America, the ignorant...

It's apparently an agenda about college reform, but considering the content of their questions you would think they would be pushing for education reform in general. Those questions did not require a college degree to answer, and most should have been learned in basic civics and United States history classes. Their funding source is somewhat dubious, but at least at face value there isn't really anything going on.
the organization clearly had an agenda to at least see conservatism represented on college campuses, but you're right in stating this list of questions didn't appear to be serving that agenda.
I wonder who took the test and are afraid to post what their score was?

One thing about a question on this test in where the Anti-Federalists managed to get the Bill of Rights attached to the Constitution is that while these rights are stipulated, the list is rather redundant since they are already implied as God given rights. There are many more God given rights not specifically enumerated but are stipulated to as implied by the main body of the Constitution. The freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness about covers it all; but the Bill of Rights specifically sets out particular ones as to emphasize their validity. Our Constitution is designed to limit the power and scope of our government more than anything else, but politicians and citizens have failed to insist its provisions be followed such that many of the provisions have been compromised or almost destroyed through implication. That is, when a law or regulation is passed undermining the Constitution and there is no outcry, the law becomes valid - this should not be, but who among us can fight it? It was suppose to be our politicans who would stand up for Constitutional purity, but since Roosevelt, that hasn't been the case. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay (the Federalists) argued that the citizens had to vote in politicians who had integrity, honesty, and a sincere desire to preserve the government under the Constitution. Now, over the years since FDR, the government has incrementally structured itself to influence how citizens perceive the correct way for government to proceed in its function. We now have all three branches of government operating to increase its powers over the citizenry such that we are now on the precipice of full blown socialism (i.e. Communal control).

Guess I've said too much - sorry.
Did you read what you attached? Neocons? Getting endowments from uber-right organizations? Seriously, if you think that makes them out to be objective, you got issues.

your President-Elect received staggering amounts of financial support from George Soros and other far left organizations. He even chaired the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which while financed by a rich republican, was infused with the radical educational ideas of William Ayers.

Please show me where you're concerned about the influence of uber left-wing organizations on education.
your President-Elect received staggering amounts of financial support from George Soros and other far left organizations. He even chaired the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which while financed by a rich republican, was infused with the radical educational ideas of William Ayers.

Please show me where you're concerned about the influence of uber left-wing organizations on education.

Do you not see the enormous difference between this "institute," passing off its push polling and results as science, versus a professional politician?

Of course Obama takes money from special interests that agree with him. McCain did the same thing. So does every other politician. And if you don't like the special interests, you aren't going to like him and you are going to decry the money he gets from his associations. Same with McCain, or Reagan, or Mondale, or whoever.

But some entity with a rather bland name trying to pass themselves off as purely interested in education, when its education as to their overtly political agenda they promote, uses a "quiz" and then -- oh my gosh the horror of what peopel care about !! Its just a fraud.

And I would say the exact same thing about any liberal think tank trying to pass off as an objective "test" something that allowed them to square off liberal ideas as "knowledge" and then feign outrage when people care more about going to the mall.
And I would say the exact same thing about any liberal think tank trying to pass off as an objective "test" something that allowed them to square off liberal ideas as "knowledge" and then feign outrage when people care more about going to the mall.
Right, because you always say the exact same things about FoxNews as you do CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, NPR, etc.
Right, because you always say the exact same things about FoxNews as you do CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, NPR, etc.

You are just horrible at keeping separate things separate.

I condemn shoddy logic and shady underhanded argument wherever I see it. In the case of this quiz, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out in context that the quiz was intended to make a political argument, not truly gauge in any objective fashion what people "know."

I am sure that the left has tried the same goofy tactic and it pisses me off just as much when they do it as the right does.
You are just horrible at keeping separate things separate.

I condemn shoddy logic and shady underhanded argument wherever I see it. In the case of this quiz, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out in context that the quiz was intended to make a political argument, not truly gauge in any objective fashion what people "know."

I am sure that the left has tried the same goofy tactic and it pisses me off just as much when they do it as the right does.
who took the quiz and how might it have impacted anything on earth had the quiz magically and subliminally swayed them to believe in capitalism over socialism?

Again, who was the audience and what was to be gained by the publication of this doc?

They can all keep trying this tactic, because it's not going to change any minds.
who took the quiz and how might it have impacted anything on earth had the quiz magically and subliminally swayed them to believe in capitalism over socialism?

Again, who was the audience and what was to be gained by the publication of this doc?

They can all keep trying this tactic, because it's not going to change any minds.

Come on BPV, you know that my point is not that the quiz itself is the tool used to persuade. Rather, its taking the results and waving them around and showing where people seem to have "knowledge" versus when they don't that is the purpose.

I am no scientist, but if I recall my basic stuff from high school, you can have a theory but your obligation in testing for it is to devise a test that creates the opportunity for the result opposite to what you think will be the outcome.

Here, the quiz was intended to have people succeed in certain areas and fail in others precisely so that the originator could try to argue that people should not have failed where they did.

Again, I'm perfectly fine with them advancing the proposition that people ought to know more about certain things the institute advances as important, i.e. that people ought to know more about defining profit than knowing about the history of Susan B. Anthony. I am also perfectly fine with them saying people ought to believe in free enterprise and local control more than depending on centralized government.

Just don't make the argument using a false tool.
Here, the quiz was intended to have people succeed in certain areas and fail in others precisely so that the originator could try to argue that people should not have failed where they did.

Look at where the failure occurred - it's across the board.

I wouldn't rate this "tool" has highly valid but it does have some validity on what citizens know about their government and it's history.

It is not the completely distorted propaganda vehicle you make it out to be.
You are just horrible at keeping separate things separate.

I condemn shoddy logic and shady underhanded argument wherever I see it. In the case of this quiz, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out in context that the quiz was intended to make a political argument, not truly gauge in any objective fashion what people "know."

I am sure that the left has tried the same goofy tactic and it pisses me off just as much when they do it as the right does.

has the knowledge of who MLK is ever helped anyone balance their checkbook, change a flat tire, or properly fold a fitted sheet?

Ah. I suppose, being a follower of Rand, that you fail to see any practical value in tolerance and respect. Carry on.
Ah. I suppose, being a follower of Rand, that you fail to see any practical value in tolerance and respect. Carry on.

I love the tolerance and respect red herring. Those are the tools of only those exuding enormous amounts of tolerance and respect.

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