Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

You keep agreeing with me while telling me what I'm saying is wrong. What part of my point that one can be educated without being wise are you not wrapping your head around?
Then why did you start this whole thing by disagreeing with me?
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Economics and international relations seem like two very worthwhile areas of study for someone with Federal political aspirations.

haters gon' hate though.

I'd agree ... dims are spending a lot of time hating Trump, but on the other hand they (in fact, congress in general) haven't done anything positive in international relations or economics in decades. Most of economics could be summed up in the supply and demand curve and feelz (how you think someone is going to respond to stimuli) ... highfalutin pseudo science. Personally, I'd take the advice of someone who has dealt with other nations over someone who went to class on the theory of dealing with other countries ... but that's just me.
Then why did you start this whole thing by disagreeing with me?

You initial response (and agreeing/disagreeing) was to me, where I clarified the position in my response here. It was the first time I pointed out that one could be educated without being wise, you went on to argue with me while simultaneously agreeing. That prompted my obamwtfareyoutalkingabout.gif.
I'd rather go to Harlem if I might have a choice.......probably see the same thing.

Neither was tremendously memorable, but I don't think you'll see warthogs trimming the grass in Harlem ... that was different. Victoria Falls was OK ... big, but still just water running over a cliff. I really liked Botswana and S Africa. Probably all were safer then Harlem even accounting for the quick feet and sharp teeth ... well, except for when I told my wife she wouldn't live long enough to see the kind of appreciation they were touting for Tanzanite in S Africa when I realized she really was seriously considering a $20K ring ... that was risky business.
My only question is how far is Nancy going to allow AOC to push her before the long knives come out. I despise Nancy but she’s a very powerful and vindictive female. She’s light years smarter than AOC and her Indian handler. I look forward to see how far Jenny from the Block takes this.
My only question is how far is Nancy going to allow AOC to push her before the long knives come out. I despise Nancy but she’s a very powerful and vindictive female. She’s light years smarter than AOC and her Indian handler. I look forward to see how far Jenny from the Block takes this.

I love AOC!!!! She needs to stay there as long as she can!
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AOC Claims Without Evidence That Nancy Pelosi Slapping Her Down Has Created Death Threats Against Her

For the past few days, Nancy Pelosi and the four Harridans of the House–Ocasio Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley–have been engaged in an escalating war of words with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over who is in charge. The quartet of scolds seems to think that because the are on Twitter a lot and a lot of deranged lefties love them that they should call the shots.

Today, it was ratcheted up another notch when Ocasio Cortez accused Pelosi of encouraging death threats against her.
AOC Claims Without Evidence That Nancy Pelosi Slapping Her Down Has Created Death Threats Against Her
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AOC Is The Bed Nancy Pelosi Made

To say that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are in a quiet struggle for control of the party wouldn’t surprise anyone to hear it. The jabs and waspish snaps they exchange, all delivered with mean girl smiles aren’t an uncommon occurrence.

The problem is that Pelosi is losing this battle. It’s clear that members of the media and leftist activists sympathize more with Ocasio-Cortez, and that the Democrat party is surely but slowly being taken over by radical leftists just like the young New York democratic socialist.

Pelosi has only herself to blame for this as well.

Throughout her career, Pelosi has made it a point to bring her San Francisco, west-coast elitist politics to the mainstream, and it would be wrong to say that she hasn’t had something of a successful run of it. She’s always pushed the proverbial Overton window further and further to the left, making positions considered extreme seem perfectly acceptable to Democrats and Democrat voters.

Pelosi is the same person who once called illegal immigrants her “constituency” and applauded the idea of illegal immigrants bringing their children into the United States, and pushed hard for amnesty. She pushed for socialized healthcare with the media and activist groups cheering her on and successfully got Obamacare passed. She pushes for higher taxes and sensationalizes everything Republicans do to the point where any victory they have is a precursor to mass amounts of death.

If Pelosi was the drug the left got hooked on that allowed it to feel it’s most radical tendencies and feel good about it, then Ocasio-Cortez was the inevitable result of the addiction that is now carrying the party into self-destructive territory.

She throws around sensational claims that are easily disproved about everything from the border to military spending. She pushes pipe dream legislation like the “Green New Deal” which is a wildly unrealistic and unreasonable economic plan that would break a country with four times the success of America, if such a country existed. She throws around promises of free health care, free college and even a wage just for being alive. On top of that, she hurls accusations at her opponents with reckless abandon, whether they’re true or not.

She is Pelosi turned up to 11.

Pelosi should have realized what was coming long ago when her hard-left political posturing created a problem for her. During a press conference in 2017, amnesty activists stormed in and began shouting down Pelosi while simultaneously demanding answers from her. You can actually watch Pelosi become visibly frustrated, microphone shaking in hand, and she was eventually forced to flee.

AOC Is the Bed Nancy Pelosi Made

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