Amateur Hour Continues

Say good bye to military bases named after Confederates and the naming of any ships honoring any Confederates in any way shape or form.

What is this country coming to if a man can't rise up in traitorous opposition to his country and then get participation trophies!
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The fact that a base had a sign in front of it that said "Bragg" made a big difference in military training, according to Trump, and possibly @1972 Grad, you.
As someone who has visited several Civil War battlefields and read extensively on that war, I would be willing to bet that no more than 1 of 100 people alive under the age of 50 have ever heard of General Braxton Bragg, and his service to the U.S. military in the Seminole War and the Mexican American Wars. You people are f***ing idiots if you think that you have accomplished anything worthwhile by that stupid exercise of name changes.
As someone who has visited several Civil War battlefields and read extensively on that war, I would be willing to bet that no more than 1 of 100 people alive under the age of 50 have ever heard of General Braxton Bragg, and his service to the U.S. military in the Seminole War and the Mexican American Wars. You people are f***ing idiots if you think that you have accomplished anything worthwhile by that stupid exercise of name changes.
Readiness to defend the country has taken a backseat to wokeness.
As someone who has visited several Civil War battlefields and read extensively on that war, I would be willing to bet that no more than 1 of 100 people alive under the age of 50 have ever heard of General Braxton Bragg, and his service to the U.S. military in the Seminole War and the Mexican American Wars. You people are f***ing idiots if you think that you have accomplished anything worthwhile by that stupid exercise of name changes.
Why does a name change bother you so much? Is Bragg a hero of yours?
Nope. He didn't have a great won-loss record in the Civil War, but I see no point in it. It's just another worthless and stupid exercise in the interest of political correctness.

I heard $97M for the changes. Why not...we flush
Why does a name change bother you so much? Is Bragg a hero of yours?
”Those who can not remember history are doomed to repeat it”. You try to wipeout that part of history is not gonna change it. What did Bragg ever do to you specifically that you hate him so much?

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