All things STOCKS

I’ve been holding off after the split…believe I’ll hold off a few more days.

Institutional money managers could pile in after this pullback so that they can report ownership on the Q2 reports. Q3 could be tough for NVDA shareholders.

Some guy on CNBC just pointed out that the 10 biggest names at the time of the dot com crash underperformed the S&P over the next 10 years and only MSFT outperformed over the next 15 years (barely - by 1 or 2%).

I’m thinking about adding more UPS. It’s still off about 20-25%. They typically struggle with high oil prices. But they thrive when the economy is zooming. Earnings might not recover quickly - they just struck a big deal (with Oshkosh?) for a lot of new delivery trucks. They might be EVs - which will be interesting to watch.
Where are you guys parking money for interest? I’ve been using the Fidelity money market fund currently doing 5.4%. Is there anything else better out there?
Where are you guys parking money for interest? I’ve been using the Fidelity money market fund currently doing 5.4%. Is there anything else better out there?

I bought BND several months ago expecting several rate cuts in 2024. Now only 1 or 2 might happen and that’s what should be priced in. So it’s not a bad time to buy more. BUT up to 3 rate cuts are still on the table in 2024 so every time one is taken off of the table the BND ETF should fall a bit. As soon as rate cuts are announced or it’s indicated that they’ll happen then BND will go up a percent or two.
Where are you guys parking money for interest? I’ve been using the Fidelity money market fund currently doing 5.4%. Is there anything else better out there?
You using this as a MM acount to trade with? Looks about right. I think I'm only getting 5.27%. That's at Vanguard, "Federal MM fund".
I'm trying to simplify and reduce the number of holdings I have. Then something like TRMD come along, and I've just gotta take a chance.
I haven’t checked into any of that yet. It’s still a couple of years away.

Long term care in nursing homes tends to take every last cent from most people. I guess the work around is an irrevocable trust - but those come with their own set of disadvantages.
Yeah, trust are a necessary evil. Wife and I own stock in Sub S Bank so it only counts as one person. We'll want to pass the stock to our children, but can't because that would be two people. So we'll set up a revocable trust to own the stock, and things will flow to the children.
Yeah, trust are a necessary evil. Wife and I own stock in Sub S Bank so it only counts as one person. We'll want to pass the stock to our children, but can't because that would be two people. So we'll set up a revocable trust to own the stock, and things will flow to the children.

Revocable avoids probate, but won’t shield assets from creditors (which is often necessary after long term nursing care). Irrevocable is very hard to change after it’s setup. They’re both costly.

Irrevocable can’t really be set up to shield assets without a waiting period.

Revocable is good to prevent heirs from fighting over assets.

IIRC, revocables become irrevocable after death.
FDX announces cost cutting measures by unloading 20% of their older Boeing fleet.

WHR rumored to be targeted as a takeover candidate by Bosch. I remember when takeovers used to push stocks to new highs. Now incompetent management leads share prices to fall by 50% and then they sell the company if somebody comes along and pays a slight premium. No doubt with lucrative separation packages for the executives. Where’s Bernie and Elizabeth when this crap happens? They seem to only hate it when companies are making good profits.
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Just crossed a pretty cool milestone in my Vanguard account of the ever elusive 2nd comma. 0 to here in about 10 years with some mistakes along the way. Almost exclusively buy and hold but ironically it was the RIVN jump that pushed me over.
View attachment 654174
Congratulations! How old are you? Are you depositing a set amount each paycheck? Now the real fun starts in trying to figure out how much more is needed to become financially independent!
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Congratulations! How old are you? Are you depositing a set amount each paycheck? Now the real fun starts in trying to figure out how much more is needed to become financially independent!
Thanks! Just turned 38. No budget and don't deposit a set amount each paycheck. Prioritize filling up my 401k and then IRA early each year and remaining money goes into Vanguard account. I'll worry about financial independence when I get closer to being sick of working 😂 I think that number is highly person dependent but probably close to 3-4 mil for me.
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Thanks! Just turned 38. No budget and don't deposit a set amount each paycheck. Prioritize filling up my 401k and then IRA early each year and remaining money goes into Vanguard account. I'll worry about financial independence when I get closer to being sick of working 😂 I think that number is highly person dependent but probably close to 3-4 mil for me.
Speaking as someone in their early 60’s, try to maximize your ROTH investments at your current age and not end up with a huge amount in pretax savings. Depending on your income and deductions, you may be able to pay a relatively small amount in taxes for your savings dollars at this point in your life.
Yeah, if you've got a million in pretax you have more than you "need". You "need" enough pretax to fill up the lower tax brackets and very especially cover your deductions.

After the "need" part, it becomes an exercise in minimizing the effect of taxes, which should be purely mathematical. In my experience, though, 99% of people who take an interest in investing are way way too dumb to have a factual conversation about that. I'm amazed about how stupid people are about tax brackets, but I know I can't change it.
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Markets don’t seem to be much affected by last night’s **** show. Only DOW futures are lower and that’s going to be because of Nike.

Today is the last day of Q2. Money managers have already adjusted their positions and are off to the Hamptons for a week and a half.
If I hadn't wasted all my money on women, wine, and song, would be buying LLY under $900.

4 sure!

Pre-split pricing.
MS’s NVDA price target: $144 ($122.67 close)

Overweight Thesis
▪ We expect NVDA's Data Center business
to drive much of the growth over the next 5
years, as enthusiasm for generative AI has
created a strong environment for AI/ML
hardware solutions - NVDA's being one of
the most important. Incremental
opportunities in AI/ML software & services,
networking, and ADAS can drive growth
even higher.

▪ Blackwell availability later this year should
further cement NVDA's competitive
position, with higher dollar content through
a greater mix of system sales
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