Amateur Hour Continues

Wasn't there a bipartisan, like actually bipartisan, proposal given to the Obama administration several years back on the debt and spending? Seems like Sherrod Brown was on it, I don't remember for sure, and another Republican dude. But they had a plan, and it was basically laughed out of DC by both parties.
Neither party is interested in reducing spending or the debt. "Small c" conservatives will have to go the third-party route. And I'm not sure the two-party system will ever end.
I vaguely remember what you're referencing. And you're absolutely correct. There is nobody in power seats in DC even remotely serious about reducing anything. Huff's Reason article essentially concluded same.
Gingrich was an extremely powerful person. He was a highly effective speaker of the house. His personal life cost him all future political ambitions.

But winning a national election with more than promises of tort reform and welfare reform (contract with America) is a different ballgame. Amash would be going after R sacred cows. When has Reagan or anybody ever sold R's on that?
Wasn't there a bipartisan, like actually bipartisan, proposal given to the Obama administration several years back on the debt and spending? Seems like Sherrod Brown was on it, I don't remember for sure, and another Republican dude. But they had a plan, and it was basically laughed out of DC by both parties.
Neither party is interested in reducing spending or the debt. "Small c" conservatives will have to go the third-party route. And I'm not sure the two-party system will ever end.

I thought maybe the govt will start looking at spending and ways to reduce the debt. But like you said, little to no interest. It made the left and right unhappy which means it probably wasn't a bad plan.
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But winning a national election with more than promises of tort reform and welfare reform (contract with America) is a different ballgame. Amash would be going after R sacred cows. When has Reagan or anybody ever sold R's on that?
No one's sold anyone in their own party about the sacred cows. The person who pulls that off (if such a thing is e en possible) would be one heckuva a leader.
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Sarah Sanders is absolute gutter, triggered trash. Taking after her boss. What a shameful joke.

What did you find so offensive in this interview? I just watched the entire thing waiting on it.

The CNN anchor sounded like a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.

I thought maybe the govt will start looking at spending and ways to reduce the debt. But like you said, little to no interest. It made the left and right unhappy which means it probably wasn't a bad plan.
That might have been it. I'm not sure, all I remember is that they made the rounds on news media and were basically eviscerated by everyone from both parties.
I think Clinton and Gengrich will get the last nod of federal government running a surplus. Not going to happen from here on out.
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What did you find so offensive in this interview? I just watched the entire thing waiting on it.

The CNN anchor sounded like a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.
I'm not a fan of Sarah, so that doesn't help.
The constant, incessant, bold-face lying doesn't help either.
She is a mouthpiece for Trump, and that is her job, I get that. But the nonsense that she speaks is not even remotely true. Really, anything that comes out of her mouth is propagandist filler to attempt protection for Lord Red Hat.
Did I mention I don't like her.
That might have been it. I'm not sure, all I remember is that they made the rounds on news media and were basically eviscerated by everyone from both parties.
I think Clinton and Gengrich will get the last nod of federal government running a surplus. Not going to happen from here on out.
Afraid you're correct. There are days where it's a real struggle to remain hopeful responsible people will be elected.
Afraid you're correct. There are days where it's a real struggle to remain hopeful responsible people will be elected.
Never gonna happen as long as you have lifers in Congress. Another reason for Congressional term limits IMO.
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They both have said they want to adopt. I know that is a terrible thing that a couple would pull a kid out of foster care and give them a good home where they are loved and have a great shot at being a successful person.
Well, there is no first family without children. It would be just husband and husband.
Gay couples always have little dogs.
They let him get fat. He's an older dog, though.
It still amazes me that this scumbag is President. What an absolute POS. Trash, absolute trash. No collushion, no obstruction. Best economy ever, best everything ever. What is happening is not what is really happening.

He just ****ing quoted the Mueller report as exoneration, then turned around and said it was a witch hunt. Now he's trashing Obama, since he has to dog whistle to his cult.

Trump being a proto-fascist throughout the entire press conference. Surprise.

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Sarah Sanders is absolute gutter, triggered trash. Taking after her boss. What a shameful joke.

She's like one of those dolls where you pull the string and she spits some garbage out. I used to feel bad for her about the Red Hen episode. At this point though, I have zero problems with a restaurant telling her to GTFO. She's trash. She could have walked away. Instead, she chooses to stay and peddle his lies. It's as much on her now as it is on Trump.
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It still amazes me that this scumbag is President. What an absolute POS. Trash, absolute trash. No collushion, no obstruction. Best economy ever, best everything ever. What is happening is not what is really happening.

He just ****ing quoted the Mueller report as exoneration, then turned around and said it was a witch hunt. Now he's trashing Obama, since he has to dog whistle to his cult.

Trump being a proto-fascist throughout the entire press conference. Surprise.

That was awesome.
😂 You already giving up on the “Obama/Hillary and Trump are equal” and “I still give them the benefit of the doubt,” ********?

I think you need to remind yourself of the context of the conversation you joined, because this is hardly a relevant point to make. In fact, it seems like the type of windsock argument deployed by somebody engaging out of sheer butthurt. I think at this point we’re more likely to prove my post from yesterday about the futility of attempting good faith discussions with people whose heads explode at the mildest criticism of their orange skinned overlord.

Have a great weekend and see if you can kill that bug up your ass.

You are twisting in the wind.
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