Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

Drumpf completely started the whole tit for tat. He didn't realize politics wasn't for snowflake Yankee.

He is a consistent victim of everything people are doing to him. He is incapable to admit wrong doing or even be self disparaging in a funny way.

At least we can agree that he is a narcissistic prick.
Better than the whore you are putting up.
It's that the past 150 years of precedent overrides what happened under Andrew Johnson at the end of the Civil war.
When you look at precedent, you start in the present and work your way back.
So next time you will be arguing for them to steal the seat? Because precedent? Even if the senate is aligned with the president?
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Partisan and biased much? With this logic the country doesn't want a 2nd term of trump because the truest democratic house is the house of reps and definitely went blue in 2018. The house of reps are more responsive to the will of the people due to being based on population and only 2 year terms.

Obama was not lame duck president. Lame duck presidents have their successor named this certainly was not the case in February. Mitch clutched his pearls because he could not stop obama legislation and double downed on zero sum politics.
So trump is also not a lame duck president ....
So trump is also not a lame duck president ....

There's actually a lot of variability in the "lame duck" definition. VFFL didn't agree with my comment. It's likely that dems just pick and choose a definition the way they always handle things like that - whether something does or does not benefit their argument. Bill Clinton comes to mind.
There's actually a lot of variability in the "lame duck" definition. VFFL didn't agree with my comment. It's likely that dems just pick and choose a definition the way they always handle things like that - whether something does or does not benefit their argument. Bill Clinton comes to mind.
Well if it walks like a lame duck and quacks like a lame duck...
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You misspelled a word that I would insert, but that would get removed.

Sorry I meant he wants to pack the supreme court but the senate too I'm sure. By the way, I'm posting a lot to move silly thread starters like Character Week to page 2.
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There's actually a lot of variability in the "lame duck" definition. VFFL didn't agree with my comment. It's likely that dems just pick and choose a definition the way they always handle things like that - whether something does or does not benefit their argument. Bill Clinton comes to mind.

My definition is the most commonly accepted but I am sure you did some internet research.
Just like the new Republican's you don't like the facts? Attack the messenger and just change the facts.

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