Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

No, I'm not saying it rises and falls. What I am saying is that just because climate patterns are altered doesn't mean it is always hotter. Many will get hotter, some may get colder, extreme weather will increase regardless. Global temperatures have hit records like 16 of the past 17 years.

Now if you are referring to certain events like the Earth has gone through both Ice Ages and times of extreme heat but they didn't occur anywhere near as rapid (barring asteroid collisions etc).

So your climate data goes back how far? 150 years of temperature on a planet that is 4 billion years old is somewhat insignificant wouldn't you think?
From your first poll article:

The plan’s centerpiece is a goal of moving the nation to 100 percent renewable electricity.

Is this even possible? Physics says "No." Guess we will have to wait for the invention of AOC's perpetual motion machines.
Umm, yes if you are rich than you should absolutely pay more. And I don't know where you got that I only wanted them to pay for it. I explicitly said that nearly everyone should pay for it, including myself.

My degree is a dual concentration MPH Healthcare Management and Epidemiology

Want to guess which country doesn't have Nationalized Healthcare and which country also pays the most in administrative costs. Take a wild guess!
How do you define rich?

Hint: the moment you put a hard number on it, you lose all credibility
We are on polar opposites of the spectrum with each of the topics you just commented on.

1. You cannot punish success and expect people to continue to strive for it. Why should you be punished through higher taxes simply because you put the work in, sacrificed and earned the money you will be making?

2. Nationalizing our heathcare will decrease quality and like in other countries will lead to 2 separate systems. One for those who can afford to pay and the other for those who can't. Care to guess where the best and brightest medical professionals will go?

3. Free college for all would cut the value of the degrees you just worked your azz off for by 1/2 or more. You would be devaluing a college degree to that of a current HS diploma.

4. Tech skills need to be taught in HS. No kid leaving HS should be unemployable the day after graduation.
1. No one has ever stopped striving because of a higher tax bracket.
2. Health care is currently beyond broken. We pay far more per/capita than any country in the world and are about 28th in results. We are the most grossly overmedicated country in the world. We waste hundreds of billions annually on over priced and unneeded procedures and screenings. Nationalized health care is long overdue and inevitable.
3. Free high school for all devalued the high school diploma. Hell, free kindergarten for all devalued the kindergarten education. A more intelligent society is a better society. Look no further than the 2016 results.
4. Completely agree.

Let's get down to basic economics. Is wealth scarce?

If so, how much of the pie should one person be allowed to take? We have a system where soon a handful of people will own the same as half the population.

I'm not asking for everyone to have the same or for work ethic to not matter. No one needs past a certain amount, now yes that differs by area and by state and we can debate a 100% income cap, but the Rich used to pay a lot more in this country and wealth inequality used to be a lot less of a problem.

If you answer no other of my questions... What percent of the wealth should the top 1% have? 80% 90% 99% Seriously I want to hear your opinion.
Umm, yes if you are rich than you should absolutely pay more. And I don't know where you got that I only wanted them to pay for it. I explicitly said that nearly everyone should pay for it, including myself.

My degree is a dual concentration MPH Healthcare Management and Epidemiology

Want to guess which country doesn't have Nationalized Healthcare and which country also pays the most in administrative costs. Take a wild guess!

Ahhhh.......the wide eyed mind of youth. So refreshing.
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1. No one has ever stopped striving because of a higher tax bracket.
2. Health care is currently beyond broken. We pay far more per/capita than any country in the world and are about 28th in results. We are the most grossly overmedicated country in the world. We waste hundreds of billions annually on over priced and unneeded procedures and screenings. Nationalized health care is long overdue and inevitable.
3. Free high school for all devalued the high school diploma. Hell, free kindergarten for all devalued the kindergarten education. A more intelligent society is a better society. Look no further than the 2016 results.
4. Completely agree.
You don't fix a broken healthcare system by saying it's completely free. No reason a bandaid should be $10 at a hospital. It needs reformed and reformed 30 years ago but to fix it doesn't mean free.
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Let's get down to basic economics. Is wealth scarce?

