Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I didn't say anything about the short-fingered gloves for fear of being perceived as 'judgy'.

Actually, those were found in one of our sup jackets we just finished inventorying and boxing up.

My desk becomes a home for lost and found after such details. They are warm though.
She's a gadfly. Insignificant, but bugs the hell out of you guys. Probably less powerful than any Fox News personality though because she has no decisionmaker's ear.

I'm thinking she could be this generation's and the lib's version of Joe McCarthy. Good luck with that. The one thing that can keep her from that is being so nutty that she just fizzles and burns out before she gets going good ... and she's working really hard to burn her only bridge to sanity, so I'm betting she flames out like a moth that got too close to the flame.
Sounds like Washington politics is the root of the problem.

Probably, but then you have to remember that DC is filled with lunatics like OC because of local elections. Elections have consequences, and unfortunately a lot of districts that are allowed to elect and send representatives to DC prove the consequences are often pretty bad ones. OC, Pelosi, Warren, and so many others would never have been elected in Tennessee ... outside Memphis. However, for the left coast and the nutty parts of the east coast they are run of the mill ... with bigger mouths and less functional brains.
Well, the media has built her up and the media can bring her down a notch or two, if they so choose; but right now the MSM seem to all be a part of her fan club, along with I would assume a good proportion of those her age and younger, many of whom have been successfully indoctrinated by our public education system (against capitalism, in favor of socialism etc.).

Right now AOC is like the fly in Nancy Pelosi's ointment and it will be interesting to see how it plays out - whether Pelosi will try to shut her up or go along to get along.

But I don't see AOC going gently into that good night.
Probably, but then you have to remember that DC is filled with lunatics like OC because of local elections. Elections have consequences, and unfortunately a lot of districts that are allowed to elect and send representatives to DC prove the consequences are often pretty bad ones. OC, Pelosi, Warren, and so many others would never have been elected in Tennessee ... outside Memphis. However, for the left coast and the nutty parts of the east coast they are run of the mill ... with bigger mouths and less functional brains.

this is one of the things I struggle the most with the voting process. we the people have the right to be wrong. If Putin himself somehow was able to meet the requirements, we could vote him in. Even if you believe the worst in Trump, the people have the right to vote him in. our system doesn't really account for the idiots voting.

any voting process gives 50%+1 the right to do whatever they want to the 49%. right, wrong, or sideways.
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If this is the best you can do, it's pretty clear that she's got you guys rattled.

Every time her detractors gin up a facebook meme and then prop it up with proof of her ignorance with things like this, you need should be reminded that the 35% that supports Trump is responsible for her.

Lol says the one with TDS who got ginned up over Big Macs being served at the White House . This is where you should be reminded that liberals are responsible for Trump getting elected .
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Once again, how the hell is the US going to change the climate? I postulate the following:
1) America produces less and less CO2 every year.
2) The issue is with population control. The US without the addition of illegal aliens is basically shrinking. If my math is correct, our growth is about 180k per year. If left alone, we would actually shrink our population and with the advent of more fuel efficient vehicles and coal fire conversion to LNG, we are doing our part.
3) If the rest of the world could control themselves, we wouldn't have a problem.
4) If the moronic liberals in this country weren't such pussies, we wouldn't have a problem in this country.

/end rant

Libs and the man made climate change fanatics don't understand basic numbers. More people = more problems, and the biggest population drivers are China and India. But you will never see population and population control linked to climate change because climate change advocates know they lose the battle and their funding the second those two are linked.
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this is one of the things I struggle the most with the voting process. we the people have the right to be wrong. If Putin himself somehow was able to meet the requirements, we could vote him in. Even if you believe the worst in Trump, the people have the right to vote him in. our system doesn't really account for the idiots voting.

any voting process gives 50%+1 the right to do whatever they want to the 49%. right, wrong, or sideways.

You are definitely right about that, and we seem to have gone out of our way to make it so. We could never in this age require that voters be the productive part of society ... people who make their own way. And when we should have increased the voting age (if we were going to change it), we lowered it instead to include kids who have no clue what the world is all about.
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She's a gadfly. Insignificant, but bugs the hell out of you guys. Probably less powerful than any Fox News personality though because she has no decisionmaker's ear.
You really think she bugs us? We find it hilarious that some one so ignorant and stupid could ever get elected and despite how many stupid things she says continually gets loved by the left and the media.

If she were a republican she would be mocked & lambasted 24/7 by the MSM and late night TV every time she opened her mouth with the stuff she has said during her campaign and since.

Look at President Trump he is being analyzed 24/7 by MSM looking to find one mispronounced word or one typo in his tweets and then he gets roasted by CNN, MSNBC & Colbert.

If Trump had said he had campaigned in all 57 States. I'm betting it wouldn't have been laughed off like it was for that guy. We would have seen CNN & MSM with medical doctors and psychiatrists discussing his mental state and fit for the office.
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You really think she bugs us? We find it hilarious that some one so ignorant and stupid could ever get elected and despite how many stupid things she says continually gets loved by the left and the media.

If she were a republican she would be mocked & lambasted 24/7 by the MSM and late night TV every time she opened her mouth with the stuff she has said during her campaign and since.

Look at President Trump he is being analyzed 24/7 by MSM looking to find one mispronounced word or one typo in his tweets and then he gets roasted by CNN, MSNBC & Colbert.

If Trump had said he had campaigned in all 57 States. I'm betting it wouldn't have been laughed off like it was for that guy. We would have seen CNN & MSM with medical doctors and psychiatrists discussing his mental state and fit for the office.
A thread dedicated solely to her, now has over 1,700 posts across 70 pages and they are mostly from people who identify themselves on this forum as conservatives/Republicans (and in many cases, Trump supporters). So, the answer to your question, is "Yes.", I think she bothers you and you feel the need to vent about her... or else you wouldn't be here.

It's somewhat ironic that she bothers conservatives (and "The Five" on Fox News just did a 10 minute segment on her) for many of the same reasons that Trump unnerves Democrats. She is ignorant and inexperienced on many topics on which she speaks... She also uses hyperbole to emphasize her main points and she traffics heavily in fear mongering (over climate change). However, she is also charismatic, with a strong appeal to her base, who will always be loyal to her and come to her defense when she is unfairly attacked. If any of those things sound familiar, it's because she is basically, the Democrats version of Trump 2.0 but unlike Trump she is young, thin and without a need for a spray tan or to dye her hair and use a comb-over.

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