liberalism/socialism gets you.
She's doing it to herself. Pelosi can't stand her. She makes the most extreme Democrat look sane. As for her huge following on social media it's no different than Taylor swift, it's a bunch of kids that don't know their azz from a hole in the ground like this kid showing up out of nowhere today.

I thought he'd probably graduate, go to work, and start realizing how much more intelligent his parents and elders had become in such a short time span, but I'm doubting it with this one. If he's representative of the whole generation, we're in deep ****.
From my point of view, I don't understand how someone who was a bartender 6 months ago, wins a primary in a Democratic district where she got maybe 15,000 votes, and now we should be interested in anything she has to say. I concede that she MAY know something about mixed drinks. She has no experience doing anything. I think the whole phenomenon is a joke perpetrated by the media.

Apparently AOC (with some other local politicians) has been railing against Amazon. The outcome: Amazon is reconsidering it's second headquarters in NY. Way to go.
Apparently AOC (with some other local politicians) has been railing against Amazon. The outcome: Amazon is reconsidering it's second headquarters in NY. Way to go.

I hope it happens. They deserve what they voted for.
I just listened to Elizabeth Warren trying to apologize for not being a tribal member. Damn, she is an educated idiot.

It's even worse that she and her fellow idiots have been teaching the next generation ... which brings up zaq

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