Bro if you’ve seen my posts Iv’e said multiple times I don’t care about the rankings, I look at their games and skill set and that’s how I evaluate. I said Latham has a skillset similar to Kiki Iriafen and I can see a huge jump from her freshman season.
But I can't go on immediate game and skillset,,, unless I have seen her prior game and skillset.
I look at physical structure, individual mechanics, the look in their eyes,, the effort on the floor,,,,etc,,,everything
And if I get to speak to the coach person to person,,,I really know more about the potential,,instead of what my eyes just told me
Sometimes when scouting a potential recruit,,they may be having the worst day ever, in all facets of the days events....Or they may be a marginal shooter and go 6 for 7 on 3s.
I do agree about a coach I look at much more than game and skills
Do I want to spend a year (or four) with this athlete?
Is respect both given,,and warranted?
Is she someone I have to coddle?
Is she only about money?fame? or is she equally about, being a champion?
Are the parents people I want to spend a year (or four) with?
How does she mesh with the players I have?