Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

Human beings are remarkable adaptive. If abortion wasn't an option then they'd learn to take greater precautions, maybe only have sex with responsible individuals that could properly care for a child, realize after a child was born they need to improve their lives? Of course humans area also lazy so we take the easiest way out possible.
Abstinence has been a failing argument for, more or less, all of human history. Abortion in some shape or form has been with us throughout human history.
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Or if your actions committing specific crimes kills an unborn child it's murder, but not if it's an abortionist who does it. So for one act the unborn child is considered a human life and for another it is not. That's some curious pretzel logic for ya.
Yeah, that law is dumb. You could make it a crime without making up some dumb new starting line for life.

However, I see no problem with punishing people for committing a crime where they injure a mother-to-be which causes the loss of a pregnancy. I draw a moral distinction between bodily autonomy and aggravated assault.
Yeah, that law is dumb. You could make it a crime without making up some dumb new starting line for life.

However, I see no problem with punishing people for committing a crime where they injure a mother-to-be which causes the loss of a pregnancy. I draw a moral distinction between bodily autonomy and aggravated assault.
I guess that would depend upon who is being aggravated?

Just like here.
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Literally posting a sarcastic comment about the 11th commandment and ignoring my actual posts.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit."

As usual, you're way out of your element.

It's still wit. And you're still relying on insults, which is definitely lower than sarcasm, and you need it because your position is oh so solid.

What am I ignoring? What do you need my response on?
It's still wit. And you're still relying on insults, which is definitely lower than sarcasm, and you need it because your position is oh so solid.

What am I ignoring? What do you need my response on?
Boy I'm glad you're proud of yourself.

Your response to anything I've said is a made up 11th commandment, a claim to be bringing up the Bible with no direct quotes or verses or even moderately intelligent refutation of what I've said other than "that's BS", so by extension you've effectively ignored all I've posted.

I insult because I'm a human that's reached my limit of tolerance, especially with horrid people like yourself that favor death, destruction, and open-faced racism and systematic destruction of other humans.
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The definition of when life begins. Keep up. The line moves depending on what it costs the government.
no it's not...the only reason that unborn children are not taxable or considered dependent status is because the government uses Social Security Numbers to track all citizens. These were never given to unborn children NOT because they weren't considered human life, it was because of the high rate of miscarriages that no one was given a SSN until actual birth, to prevent extra unneeded work on government employees AND for the consideration of the parent's of lost babies.
That does not necessarily "improve the gene pool."
Judging by posts he's made about his family and himself maybe we ought to rethink our position.

I'm usually pretty stout in believing people deserve a chance.
Its poor people who tend to need them more and systemic racism has kept more black people there. Everyone has some blame for this. I agree more should be done to lower the abortion rate among black people.

We are in the year 2020 , there is no excuse that can be made not to be able to find , and acquire birth control for free . This in itself , making a more concerted effort , would lower the amount of abortions . I would go even further and say if you can afford an iPhone and make sure that your phone isn’t shut off for lack of payment , you can afford better birth control . Priorities and self responsibility would solve most problems . ( IMO )
So has slavery and a whole lot of other things, pandemics, war, death, taxes. . .
According to the freakonomics folks, an lack of access to abortion is a gateway for all of those things, a choice, as it were, between which evil you prefer.
According to the freakonomics folks, an lack of access to abortion is a gateway for all of those things, a choice, as it were, between which evil you prefer.
My man, Freakonomics is popular culture and barely scientific.
My man, Freakonomics is popular culture and barely scientific.

Huh? You know those guys aren't doing the science, they're just bringing other people's science to light. And yes, it's peer-reviewed "scientific" stuff, because they are mostly honestly following the scientific process.

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