Ironic post is ironic.1. Joe, I've posted on here for years with you. If you think I'm a liberal after all this time, you just aren't very astute or observant.
2. If I was "running to defend every post mocking her," then that would be the opposite of what I'm doing. What you probably meant to say is "attacking any post mocking her," because that would be closer to being correct. You are actually defending any post mocking her. Lmao.
3. That's not irony. It's 2019. Y'all need to Google that **** or stop pretending to know what it means. Lol.
And it doesn't bother me. Trump says stupid stuff and don't really care if he's called out on it. I don't care either way. If you're going to put yourself out there you need to put your big boy pants on. Just like the idiots that came out and anyone that supports Trump was a racist when the moron staged his own lynching, if you're gonna say it don't get pissed when you're called out on it. Looking at you Pelosi, Harris, and Booker, and all you other dumbass race baiters.It's funny because people posed these same points when a certain reality star was making his 3rd run for POTUS.
I disagree. I don't think Trump is any indication of what the future of the GOP is. Many people that I know, that typically vote Republican, either held their nose and voted for Trump as the least bad of two choices or sat it out. If one of the two parties had ran a halfway decent candidate, they would have won in a landslide. I do think AOC is representative future of the Democratic party. Socialism is a growing trend in this country as people seem to be OK with just surviving, especially younger folks. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime but it will in my kids lifetime that socialism will prevail and eventually fail into anarchy. All you have to do is look at the green new deal. Government takeover of about everything.While they are both worthy of mockery as individuals, they are (at least to me) a chilling sign of both parties' futures. Maybe it's for the best because they'll both be so loony that they will collapse, but I'm not betting on it considering the stupidity/arrogance of the generally uninformed American voter.
no. that is every politicians path.No doubt. Which is just the typical dim path to wealth. Get elected and become rich and pander to whatever idiocy keeps you elected.
Whatever you make of Trump, he certainly is not the future of the Republican Party. He was able to re-energize an older, politically inactive demographic and ride that to an electoral win. He might be able to carry the momentum of that into 2020, but the message and rhetoric he used appeals to a demographic that is declining in numbers.I disagree. I don't think Trump is any indication of what the future of the GOP is. Many people that I know, that typically vote Republican, either held their nose and voted for Trump as the least bad of two choices or sat it out. If one of the two parties had ran a halfway decent candidate, they would have won in a landslide. I do think AOC is representative future of the Democratic party. Socialism is a growing trend in this country as people seem to be OK with just surviving, especially younger folks. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime but it will in my kids lifetime that socialism will prevail and eventually fail into anarchy. All you have to do is look at the green new deal. Government takeover of about everything.
Life's not fair brah. I will never be able to dunk a basketball. Stupid people will never sign my paycheck.Whatever you make of Trump, he certainly is not the future of the Republican Party. He was able to re-energize an older, politically inactive demographic and ride that to an electoral win. He might be able to carry the momentum of that into 2020, but the message and rhetoric he used appeals to a demographic that is declining in numbers.
AOC, yes, is the representative future of the Democratic Party but that doesn't mean her personally, her message, and rhetoric can't be co-opted. Remember when the Tea Party first emerged and started primarying establishment Republicans? AOC and her ilk are basically a Democratic Tea Party. She's a force to be reckoned with, but that force can and likely will be harnessed by the Democratic Party at large.
Generally speaking though, yes, the message she espouses is representative of large percentages of people her age. The system is unfair and rigged by the rich so only they can get ahead, and the government needs to be heavily involved in tipping the scales to make it fair.
Of course it is. But politics is rarely, if ever, about policy. Most people are products of the time they grew up in. A lot of people who are inclined to believe AOC grew up being told their whole life they had to go to college, so they borrowed a ton of money and "followed their heart" when choosing a major, even if it wasn't practical, often at the encouragement of parents, guidance counselors, etc. And now that they are done with college, a lot of them can't find a job that pays enough to pay the debt off.Problem is, it's all smoke and mirrors. It's a Ponzi scheme that can't sustain. They think it will be like a big commune.