American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump

He also said "I don't know who told the author that, but that was false."

The fact that somebody who absolutley abhors Trump denies that he said that says a lot. Just because he has a history of speaking his mind gives nobody the right to just completely make something like this up. But then again, that's really all we have come to expect anymore. One hit piece after another, it doesn't matter if its true or not and until there are real repercussions and accountability for the news media this will never end. All I ask for is unbiased reporting that is based on facts, not opinions and lies.
Here is the context you're missing. Bolton didn't say the disparaging remarks didn't happen. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

BOLTON: “According to what that article said, made disparaging remarks about soldiers that people buried in the cemetery in connection with the decision for him not to go to the ceremony that was planned that afternoon and that was simply false. I don’t know who told the author that, but that was false and I recount that in my book the room where it happened and reaffirmed that in response to questions the next day.”
Here is the context you're missing. Bolton didn't say the disparaging remarks didn't happen. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

BOLTON: “According to what that article said, made disparaging remarks about soldiers that people buried in the cemetery in connection with the decision for him not to go to the ceremony that was planned that afternoon and that was simply false. I don’t know who told the author that, but that was false and I recount that in my book the room where it happened and reaffirmed that in response to questions the next day.”

Lots of caveats there. Not quite a full-throated denial. And I love the pitch for the book at the end. Keep on griftin' Johnny!
And you can easily be in denial about who Donald Trump is as a person. As John Bolton said, although he didn't hear these specific comments, they are characteristic of statements that Donald Trump has made in the past.

Now, do I for one minute believe that you would be willing to give Joe Biden the benefit of the doubt over something like this? No, I think you would pounce all over it... just as I am doing against Trump.
And that right there is the problem. If Trump or Biden said that to make fun of or disparage dead soldiers, they would be a sick individual and likely not worthy of being CIC. I find it hard to believe that anyone, especially anyone running for POTUS, would say such a thing. Whether it be Biden or Trump accused of such a thing they should be considered innocent until proven guilty. I get this isn’t a court of law but that is the kind of statement that could even prompt radical individuals to threaten harm to someone and their family. Both sides need to stop assuming every story from the Atlantic, NYT, Breitbart, OANN, or whoever is true.
Here is the context you're missing. Bolton didn't say the disparaging remarks didn't happen. Who are you trying to fool, yourself?

BOLTON: “According to what that article said, made disparaging remarks about soldiers that people buried in the cemetery in connection with the decision for him not to go to the ceremony that was planned that afternoon and that was simply false. I don’t know who told the author that, but that was false and I recount that in my book the room where it happened and reaffirmed that in response to questions the next day.”

The only context I'm seeing is multiple people have gone on record to deny that this is true. This includes somebody who hates Trump. How many times have we seen this whole "anonymous source" play out over the past 4 years?
So Trump is a draft dodger but Biden and his 5 deferments will get your vote?
No, I said Donny Bonespurs who is a draft dodger and who called McCain a "loser" and "not a war hero" for being captured probably did call the dead soldiers "losers and suckers". I wasn't discussing Biden.
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I need to read a bio of Ike..he's one of the Presidents that I've not studied much
I actually saw Ike in person at the opening season baseball game in D.C. in 1960 . The Washington Senators, who became the Minnesota Twins the next year, played the Boston Red Sox at the old Griffith Stadium. That was Ted Williams last season, too. He hit a home run in that game for Boston's only run, as they got drilled 10-1. I think the Senators had about 4 home runs.
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And that right there is the problem. If Trump or Biden said that to make fun of or disparage dead soldiers, they would be a sick individual and likely not worthy of being CIC. I find it hard to believe that anyone, especially anyone running for POTUS, would say such a thing. Whether it be Biden or Trump accused of such a thing they should be considered innocent until proven guilty. I get this isn’t a court of law but that is the kind of statement that could even prompt radical individuals to threaten harm to someone and their family. Both sides need to stop assuming every story from the Atlantic, NYT, Breitbart, OANN, or whoever is true.
So far fetched to believe said that, huh?
No, I said Donny Bonespurs who is a draft dodger and who called McCain a "loser" and "not a war hero" for being captured probably did call the dead soldiers "losers and suckers". I wasn't discussing Biden.
Well, Trump had a reason to hate McCain. He doesn't have one to hate all of the dead soldiers.
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Well, Trump had a reason to hate McCain. He doesn't have one to hate all of the dead soldiers.
What's your point? Do you think Trump needs a personal grudge before he says callous awful things? Do you think having a grudge makes it OK?

