Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Absolutely. Look at who the dems have out there running. Are they intentionally trying to give the election to Trump? I find it fascinating to watch.
They all continue to try to out-left one another. The debates for their primary will boil down to this: I hate America more than anyone up here, no I do, no I do, no I do , no I do etc.. oh and Trump is a lying racist homophobic blah blah
If you're you're going to put yourself out there in the public eye, i.e. run for office and you say stupid stuff, I think you can expect to be skull dragged over it. If you continually do it time after time, who's fault is it? What's the old saying? "Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice shame on me."

You're implication that because people make fun of her, they are somehow scared of her, is wrong imo. That's one reason I come over here to the political forum, to see what she's done now. It gives me a quick chuckle. That and the meme thread.

It's funny because people posed these same points when a certain reality star was making his 3rd run for POTUS.
Yeah, I'm not sure you want to play that "popularity" game in regards to her...

I'm not so sure you want to discount the inevitable future of the Democratic party as some "silly girl."

Like it or not, a great many people her age think just like her. I'm not particularly excited about it, but maybe it's because I'm not short-sighted.
I'm not so sure you want to discount the inevitable future of the Democratic party as some "silly girl."

Yeah, that's the funny thing.

Like it or not, a great many people her age think just like her. I'm not particularly excited about it, but maybe it's because I'm not short-sighted.

And that's downright scary.
I'm not so sure you want to discount the inevitable future of the Democratic party as some "silly girl."

Like it or not, a great many people her age think just like her. I'm not particularly excited about it, but maybe it's because I'm not short-sighted.
If Republicans and conservatives truly thought she was some "silly girl," they wouldn't be talking about her like they do.

Generally speaking in politics, you spend time criticizing, critiquing, and demonizing people and movements that you perceive as a threat. If you aren't worried about the threat something poses, you don't spend time attacking it. The GOP knows that a great many people her age think just like her, just as you said.

I think the GOP accurately sees AOC as a threat. Sure, of course her proposes policies are asinine, but politics isn't about policy. AOC also at least appears genuine, which is a very rare quality in politics. Social media is the ocean she grew up swimming in, so when she tries to appeal that way it appears natural.
I don't think you know what irony means.
Irony is claiming people who make fun of her are scared because you try to claim she's a nobody, while you liberals run to defend every post mocking her. If she's nothing but a little ol freshman, why do you guys get so torn up when we mock?
Irony is claiming people who make fun of her are scared because you try to claim she's a nobody, while you liberals run to defend every post mocking her. If she's nothing but a little ol freshman, why do you guys get so torn up when we mock?

1. Joe, I've posted on here for years with you. If you think I'm a liberal after all this time, you just aren't very astute or observant.

2. If I was "running to defend every post mocking her," then that would be the opposite of what I'm doing. What you probably meant to say is "attacking any post mocking her," because that would be closer to being correct. You are actually defending any post mocking her. Lmao.

3. That's not irony. It's 2019. Y'all need to Google that **** or stop pretending to know what it means. Lol.
1. Joe, I've posted on here for years with you. If you think I'm a liberal after all this time, you just aren't very astute or observant.

2. If I was "running to defend every post mocking her," then that would be the opposite of what I'm doing. What you probably meant to say is "attacking any post mocking her," because that would be closer to being correct. You are actually defending any post mocking her. Lmao.

3. That's not irony. It's 2019. Y'all need to Google that **** or stop pretending to know what it means. Lol.
Jmo, but politicians are gonna be made fun of. I do apologize if I wrongly labeled you, but trust me, I for one am not in fear of her. It's hilarious to me the dumb stuff she says. To be fair, I still laugh over Trump being called a cheeto, it's just funny.
Jmo, but politicians are gonna be made fun of. I do apologize if I wrongly labeled you, but trust me, I for one am not in fear of her. It's hilarious to me the dumb stuff she says. To be fair, I still laugh over Trump being called a cheeto, it's just funny.
While they are both worthy of mockery as individuals, they are (at least to me) a chilling sign of both parties' futures. Maybe it's for the best because they'll both be so loony that they will collapse, but I'm not betting on it considering the stupidity/arrogance of the generally uninformed American voter.
So I stopped at your first poll. It was taken at two colleges (people under 22) and asked 966 people. Lmfao

You and the bozos who "liked" this post should consider not breeding. The two academic institutions cited, conducted the poll. Had you attended even a basic statistics class in high school or higher you'd have realized that 966 people is an excellent sample size given a 3% moe.

The ignorance is astonishing, this is super simple stuff.
You and the bozos who "liked" this post should consider not breeding. The two academic institutions cited, conducted the poll. Had you attended even a basic statistics class in high school or higher you'd have realized that 966 people is an excellent sample size given a 3% moe.

The ignorance is astonishing, this is super simple stuff.
I vote we start a gofundme to get him snipped.

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