Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A candidate for VP. This is a first term member of the House of Representatives that you guys are obsessing over. It's overkill.

Psssst - even after she lost LG and others prattled on about every little thing she did.

this woman is entertaining - what's the harm? Sounds defensive if you ask me
A candidate for VP. This is a first term member of the House of Representatives that you guys are obsessing over. It's overkill.

BTW, it's the media that's obsessed with her.

It was brought up earlier in this thread about AOC being the new face of the Democrat party and most of those on the left dismissed it. So fast forward to today, do some of you still disagree with that statement?
Lol says the one with TDS who got ginned up over Big Macs being served at the White House . This is where you should be reminded that liberals are responsible for Trump getting elected .

I don't think "ginned up" means what you think it means. That is, unless you believe it means "amused", then yes - I was very, very "ginned up".
You really think she bugs us? We find it hilarious that some one so ignorant and stupid could ever get elected and despite how many stupid things she says continually gets loved by the left and the media.

If she were a republican she would be mocked & lambasted 24/7 by the MSM and late night TV every time she opened her mouth with the stuff she has said during her campaign and since.

Look at President Trump he is being analyzed 24/7 by MSM looking to find one mispronounced word or one typo in his tweets and then he gets roasted by CNN, MSNBC & Colbert.

If Trump had said he had campaigned in all 57 States. I'm betting it wouldn't have been laughed off like it was for that guy. We would have seen CNN & MSM with medical doctors and psychiatrists discussing his mental state and fit for the office.

100% she bugs you. She's in your collective heads completely. And you know what? She should be. Her principals are extreme and her popularity is gaining strength - this should be terrifying for anyone who values our democratic republic.

If you think that stupidity alone is enough to keep the electorate from sh|ting themselves, well... You have a very, very short memory.
For all those saying she doesn't represent anything but a fringe of the D-party

Poll: Nearly 75 percent of Democratic-leaning voters would consider Ocasio-Cortez for president

A new Axios/Survey Monkey poll shows that 74 percent of Democrats and those who lean toward the party would consider voting for her if she were able to run. As is, the Constitution prevents anyone under the age of 35 from serving as president.

Ocasio-Cortez is 29.

Additionally, the poll found that 17 percent of those adults said they would "definitely" vote for her if she could run.
For all those saying she doesn't represent anything but a fringe of the D-party

Poll: Nearly 75 percent of Democratic-leaning voters would consider Ocasio-Cortez for president

A new Axios/Survey Monkey poll shows that 74 percent of Democrats and those who lean toward the party would consider voting for her if she were able to run. As is, the Constitution prevents anyone under the age of 35 from serving as president.

Ocasio-Cortez is 29.

Additionally, the poll found that 17 percent of those adults said they would "definitely" vote for her if she could run.

Good God.
For all those saying she doesn't represent anything but a fringe of the D-party

Poll: Nearly 75 percent of Democratic-leaning voters would consider Ocasio-Cortez for president

A new Axios/Survey Monkey poll shows that 74 percent of Democrats and those who lean toward the party would consider voting for her if she were able to run. As is, the Constitution prevents anyone under the age of 35 from serving as president.

Ocasio-Cortez is 29.

Additionally, the poll found that 17 percent of those adults said they would "definitely" vote for her if she could run.

We’d be dead in 12 years for sure.

This is what I'm talking about, this is the pendulum swinging the other way.

For all those saying she doesn't represent anything but a fringe of the D-party

Poll: Nearly 75 percent of Democratic-leaning voters would consider Ocasio-Cortez for president

A new Axios/Survey Monkey poll shows that 74 percent of Democrats and those who lean toward the party would consider voting for her if she were able to run. As is, the Constitution prevents anyone under the age of 35 from serving as president.

Ocasio-Cortez is 29.

Additionally, the poll found that 17 percent of those adults said they would "definitely" vote for her if she could run.
We’d be dead in 12 years for sure.

The thing is, she's not stupid. The few gaffes can be chalked up to youthful exuberance and no experience in front of a camera. The memes are fun, but she's not stupid.

It's worse than that, she's ignorant and committed. Imo, that's way scarier.
I'm wondering if she's gotten any funding from Soros - would fit so perfectly.
It would be ironic. With her aspirations she is going to need a ton of money come 2024... so she may have to change her tune on that score and buddy up to Soros, Steyer and other fat-cats who fund the left... or maybe she tries to do it on a shoestring with money from only the grass roots?
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Really? Is this the best you've got?
You're awfully angry. You really need to break away from the circular logic the libtards use. It must get annoying for you to constantly see how backwards they are and to keep it all straight. Then again, you have a propensity for missing the point and ignoring blatant facts.

Oh, don't forget about the part where I talk about her being entertaining.

I would gladly sit down and have a conversation with her at lunch. I have nothing against her personally.

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