Also, what (valid) reason could one have to say such a thing? I dont say such things against people I dislike. It shows a core lack of common decency. So it's not far fetched that he would have said such things about long dead soldiers.
No, I said Donny Bonespurs who is a draft dodger and who called McCain a "loser" and "not a war hero" for being captured probably did call the dead soldiers "losers and suckers". I wasn't discussing Biden.

He literally calls him a war hero. Then he makes a tacky joke about preferring heroes who weren't captured. And he calls him a loser because he lost the election after Trump raised a million bucks for him, not because he was captured. You guys are really reaching to try to tie this statement to the new anonymously sourced allegations.
He literally calls him a war hero. Then he makes a tacky joke about preferring heroes who weren't captured. And he calls him a loser because he lost the election after Trump raised a million bucks for him, not because he was captured. You guys are really reaching to try to tie this statement to the new anonymously sourced allegations.

Wow. I mean just wow.

You are completely butchering what he said to try to minimize it. Total denial to the point of being delusional.
What's your point? Do you think Trump needs a personal grudge before he says callous awful things? Do you think having a grudge makes it OK?

Also, what (valid) reason could one have to say such a thing? I dont say such things against people I dislike. It shows a core lack of common decency. So it's not far fetched that he would have said such things about long dead soldiers.

Yes he lacks decency. Yes he is a petty boob. But that's not what he is accused of. And, while it isn't hard for me to imagine him saying what he is alleged to have said, there is absolutely no reason to believe he said it given the timing of the allegations after 2 years and given the amount of people who detest him who are on record claiming it is false.
Wow. I mean just wow.

You are completely butchering what he said to try to minimize it. Total denial to the point of being delusional.

Hmm. Does he not literally call him a hero? Seems that to butcher it, you would need to type out what he DIDN'T say.
He literally calls him a war hero. Then he makes a tacky joke about preferring heroes who weren't captured. And he calls him a loser because he lost the election after Trump raised a million bucks for him, not because he was captured. You guys are really reaching to try to tie this statement to the new anonymously sourced allegations.
Direct quotes on video of using the same language is a "reach"? Mmkk

Believe what you want. Nothing will change your mind.
What's your point? Do you think Trump needs a personal grudge before he says callous awful things? Do you think having a grudge makes it OK?

Also, what (valid) reason could one have to say such a thing? I dont say such things against people I dislike. It shows a core lack of common decency. So it's not far fetched that he would have said such things about long dead soldiers.
Well, McCain turned over the Steele Dossier to the FBI, and said that he "would do it again". He went on to say that "anybody that didn't like it can go to Hell". He called Trump supporters "anti-immigration zealots". Maybe some his illegal immigrants and Democrats can join him in Hell.
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It’s not a trick question . Is there proof he said it or are you just assuming based on emotional outrage ?
Direct evidence would be witnesses saying he said it. Anonymous sources say he said it. That's proof. The question is whether you want give that proof any weight. You don't, you won't. Once he's out of power, the sources will probably come forward with their names, but don't want to lose their jobs atm.

The video shows him using strikingly similar language against a powerful political opponent/colleague on television. That's called circumstantial evidence. It's evidence of circumstances that tend to support indirectly what the anonymous sources said. It is also evidence. What's most striking is that he would say something about McCain like that despite the blow back it would cause him. So, if he would say terrible things like that against a known powerful politician on TV, what's to stop him from saying it about a bunch of long-dead sharecroppers in private?

The dude is creep with no morality who believes that the poor are "losers and suckers". He's the same silver spoon big city rich boy that republican voters hated 10 years ago but now are lining up to shine his shoes.
Day 26 update....
Kelly "no comment"
Everybody else that was on the trip "Didn't say it or I didn't hear it

Still waiting on hotel workers, bartenders, and taxi drivers to weigh in

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