Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

The family name was changed to Trump in the early 1600's during the Thirty Years War. As far as Joe's wealth was "earned," stay tuned. He has been fingered as the "big guy" mentioned in an email of Hunter's , getting paid off by a Chinese firm.
Nice word choice. Biden‘s been fingered. What a turn of events.
The family name was changed to Trump in the early 1600's during the Thirty Years War. As far as Joe's wealth was "earned," stay tuned. He has been fingered as the "big guy" mentioned in an email of Hunter's , getting paid off by a Chinese firm.

Yeah, yeah another partisan hack job, inspired by q.
Nice word choice. Biden‘s been fingered. What a turn of events.

You know, somewhere deep down inside, there's just something about how that post would have been even better if you had spelled "turn" with a "d" instead of "n".
The only way your post could be remotely funny is if you think there is an attempt at humor.

How did Bidden make his money? By working for it. Are you jealous of someone else's success and willing to believe Q as an explanation? Feel free to do actual research or just ask mitch while sitting on his lap. Bidden has been one of the poorest members of congress. Bidden has had a great government job for a long time, managed his money fairly well and probably had some help from grand parents they had oil money. Which in my circles would make him pretty rich but not even in the ballpark with the amount of money drumpf claims to have.

Drumpf by the way isn't a nickname but his family name that was changed after a grandfather did jail time for avoiding military conscription.
The only circle you have is the one you make chasing your tail with this idiotic rhetoric. Run along. You aren’t even worth my time so I won’t be responding to you again. You’ll try though.
The only circle you have is the one you make chasing your tail with this idiotic rhetoric. Run along. You aren’t even worth my time so I won’t be responding to you again. You’ll try though.

Haha I know just insult the people, logic or facts you don't like. Its the new unamerican way drumpf has pushed.

Do yourself a favor. Grab the soft safety pears, they won't hurt your soft little hands as much.
Haha I know just insult the people, logic or facts you don't like. Its the new unamerican way drumpf has pushed.

Do yourself a favor. Grab the soft safety pears, they won't hurt your soft little hands as much.
Biden made money through graft. There's is enough evidence now to prove it. When his sons business partner released all his emails it was just another nail in a coffin that unfortunately won't get burried and nothing will be done. With all the agencies covering everyone's ass, I think I can safely say this Gov, dem or repubs are irredeemable.
Any pretense that one side is better than the other is fools fodder.
Biden made money through graft. There's is enough evidence now to prove it. When his sons business partner released all his emails it was just another nail in a coffin that unfortunately won't get burried and nothing will be done. With all the agencies covering everyone's ass, I think I can safely say this Gov, dem or repubs are irredeemable.
Any pretense that one side is better than the other is fools fodder.

Bureaucracies protect bureaucracies - that's job one. The GOP is the party stupid enough to propose cutting DC bureaucracies, and most of us have learned that having friends in low places gets more done than friends in high places when a bureaucracy is involved. All this stuff is just going to die in inboxes and in fried electronic devices and nobody will ever know why.

For the leaves they will wither (the leaves they will wither)
And roots they will die (the roots they will die)
You'll all be forsaken (you'll all be forsaken)
And never know why (and never know why)
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Her voice is nails on the chalkboard. I wonder how many times she's demanded to speak to the manager when eating at the local applebee's

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