**** What-about-ism Alert ****
"it was like she was in a war"
Who else in American politics has publicly drawn such a stupid analogy?
Donald Trump, of course.
During an appearance on The Howard Stern Show in 1997, Donald Trump compared avoiding sexually transmitted diseases, while being a single man living in NYC in the 1970's, with military service in the Vietnam War (which he had actively avoided).
Speaking to Howard Stern while on the air, Donald Trump made the following analogy:
"I've been so lucky in terms of that whole world (the 1970's NYC dating scene and the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases)," said Trump. "It is a dangerous world out there - it's scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier." - Donald Trump
This analogy is made all the more ridiculous with the fact that Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War draft with a medical deferment over something as silly as bone spurs in his feet... but then he had the balls to equate chasing tail with the same service which he had dodged? That analogy took an epic amount of nerve to make.