If so, how much of the pie should one person be allowed to take? We have a system where soon a handful of people will own the same as half the population.

I'm not asking for everyone to have the same or for work ethic to not matter. No one needs past a certain amount, now yes that differs by area and by state and we can debate a 100% income cap, but the Rich used to pay a lot more in this country and wealth inequality used to be a lot less of a problem.

If you answer no other of my questions... What percent of the wealth should the top 1% have? 80% 90% 99% Seriously I want to hear your opinion.

So you are for limiting income are you?
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Let's get down to basic economics. Is wealth scarce?

If so, how much of the pie should one person be allowed to take? We have a system where soon a handful of people will own the same as half the population.

I'm not asking for everyone to have the same or for work ethic to not matter. No one needs past a certain amount, now yes that differs by area and by state and we can debate a 100% income cap, but the Rich used to pay a lot more in this country and wealth inequality used to be a lot less of a problem.

If you answer no other of my questions... What percent of the wealth should the top 1% have? 80% 90% 99% Seriously I want to hear your opinion.
You are offensive. LeBron needs to gimme some of that money, And Brady needs to start sharing Gisselle.
1. No one has ever stopped striving because of a higher tax bracket.
2. Health care is currently beyond broken. We pay far more per/capita than any country in the world and are about 28th in results. We are the most grossly overmedicated country in the world. We waste hundreds of billions annually on over priced and unneeded procedures and screenings. Nationalized health care is long overdue and inevitable.
3. Free high school for all devalued the high school diploma. Hell, free kindergarten for all devalued the kindergarten education. A more intelligent society is a better society. Look no further than the 2016 results.
4. Completely agree.

Not sure why those pesky Canadians are coming here for healthcare.
And it's free. Right up his alley.
Well xi did say xi was in 'management'. Another word for bureaucrat.

Job protection.

Ooooooooh I missed part. And since healthcare is 'free' All those in the field will have to have their compensation regulated by the gubbermint. No more $80k newbies coming out of acadamia. I'd say $15/hour would be 'fair'.
It stills says they polled 966 people. There's 300+M in America. Go ask Bob in Kansas what he thinks of her deal. Be ready to be told to F off.

Have you taken a statistical methods course? Samples are representative. So Bob in Kansas probably got asked or someone akin to him. If a sample is representative than yes, there may be variations of you add in 100k more people but it is unlikely to be significantly different than 1k similarly polled persons.

When was the last poll you saw with that many people? That's why there are margins of errors.
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1. No one has ever stopped striving because of a higher tax bracket.
2. Health care is currently beyond broken. We pay far more per/capita than any country in the world and are about 28th in results. We are the most grossly overmedicated country in the world. We waste hundreds of billions annually on over priced and unneeded procedures and screenings. Nationalized health care is long overdue and inevitable.
3. Free high school for all devalued the high school diploma. Hell, free kindergarten for all devalued the kindergarten education. A more intelligent society is a better society. Look no further than the 2016 results.
4. Completely agree.

At his Hollywood height, actor Ronnie Reagan was making $400,000 per picture. With the top federal tax rate over 90 percent, Reagan used to tell his White House chief of staff Donald Regan, he always chose to “loaf” around rather than make more than two pictures a year.
“Why should I have done a third picture, even if it was Gone with the Wind?” Regan remembers Reagan asking. “What good would it have done me?”

2. I agree that we can improve our heath-care system and lower costs with the right approach but what has teh government ever taken over that reduced cost and increased quality?

3. This is just a stupid argument. A more educated (and we have some prime examples here) person does not always translate into a more intelligent person.

Keep your expectations low and try to avoid frustration. It's the same as trying to convince a person a thousand years ago that the Earth is not flat.
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Not sure why those pesky Canadians are coming here for healthcare.

The U.S has the best medical tech in the world. The U.S also has the worst costs in the world.

Americans go to Canada for medicine and sometimes affordable Care. Canadians come here for high risk procedures if they can afford it.

Guess who polls happier with there system?

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