All 5 Uniform Combos for the year!

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You must be a NEW fan or something...That combo looks better than all the others and they have won a LOT of big games wearing that combo....Aka the miracle in southbend and so many others.

As far as normal jerseys go, the all white blows it out of the water
I wish they hadn't put the white trim around the numbers on the grey uniforms. I think t would've looked a lot more sleek. Also, they don't have an orange trim on the away jerseys or a white one on the orange so I don't see why they did for the grey.

The all white look sick.
I hadn't seen those for Texas and Ohio State. I stand corrected on those two. It's still gimmicky and cheesy though. I'd rather be like Bama, USC, Oklahoma and LSU and stick with tradition instead of going with the fad. It's like tattoos. Just because their the "in" thing and everybody's getting them, still doesn't mean they don't look like cheap trash.

wow, I go out for the night and come back and this guy is still crying. Also, like I said earlier, go do some research...LSU has had their fair share of alternate uniforms as well.
case in point:

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LSU also has a different combo with different helmet.

Edit.... you beat me to it
The fans pay the bills. Without the fans there is no program. The fans should get to decide. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. You can't improve on the combo of orange and white, period. As for recruiting, there is no reason we have to embarrass ourselves like Oregon in order to recruit. Bama, LSU, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, and Ohio State don't have to stoop to this crap in order to recruit and neither should we. This kind of gimmick crap is for the nobody's like Oregon, Okie State, Virginia Tech, Cincinnati, and other former Big East teams. We're better than that. This is a cheap Cincinnati move on Butch's part. First real mistake he has made.
Calm down pops. It's not all about you. I speak for a good portion of Vol fans when I say I embrace this new uniform. It looks solid. It's a great recruiting tool, players love it and so do fans. I was pumped as hell during the 09 game vs. South Carolina. I was lucky to be there. The team practiced in their orange jerseys and then when it was game time, they switched to black. It was exciting as hell.
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The fans pay the bills. Without the fans there is no program. The fans should get to decide. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. You can't improve on the combo of orange and white, period. As for recruiting, there is no reason we have to embarrass ourselves like Oregon in order to recruit. Bama, LSU, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, and Ohio State don't have to stoop to this crap in order to recruit and neither should we. This kind of gimmick crap is for the nobody's like Oregon, Okie State, Virginia Tech, Cincinnati, and other former Big East teams. We're better than that. This is a cheap Cincinnati move on Butch's part. First real mistake he has made.

When you give your heart and soul to a program through sweat and tears, you can decide.
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It's changing your look to something supposedly eye catching to recruits, which is what teams like Oregon, Okie St., Va. Tech, Cincinnati, and other former Big East schools do. We're better than that. We need to be like other traditional power schools in our class, like Bama, LSU, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, and Ohio State. You don't see them using gimmicky uniforms. Stick with tradition. It's what sets us apart along with the other traditional elites.

WAKE UP!!! We are NOT like Bama, LSU, USC, Texas, and Oklahoma! Look at our record for the last 10 years and then look at theirs! Some of you really need to wake the hell up and understand that we are not at the level of those programs anymore! Anything CBJ can do to generate excitement amongst our players and fans and attract recruits is fine with me! All traditions have beginning. CBJ is simply trying to create new ones. Nothing wrong with that! Besides, it's one damn game. Get over it!

Originally Posted by 87Vol
The fans pay the bills. Without the fans there is no program. The fans should get to decide.

Wow! Just wow! That's pretty damn arrogant of you to say considering the players are the ones who sweat, bleed, and put their health and their lives on the line every Saturday! As far as I'm concerned, this is THEIR program not ours! If they want a grey alternate uniform then so be it!
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It's changing your look to something supposedly eye catching to recruits, which is what teams like Oregon, Okie St., Va. Tech, Cincinnati, and other former Big East schools do. We're better than that. We need to be like other traditional power schools in our class, like Bama, LSU, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, and Ohio State. You don't see them using gimmicky uniforms. Stick with tradition. It's what sets us apart along with the other traditional elites.

What's really funny is that if you go to their message boards, the fans are griping because we got an alternate uniform and they didn't. Kinda ironic.
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I hadn't seen those for Texas and Ohio State. I stand corrected on those two. It's still gimmicky and cheesy though. I'd rather be like Bama, USC, Oklahoma and LSU and stick with tradition instead of going with the fad. It's like tattoos. Just because their the "in" thing and everybody's getting them, still doesn't mean they don't look like cheap trash.

your free to go cheer for them then. no one will miss you
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Gray and red in one year is it too much for us the volsnation to handle?

Heres to the debate, heres to butch, and heres to the champienship


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