American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump

Speaking of necros... this is "comedy gold" (if I remember correctly, a term you used in this thread)...

We are at an inflection point with Trump and his base.

It's hard to admit you've been fooled. It's hard for Republicans to admit that the Democrats have ALWAYS been right about Trump. So a certain percentage will simply never be able to admit he conned them.

Hopefully, when push comes to shove enough of them will simply refuse to participate in the Trump charade altogether and, while they won't vote for Biden, maybe they'll have the integrity not to vote for Trump.
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Did he say it,.or not?

Simple question.
I’m going to be honest
I’m way more concerned with the “grab them by the *” stuff. He’s a horrible human being and doesn’t deserve to be president. I’m curious why the democrats are trying so hard to help him
I’m going to be honest
I’m way more concerned with the “grab them by the *” stuff. He’s a horrible human being and doesn’t deserve to be president. I’m curious why the democrats are trying so hard to help him
I think he has said plenty of horrible things. I have no desire to rank them.
Do. You. Think. Kelly. Is. Lying?

The bigger question is EVERYONE lying? Almost to a person, those in important positions and who've seen and gotten to watch Donny drive the bus behind the scenes are appalled that that he is even being considered for another term.
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Any particular reason to doubt his credibility other than his statements negatively impact Trump?
At this point with the intelligence community coming out and writing a piece on how Hunter’s computer was Russian disinformation and everything else that has gone on since Trump was elected, it’s hard to believe anything that anyone says about Trump. If someone like Mad Dog Matthis comes out and says it, then I’ll listen, but Kelly isn’t someone I trust.
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At this point with the intelligence community coming out and writing a piece on how Hunter’s computer was Russian disinformation and everything else that has gone on since Trump was elected, it’s hard to believe anything that anyone says about Trump. If someone like Mad Dog Matthis comes out and says it, then I’ll listen, but Kelly isn’t someone I trust.

What more does Mattis need to say to convince you?
So you do not accept the word of those who heard him say it?
It's always the ever-expanding conspiracy theory that they're all out to get Trump. These knuckledraggers never take out Occam's razor and think maybe, just maybe, the simplest explanation for all of these people claiming Trump says and does terrible stuff is that Trump is just a massive POS that says and does terrible stuff.
Maga is full of crass, lightly educated, narrow-minded, mostly rural people who don't dress very well (at all). Why these self-styled "family/christian values" and "patriots" would like the vile human being named trump is hard to fathom--a national embarrassment, and doubly so because many of these goobers still support him. I guess if you're used to loud Sunday tv preachers bloviating about JESUS! the gangster, with his 24/7 stream of rambling bull$hit, is not much different. Trump hates dark-skinned people and migrants--and so he and MAGA ARE simpatico on that issue, for sure. The gangster's a political con man and much like a wrestling villain, and MAGA like wrestling--and apparently think it's real. Real enough, apparently. The gangster's election in '16 was absolutely one of he darkest and most disturbing events in the history of this country--and by now you'd think even the hard-headed Earls would see why. Slow learners. Ask a MAGA person how he or she would have reacted if a mob of black/hispanic/Asian or tree-hugging liberals had attacked the U.S. Capitol and watch the hypocrisy come oozing out of their ears.
I think he has said plenty of horrible things. I have no desire to rank them.
The context matters.
Biden said that the marine corps was “a bunch of stupid bastards” or something similar don’t remember the exact quote and don’t care because the context was a poorly executed joke.
Trump says plenty of things to be considered. This wasn’t one of them.

Edit: and I actually don’t believe he said it at all.
The AP says this about it.

“Four reputable news outlets, all citing anonymous sources, report President Donald Trump disparaged US troops, veterans, and missing service members, with several outlets reporting he has called military members “losers.” Yet the president, along with current and former staff on the record, continues to dispute those stories.”
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At this point with the intelligence community coming out and writing a piece on how Hunter’s computer was Russian disinformation and everything else that has gone on since Trump was elected, it’s hard to believe anything that anyone says about Trump. If someone like Mad Dog Matthis comes out and says it, then I’ll listen, but Kelly isn’t someone I trust.
Wasnt Kelly long gone by the time Hunter Bidens laptop became a thing. I've got a feeling you don't trust Kelly simply because he said something negative about Donny.

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