All your children are belong to us

If teachers were really indoctrinating your children:
  • They would be indoctrinated to turn their work in on time, with their name on it, and actually legible
  • They would be indoctrinated to not stare at the phone they have poorly hidden in their desk/jacket and actually pay attention
  • They would be indoctrinated to be respectful of the teachers and each other
I dont believe the indoctrination argument. But if you look at the situation from the conspirators side what you laid out makes sense.

Under the conspiracy
1. There would be not net gain from the NWO, or whoever, to have children that did well in school. Dumb kids empower the system thru dependence on the system. If kids did well they might make it on their own.
2. Goes back to number 1. No point in making them do well in school. Also with phones their activites can be traced, that's a known. Pretty easy to see how that helps the government, and big corps.
3. Being respectable is a "white" trait, again in NWO world, that's not what "they" want. Especially if it leads to conflict, because that allows the NWO to grant themselves more power to correct the issue, and also stop the current crisis. The more divides they put between us, so that we dont focus on them, is a win for them.

Again, I am not part of that mindset, but you are throwing out some red herrings.
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Not at all.

It says, clearly and in pain language, that individuals who make threats against elected school board officials should be subject to investigation.

Are you saying, then, that American Moms are making threats against elected school board officials?

Yes "threats" is pretty general. You gov sheep will defend any crap the feds spit out. You'd have no problems seeing your neighbor go to prison because the dared to question your gov.
No, that's not what it says.

This directive is aimed directly at all of the pissed off moms who don't take kindly to our education system allowing pornography and x rated material in school books for our young kids to see. It is appealing that anybody even attempts to defend these pathetic school boards who are trying to indoctrinate our kids. I have seen at least 10 videos over the past month or 2 of moms standing in front of the school board reading material thats available to the kids from the school that would absolutely make a whore blush.
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This directive is aimed directly at all of the pissed off moms who don't take kindly to our education system allowing pornography and x rated material in school books for our young kids to see. It is appealing that anybody even attempts to defend these pathetic school boards who are trying to indoctrinate our kids. I have seen at least 10 videos over the past month or 2 of moms standing in front of the school board reading material thats available to the kids from the school that would absolutely make a whore blush.

When the FBI starts arresting moms for that they will have more trouble than they can handle.
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If teachers were really indoctrinating your children:
  • They would be indoctrinated to turn their work in on time, with their name on it, and actually legible
  • They would be indoctrinated to not stare at the phone they have poorly hidden in their desk/jacket and actually pay attention
  • They would be indoctrinated to be respectful of the teachers and each other

This is stated with the presumption that the educator's most important outcome of education is preparing students for success vs to ensure they have the proper mindset. I am not sure that is true in many cases.
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If teachers were really indoctrinating your children:
  • They would be indoctrinated to turn their work in on time, with their name on it, and actually legible
  • They would be indoctrinated to not stare at the phone they have poorly hidden in their desk/jacket and actually pay attention
  • They would be indoctrinated to be respectful of the teachers and each other

Sounds racist
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This is stated with the presumption that the educator's most important outcome of education is preparing students for success vs to ensure they have the proper mindset. I am not sure that is true in many cases.

That's what I'm preparing my future teachers to expect. Growth mindset and independent thought where they can explain why they make the decisions they make and believe what they believe.

I still believe it is a noble profession and am weeding out the crap that comes through my courses.
Time to drop this interesting bit of reading material and the description blurb in the forum again. There used to be interviews of Charlotte online but I don’t know if they’re still on YouTube.

Here’s the pdf format of her book.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today
Time to drop this interesting bit of reading material and the description blurb in the forum again. There used to be interviews of Charlotte online but I don’t know if they’re still on YouTube.

Here’s the pdf format of her book.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today
interview-talk.gifunnamed (1).jpg
Private schools are a good business to be in right now. With the BS Covid rules and all this other stuff the privates are growing. My kids school has had to add teachers because of all the transfers. Probably going to have to build another building at some point soon.
Far and a way most children survive end even do well with what they learn or are exposed to in school both socially and intellectually. Most of the lasting damage is inflicted by the parents.
Not at all.

It says, clearly and in pain language, that individuals who make threats against elected school board officials should be subject to investigation.

Are you saying, then, that American Moms are making threats against elected school board officials?
All that depends on their definition of a "threat". The mom could have just said" I'll have your job" and the school could call it a threat.
I definitely think it's weird to follow someone into a restroom to protest, especially if I know there isn't an alternative exit.

I believe interfering with a stall door could be legally considered a threat due to space restrictions.

I definitely think it should be harassment if you are being bombarded in a restricted space, especially in a place as private as a bathroom. People have a right to feel reasonably feel safe and have privacy. Certainly police would get involved if a random person were harassing you in a public bathroom, so this would be no different.
Time to drop this interesting bit of reading material and the description blurb in the forum again. There used to be interviews of Charlotte online but I don’t know if they’re still on YouTube.

Here’s the pdf format of her book.

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today

I’ll summarize for those who didn’t take the time to read any of the attachment.

“Leftist commie scum have infiltrated and control every aspect of public education”
I’ll summarize for those who didn’t take the time to read any of the attachment.

“Leftist commie scum have infiltrated and control every aspect of public education”

That’s what you got from reading it? 🤦‍♀️

She’s pretty clear that the bullcrap that’s been going on in education for decades comes from both sides of the aisle.
This just goes to show how out of touch some of our school boards/systems are....who'd have thought parents (moms) would be protective of their children?
In my lifetime I've seen well respected occupations sink to lawyer and politician levels of respect - journalist, judges, priests ..... - how soon before we add teachers to that list?

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