Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

As long as you're not taking choices away and people's freedom like the nazi eugenicists. You know eugenicist is not inherently a negative term, right? What's wrong with improving the gene pool?
I'm sure it's OK as long as that improvement doesn't include you and your children.
Whatever a fetus is, it's not a little kid. Somehow Christians are sure it's murder and that it's sacred human life when the Bible never gave direction on this extremely important concept once.
You mean the passage in Leviticus defining that life is in the blood (leading to the interpretation that "life" begins when blood structures form, as early as third week) is not "direction from the Bible"?

You're about the most ignorant person on the board, and the way you try to lord some kind of intelligence over people is so very sad.
As long as you're not taking choices away and people's freedom like the nazi eugenicists. You know eugenicist is not inherently a negative term, right? What's wrong with improving the gene pool?

Interesting take indeed , and yet here we are shutting down an economy , pushing fear about a second wave , forcing private businesses to close , restricting people’s abilities to worship , restricting their movement and being able to assemble , and forcing people to wear masks over a virus that’s exactly what you just described .. a herd cleanser.
You mean the passage in Leviticus defining that life is in the blood (leading to the interpretation that "life" begins when blood structures form, as early as third week) is not "direction from the Bible"?

You're about the most ignorant person on the board, and the way you try to lord some kind of intelligence over people is so very sad.

That interpretation is BS, so yeah.

Say it is the correct interpretation...if this is so important, why not make things clear? Because that is not clear at all.

Going straight to insults. It's the Christian way, I guess?
It definitely depends. If you try to gain a financial benefit for an unborn child, then it's not life (tax credit, claim as a dependent). But if you want to exercise bodily autonomy, then stop the presses. Plain old pretzel logic. As soon conservatives have to put their money where their mouth is, life begins at birth.
That interpretation is BS, so yeah.

Say it is the correct interpretation...if this is so important, why not make things clear? Because that is not clear at all.

Going straight to insults. It's the Christian way, I guess?

Claim it's BS, then offer no proof. Try again, nerd.

I have no issue insulting someone who apparently thinks selectively thinning the gene pool is not a bad thing, especially when those thinning centers are largely minority populations.
It definitely depends. If you try to gain a financial benefit for an unborn child, then it's not life (tax credit, claim as a dependent). But if you want to exercise bodily autonomy, then stop the presses. Plain old pretzel logic.
Or if your actions committing specific crimes kills an unborn child it's murder, but not if it's an abortionist who does it. So for one act the unborn child is considered a human life and for another it is not. That's some curious pretzel logic for ya.
That interpretation is BS, so yeah.

Say it is the correct interpretation...if this is so important, why not make things clear? Because that is not clear at all.

Going straight to insults. It's the Christian way, I guess?
The Bible is very clear on the importance of human life
I try not to get personal on here, but I hate him and love him all the same. Just wish he would have called me.
Yep. My feelings are exactly the same which is common. Each situation and the dealing with grief is unique to the individual as I’ve explained to people who I’ve talked to about it, but yes there are also common responses of which the one you brought up in my experience is the one that comes up the most. You strongly hate the selfish choice this person made but you still love the person and desperately want to have one last chance to say don’t do it which brings forth the positive empathy emotions. How you reconcile this common conflicted stance is the unique personal aspect.

Now seriously back to just bitching at each other.
It definitely depends. If you try to gain a financial benefit for an unborn child, then it's not life (tax credit, claim as a dependent). But if you want to exercise bodily autonomy, then stop the presses. Plain old pretzel logic. As soon conservatives have to put their money where their mouth is, life begins at birth.
What are you babbling about? The government's tax laws have nothing to do with either morals OR the definition of life
Claim it's BS, then offer no proof. Try again, nerd.

I have no issue insulting someone who apparently thinks selectively thinning the gene pool is not a bad thing, especially when those thinning centers are largely minority populations.

How can you prove or disprove something like this?

Maybe someday we'll find the 11th commandment. We needed to be explicitly told not to lie but we didn't need to be told:

11. Thou shalt not abort a fetus. This is sort of confusing and terribly important, so we want to be clear, it does count as murder because it's sacred human life.

Instead, we got "life is in the blood", LOL.
How can you prove or disprove something like this?

Maybe someday we'll find the 11th commandment. We needed to be explicitly told not to lie but we didn't need to be told:

11. Thou shalt not abort a fetus. This is sort of confusing, so we want to be clear, an unborn baby does count as murder because it's sacred human life.

Instead, we got "life is in the blood", LOL.
In one case, I'm using the actual words in the Bible (and Gospel truth of the importance of the eucharist/sacrament and blood in that ritual).

In your case, you've apparently created some weird headcanon that fits what you want to feel. Same energy as weird fake Jesuses that end up in insane asylums.

Abortion is the lesser of two evils. Freakonomics did a study of abortion a few years back. For people who dont have the resources, there aren't any better options. As to being murder, it's not the same, even though I'm sure you'll beg to differ.
Human beings are remarkable adaptive. If abortion wasn't an option then they'd learn to take greater precautions, maybe only have sex with responsible individuals that could properly care for a child, realize after a child was born they need to improve their lives? Of course humans area also lazy so we take the easiest way out possible.
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In one case, I'm using the actual words in the Bible (and Gospel truth of the importance of the eucharist/sacrament and blood in that ritual).

In your case, you've apparently created some weird headcanon that fits what you want to feel. Same energy as weird fake Jesuses that end up in insane asylums.

You guys have a thread to discuss this kind of stuff. Go there.
In one case, I'm using the actual words in the Bible.

In your case, you've apparently created some weird headcanon that fits what you want to feel. Same energy as weird fake Jesuses that end up in insane asylums.


No ****? What do you think I'm doing?
I find it fascinating that lefties think ACB has the power all herself to overturn RvW. She hasn't opined on ANYTHING and they are ready to burn the entire system down. The temper tantrum the left is throwing is nothing short of epic. I pray that Trump wins next week... or whenever all the votes show up... and the left goes into an apoplectic seizure.

And ya'll have at it with the abortions. It is overwhelmingly the black community that you are killing, so go for it. Oh. I better censor that because it is probably considered racist.... Trump gives blacks the ability to work and earn money in record numbers unseen in this country before... and Democrats want to kill them before they have a chance. And Trump is the racist.
Its poor people who tend to need them more and systemic racism has kept more black people there. Everyone has some blame for this. I agree more should be done to lower the abortion rate among black people.

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