Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The movie where people reject science and end up practically destroying all life? Yep, that sounds like my generation all right.

The cognitive dissonance is admirable. If ignorance is bliss, you must be on cloud 9.

Well done young xi! Now that you've attempted to sound intelligent, give us all an explanation of what cognitive dissonance is as it relates to asking you about the movie?
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Let's get down to basic economics. Is wealth scarce?

If so, how much of the pie should one person be allowed to take? We have a system where soon a handful of people will own the same as half the population.

I'm not asking for everyone to have the same or for work ethic to not matter. No one needs past a certain amount, now yes that differs by area and by state and we can debate a 100% income cap, but the Rich used to pay a lot more in this country and wealth inequality used to be a lot less of a problem.

If you answer no other of my questions... What percent of the wealth should the top 1% have? 80% 90% 99% Seriously I want to hear your opinion.

Wealth is not scarce, especially since we are not on the gold standard.

As much as they can legally earn. Punishing those that have will not change this. What needs to change is the way people are punished for trying.

From experience, what stops a lot of normal everyday people from stepping out on their own and trying to grab that brass ring is the fear of failure. When you start a business you personally are the guarantor of any debts you take on so if you fail and go bankrupt (for whatever reason) you can be destroyed personally and professionally. The risk isn't worth it to many, many people and you are not getting weathly working for a wage. So the best place to start addressing the so-called wealth gap is fixing the holes in the system that discourage people from trying. I'm not talking about debt forgiveness, I'm talking about de-institutionalizing some of the ways credit is looked at. In short lets start by opening up opportunities instead of punishing those that made it.
OMFG this new campus liberal warrior is simply precious. So what’s your field of study zaqhhh? Im gonna guess not engineering, comp sci, or any STEM programs. Probably not even a business degree. So sociology? Psychology? English Lit?
Whoa now...

Spoken like someone who has actually been in the gottdamned trenches and has significant amounts of anecdotal and research based evidence to show your comments are based on outlier issues and magnified for ideological effect.

It's a very liberal mindset, yours; someone doesn't agree with you, go for the cheap shot.
You have a thankless job for the most part. I know what that can feel like when people criticize your profession. Particularly when you put so much of yourself into it trying to benefit others. Most of us are just rattling cages but behind every joke there is some truth, . . . I guess.

Thanks for what you do.
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Let's face it. AOC is high-end comedy until you realize this stupid woman has her hands on the wheel. It is like watching an SNL skit...except it is real and she means every bit of it. She just looks into the camera and says the most jaw-dropping ignorant things imaginable with most conviction and confidence. In the back of my mind, I keep waiting on the laugh track and a cut to commercial but it doesn't come. Ronald Reagan's old quote about liberals not being ignorant just knowing so much that is not true... is not applicable to her. She is ignorant and knows so much that is not true.

Or, her life experience and the life experiences of those she is around on a regular basis have led her to a specific set of beliefs. Experience is a cruel teacher.

We should always make a good-faith effort to see people's opinions through their eyes and their formation - especially if they have a view we disagree with. Our ability to examine issues from multiple perspectives is one of the few things that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
I don't think we should have Billionaires nope. If you can't find value worth living and innovating when you are already beyond what most can comprehend than too bad, so sad. Let me find the world's smallest violin...
If we're going to give free college for every single person why does anybody need give more than their 35 to 45%?

If they have free college they can get a degree and becoming a Millionaire or Billionaire?
I think ideally limits would be enacted by states because of differences amongst CoL. Because we are speaking on a federal level, I would be inclined to take the most expensive living area (say San Fran). Average home is around 1 million multiply that by say 100.

100 million would be a fair cap in my opinion. Probably less if I could personally legislate, but I feel inclined to negotiate (for now) with idiots using the bs exaggerated incentive argument, who are nonetheless citizens and entitled to a democratic vote.

More proof that education does not equate to intelligence.
I think ideally limits would be enacted by states because of differences amongst CoL. Because we are speaking on a federal level, I would be inclined to take the most expensive living area (say San Fran). Average home is around 1 million multiply that by say 100.

100 million would be a fair cap in my opinion. Probably less if I could personally legislate, but I feel inclined to negotiate (for now) with idiots using the bs exaggerated incentive argument, who are nonetheless citizens and entitled to a democratic vote.
Here is an idea. Move to a socialist country that aligns with you beliefs. And take a few friends with you. Russia is nice this time of year.
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Nope. Nobody from Yale was calling Bob from Kansas dude. Those polls are manufactured. They have to stay in their demographics so that the poll will show what they want.

Remember all those polls saying Hillary was going to win in a blue wave landslide in 2016? Wait,
was you still in highschool?

