Amateur Hour Continues

One has to ask himself or herself, is the experience of meeting Joe Biden worth it? The democrat party has turned the presidency into such a clown show these folks are not even revered.

Joe Biden Forgets What He’s Doing Again In Ceremony With Texas Rangers​

Watching Joe Biden exist in public is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that it's inevitably a comedic experience, thanks to his own rapidly increasing senility. A curse, in that it's hard to believe that top Democrats covered up for him for so long, and that he is still ostensibly running the most powerful country on earth.

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One has to ask himself or herself, is the experience of meeting Joe Biden worth it? The democrat party has turned the presidency into such a clown show these folks are not even revered.

Joe Biden Forgets What He’s Doing Again In Ceremony With Texas Rangers​

Watching Joe Biden exist in public is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that it's inevitably a comedic experience, thanks to his own rapidly increasing senility. A curse, in that it's hard to believe that top Democrats covered up for him for so long, and that he is still ostensibly running the most powerful country on earth.

You almost feel sorry for him. Then you remember he is a democrat and that feeling dissipates like a left wing male queef in the wind.
Nah…. Luther would perform a double secret protest. He’s non-violent

Luther is in extra innings, I hope he enjoys the rest of his life here... I have my doubts. (not much can be done) I actually feel bad for him most of the time.
:( I agree I don't see him doing much of anything.
Another criminal Dem gets caught w/his hand in the cookie jar as usual taking bribes.

When I hear "BLANK" controls the weather I wonder what that really means. Certain storms hitting certain areas at certain times for destruction? Rain for crops? All weather at all times? Do I have the Jews to thank for the really nice day today?

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