Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ignorance is bliss for Biden. It's not exactly like he has handled criticism very well. "I dont work for you Jack", push up contests, changing peoples race for not voting for him. Seems like any time Biden is confronted with anything close to a critique he lashes out. But with his limited mental capacity that even you have admitted he is kept ignorant and away from a microphone.

The only difference from Trump is how publically they respond. As always you only care about what they are seen doing, not the actual substance behind the scenes.
You're simply wrong.
Trump will always be the benchmark for all-time low character.
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Of a president? Not likely. I will live to see at least 2 or 3 worse.

And character wasnt the benchmark. It was how they handle criticism. How quickly you change goal posts.
You will never see worse and how one handles criticism is certainly a component of character.
Lmao. Nobody likes idiot Joe Biden or the dems. We want real leadership w/adults in charge.
A bag of 75 lbs of rocks can do a better job than any democrat in leading this country.
Joe Biden & the dems cult followers are so stupid they love failed domestic policies everyday.

Crowds of sycophants worked out great for Trump in 2020.
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I absolutely will. If you think Trump is the worst this country has to offer you are very naïve.
I don't think he is the worst the country has to offer, but I do think is the worst the country will be dumb enough to nominate and elected. Hopefully, enough people learned some lessons over the past 6 years that similar future catastrophes will be avoided.
I don't think he is the worst the country has to offer, but I do think is the worst the country will be dumb enough to nominate and elected. Hopefully, enough people learned some lessons over the past 6 years that similar future catastrophes will be avoided.
No. we haven't reached rock bottom yet.

We elected Bush. The Dems thought he was the worst. Dumb as rocks, I remember him being pleased with himself for completing a whole sentence.
Then we elected Obama. R's thought he was the worst, not dumb, but a pure politician willing to sell away his people to push his shtick while hiding behind his race to avoid criticism of his policy failures. No one thought it could be worse.
Then we elected Trump, a reality TV star with a hamburger fetish and orange skin. had no clue what to do running a country, so he treated it like running a business. ticked off a lot of people just to stay in the news. D's thought it couldnt be worse.
Then we elected Biden. a three-peat presidential election loser guilty of plagiarizing, who wasn't physically capable of running a campaign, and intellectually declined enough where even you admitted he should be 25th'd. The R's think it can't get worse.

we will always find a worse president. Our election process requires it. Once the standard gets lowered, it never gets raised again. each party has to "get theirs" right after they complained about the very issues.


Big deal, Republiars were among the first to use such accounts. They knew if their base saw a lot of stuff they said, if made public would sink them. Frankly, any government official that doesn't have such an account is stupid. With our privacy being violated, circumvented, stolen, sold, collected and cataloged by criminals, domestic and foreign agents, corporate marketers, hackers, and who knows what else, an official would be a fool to have such an account to minimize such abuses.
Find something else to smear AOC about. I think her worse detractors are people who are in anguish for not being able to have her as a Latina bedtime trophy.
Big deal, Republiars were among the first to use such accounts. They knew if their base saw a lot of stuff they said, if made public would sink them. Frankly, any government official that doesn't have such an account is stupid. With our privacy being violated, circumvented, stolen, sold, collected and cataloged by criminals, domestic and foreign agents, corporate marketers, hackers, and who knows what else, an official would be a fool to have such an account to minimize such abuses.
Find something else to smear AOC about. I think her worse detractors are people who are in anguish for not being able to have her as a Latina bedtime trophy.
339 pages of how dumb she is . Better wrap that rascal.
339 pages of how dumb she is . Better wrap that rascal.

That won't deter lascivious Congressionals, who seems to often be members of the Grab Or Pushies gang from fantasizing about AOC. All while publicly vlaiming she's vile, and everything they themselves are. They're a sneaky bunch.
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That won't deter lascivious Congressionals, who seems to often be members of the Grab Or Pushies gang from fantasizing about AOC. All while publicly vlaiming she's vile, and everything they themselves are. They're a sneaky bunch.
Lol. I think she was the one fantasizing about everyone wanting to date her.

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