God, I am so sick of this argument. First off, just as a point of reference Hillary sucks imo. She is a moderate that could just as easily be a Republican.

Second, the polls predicted that Hillary would win by 2-3 points in the popular vote. Based on those national numbers, there was around a 66% shot for her to win.

What actually happened is she won by 2-3 points and lost which is still quite within the 33% chance she had based on polling to lose. The polls, at least most of them weren't wrong. You got upset because they told you your candidate would lose and then yelled "LOL" instead of actually looking to the science of the polls. Science, as we have established throughout, is a foreign and hostile concept to you.
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I have to say as a economically left winger (social moderate), I was worried at first that AOC would be too focused on identity issues.

I'm fully behind her now though, one month ago, I'd have said she could never be a mainstream contender. Now, I have seen many of my Republican friends get behind her even (granted I'm at a college campus so the Republicans aren't the Insane Climate denying/Slavery light people).

I think I like many others though that the right wing media would attack her relentlessly and define her essentially. She has not only fought back but also showed the hypocrisy of so many in the conservative establishment. I'm sick and tired of apologetic, moderate DINOs. AOC is definitely part of the Democratic future.
Thank you for this post. I needed a solid laugh today.
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OMFG this new campus liberal warrior is simply precious. So what’s your field of study zaqhhh? Im gonna guess not engineering, comp sci, or any STEM programs. Probably not even a business degree. So sociology? Psychology? English Lit?

You missed a few pages back. Something about healthcare business with a minor in being entertainment on VN.
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I think ideally limits would be enacted by states because of differences amongst CoL. Because we are speaking on a federal level, I would be inclined to take the most expensive living area (say San Fran). Average home is around 1 million multiply that by say 100.

100 million would be a fair cap in my opinion. Probably less if I could personally legislate, but I feel inclined to negotiate (for now) with idiots using the bs exaggerated incentive argument, who are nonetheless citizens and entitled to a democratic vote.

What do you have against freedom?
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God, I am so sick of this argument. First off, just as a point of reference Hillary sucks imo. She is a moderate that could just as easily be a Republican.

Second, the polls predicted that Hillary would win by 2-3 points in the popular vote. Based on those national numbers, there was around a 66% shot for her to win.

What actually happened is she won by 2-3 points and lost which is still quite within the 33% chance she had based on polling to lose. The polls, at least most of them weren't wrong. You got upset because they told you your candidate would lose and then yelled "LOL" instead of actually looking to the science of the polls. Science, as we have established throughout, is a foreign and hostile concept to you.
You are a washing machine stuck on spin cycle.
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OMFG this new campus liberal warrior is simply precious. So what’s your field of study zaqhhh? Im gonna guess not engineering, comp sci, or any STEM programs. Probably not even a business degree. So sociology? Psychology? English Lit?

Already answered and you are already wrong.

MPH dual concentration
Healthcare Management/Epidemiology
God, I am so sick of this argument. First off, just as a point of reference Hillary sucks imo. She is a moderate that could just as easily be a Republican.

Second, the polls predicted that Hillary would win by 2-3 points in the popular vote. Based on those national numbers, there was around a 66% shot for her to win.

What actually happened is she won by 2-3 points and lost which is still quite within the 33% chance she had based on polling to lose. The polls, at least most of them weren't wrong. You got upset because they told you your candidate would lose and then yelled "LOL" instead of actually looking to the science of the polls. Science, as we have established throughout, is a foreign and hostile concept to you.

Why are you going to school if you do t want to work for living?
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You missed a few pages back. Something about healthcare business with a minor in being entertainment on VN.
“Healthcare business”? So if s/he said that is that hospital administration?

As far as a minor in VN entertainment that’s a given. Luther is taking notes from this social warrior for sure 😂
Nuff Said.......

Some of us respect the call to ministry given to us by God. God called me to work in the public education system for a time, and now I am responding to His call to prepare the next generation to go into a minefield where they are Public Enemy #1 for the sake of the children and their education.

I'd much rather be elsewhere making more money, but ignoring God's call has dire consequences. 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 tells us to expect extreme resistance when we fulfill our call, but to do so dutifully. I accept the mockery as a sign that I am in God's will.
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Already answered and you are already wrong.

MPH dual concentration
Healthcare Management/Epidemiology

You're going to be a broken man 20 years from now when you realize that working for someone else will never make you rich and you're not happy.
If we're going to give free college for every single person why does anybody need give more than their 35 to 45%?

If they have free college they can get a degree and becoming a Millionaire or Billionaire?

No one deserves to be a billionaire. No one has worked that much harder. If I cured cancer, solved world hunger, and stopped all wars, I still wouldn't deserve that. Why? Because, wealth IS scarce, being off the gold standard didn't change that.

VN Store
