All your children are belong to us

I've been to a few myself. Disagreements can get heated. But once a person says things like "Remember, I know where you live" then it's started to fly off the rails.

You have not produced any evidence of threats to justify a FIB investigation. Anecdotal personal experience doesn't cut it either.
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I've been to a few myself. Disagreements can get heated. But once a person says things like "Remember, I know where you live" then it's started to fly off the rails.

At some point in almost any true Southerners lifetime even going back a generation or two they’ve looked at someone else and said, “Remember, I know where you live.” 😂
At some point in almost any true Southerners lifetime even going back a generation or two they’ve looked at someone else and said, “Remember, I know where you live.” 😂

Yeah, but only my relatives are allowed to use it on me. There's the worse variant I fear more: I'll talk to your momma at church on Sunday.
I've been to a few myself. Disagreements can get heated. But once a person says things like "Remember, I know where you live" then it's started to fly off the rails.
Aren't they just taking direction from Maxine Waters? Been too nice, time to get in their face and such?

Look, I find all of it over the top. But I find neither worse than the other. We as a society cannot accept threats of violence for one group despicable but excuse it from others. It's either right or it's wrong, acceptable or it isn't. As long as our society and government send mixed signals this will be the result, especially with an ever increasingly emotional public that doesn't value critical thinking.
Does me showing up at a school board and threatening to sue and/or stating that I will push to have you removed from your job follow under a threat category to you?

Absolutely not. That's free and protected speech.
Does me following a congresswomen into a bathroom while filming and not allowing her to use the restroom in peace fall under threatening or harassment type behavior?

That's free and protected speech.

So long as there is no language or body motions used that a reasonable bystander could interpret to be threatening to life or limb, and so long as a person does not violate or damage private property, damage public property, or enter legally restricted space that may allow them access to restricted information, then speech we do not agree with must be protected.
Yeah, but only my relatives are allowed to use it on me. There's the worse variant I fear more: I'll talk to your momma at church on Sunday.

Yep, much worse than wait until your Dad gets home.
The fairly standard reply to “I know where you live” is usually “I’ll be waiting on ya”.
But we’re dealing with some SB members who are totally convinced that words are violence and that showing up at someone’s house at night to raise a ruckus with bullhorns, shine lasers into windows and vandalize property are perfectly normal and acceptable behaviors, so that’s what they expect to happen to themselves.
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That's free and protected speech.

So long as there is no language or body motions used that a reasonable bystander could interpret to be threatening to life or limb, and so long as a person does not violate or damage private property, damage public property, or enter legally restricted space that may allow them access to restricted information, then speech we do not agree with must be protected.

Ok, I am actually more left on that than you in the last one. I think a person should be allowed to use the restroom in peace and that falls into harassment. I am ok with outside the restroom but once you go in there it should be off limits.
Ok, I am actually more left on that than you in the last one. I think a person should be allowed to use the restroom in peace and that falls into harassment. I am ok with outside the restroom but once you go in there it should be off limits.

I definitely think it's weird to follow someone into a restroom to protest, especially if I know there isn't an alternative exit.

I believe interfering with a stall door could be legally considered a threat due to space restrictions.
If teachers were really indoctrinating your children:
  • They would be indoctrinated to turn their work in on time, with their name on it, and actually legible
  • They would be indoctrinated to not stare at the phone they have poorly hidden in their desk/jacket and actually pay attention
  • They would be indoctrinated to be respectful of the teachers and each other

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