American interests at risk in the Arctic Circle, War with Russia & China coming soon

I think it is obvious based my prior history that I do not think we should have entered either world war. I'm on record as saying so numerous times. You trying to manufacture an emotional appeal for us entering only highlights your hypocrisy.

That wasn't my question. Unless you mean " no" by this response. But I don't want to assume that.
There is no Hitler or WWII without the post WWI sanctions placed on Germany by Wilson.
Wilson couldn't get Congress to sign the Treaty of Versailles.

But having said that, the Treaty of Versailles was the catalyst for creating Hitler.
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Wilson couldn't get Congress to sign the Treaty of Versailles.

But having said that, the Treaty of Versailles was the catalyst for creating Hitler.

Wilson was one of many parties at the Paris Peace Conference. He didn't write the treaty.
I am saying no.


To answer your question from before: no, the US should not have sent troops to deal with those situations. That is not to say that it wouldn't have been in the best interest of humanity if those atrocities had been nipped earlier than they were.

To answer your question from before: no, the US should not have sent troops to deal with those situations. That is not to say that it wouldn't have been in the best interest of humanity if those atrocities had been nipped earlier than they were.
All I will say in closing is this. When has the US NOT been engaged in a war or conflict in your lifetime? Since the Eisenhower freeway system, when was the last time the US was engaged in a super-infrastructure project right here in the US to help promote commerce and trade? When have we been involved with any international infrastructure projects that promote commerce and trade?

We are a warring nation... we spend our resources engaged in war and waste our valuable mental and human capital advancing war instead of advancing commerce and trade.

I think there's a reason for that. "Leaders" whether in business, government, military, or elsewhere have to be seen as doing something; otherwise who needs them. It's not good enough to simply keep an eye on what's working and keep things on course; somebody has to shake things up (even if it's a bad move) to be seen as bold, visionary, and all other sorts of BS terms. It's why we have to have off the scale Type A personalities in control ... throw in all that testosterone and you get violence and the willingness to go to war. What makes a bolder statement than going to war? In essence we are our own worst enemy.

College football is a perfect example. Some bowl games for bragging rights weren't good enough, so now we have to have a mythical number one and a playoff to select a crown. It couldn't be simply a sport where players learned life lessons from sports; it became a war, and we developed our own cold war type MAD with coaches ... tenure (limited if you aren't at the top in perhaps 3 or 4 years) and salary. Except for a few ... a continuous meltdown and "regroup" cycle frequently with questionable coaches making far more than the professors who actually teach the important stuff.
Ras, not trying to be offensive, but I'm curious as to why you are so anti-America and pro-Russia? It seems like no matter what Russia does, you always rush to their defense. Why?
He's a wannabe troll
Ras, are you okay with Russia just taking whatever they want? I agree the U.S. often gets involved in matters we shouldn't, and we need to stop. But your pro-Russian stance makes me wonder how far you think Russia should be allowed to go unchecked by the rest of the world? Last time we allowed a country to go completely unchecked we had WWII.

And I'm largely an isolationist, but realize there are times when actions are needed.
Agreed. China is at our back door in Venezuela and will continue to gather support. It's obvious china and Russia are positioning themselves against us.

Sadly, we're to worried about Betsy Ross flag shoes being racist to notice the advancements Russia and china are doing.
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Agreed. China is at our back door in Venezuela and will continue to gather support. It's obvious china and Russia are positioning themselves against us.

Sadly, we're to worried about Betsy Ross flag shoes being racist to notice the advancements Russia and china are doing.

Against us in terms of what???

What do you think their end game is?
Against us in terms of what???

What do you think their end game is?

I think they're getting support from more countries to place military closer to us. They're getting other countries to choose them over us, per say. Why would they want to help Venezuela out? I just think it's to continue making us more irrelevant on a global stage.
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I think they're getting support from more countries to place military closer to us. They're getting other countries to choose them over us, per say. Why would they want to help Venezuela out? I just think it's to continue making us more irrelevant on a global stage.

That would be one less country with oil reserves that would trade oil for USD.

This has nothing to do with military dominance in this hemisphere. You can relax on that notion. But it is definitely about the USD being used to bully other countries. The more allies Russia and China can get that don't trade oil for USD, the better off we ALL will be. Yes, even the US citizens.
I think they're getting support from more countries to place military closer to us. They're getting other countries to choose them over us, per say. Why would they want to help Venezuela out? I just think it's to continue making us more irrelevant on a global stage.

Bolton Losing Ground On Venezuela, Iran... But Far From Down-And-Out

The failure of Bolton – eagerly supported by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Special Envoy Elliott Abrams and Vice President Mike Pence – to secure the toppling of President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela a month ago clearly cost him badly. Trump is a lifelong businessman. He would have gone for what he regarded as a good deal – the toppling of Maduro in a US–orchestrated coup but Bolton and his gang made an utter hash of it.
China's New Icebreaker Ship Ready For 'Polar Silk Road'

Foggo said it's essential for the US Navy to continue modernization efforts and ramp up patrols in the Arctic as the region becomes "more accessible, to protect the American people, our sovereign territory and rights, and the natural resources and interests" of the US and its allies.

China has zero territorial claims in the Arctic, but that hasn't stopped the rising power of the world from establishing footholds in the regions.

China's long game is setting up the 'Polar Silk Road' by using icebreakers to clear shipping channels in the Arctic would allow for quicker shipping between China and Europe.

Explain how Polar shipping lanes affects American interests, territorial rights, natural resources or, in particular, American people in general.


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