Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

Since we're discarding all pretense of preserving human life and we're also only considering economic ramifications for birthing children instead of aborting them, AND we're saying that the arbitrary line for life is "birth", what's stopping us from just going ahead and pushing that line on out to aborting anyone that is unable to support themselves and relies on government intervention?
Since we're discarding all pretense of preserving human life and we're also only considering economic ramifications for birthing children instead of aborting them, AND we're saying that the arbitrary line for life is "birth", what's stopping us from just going ahead and pushing that line on out to aborting anyone that is unable to support themselves and relies on government intervention?

Works for @Ashevolle
The next question for the abortion rights proponents and I am not completely against it in very limited circumstances: if life begins at birth, why is a pregnant woman who is murdered considered double homicide in many states?
Just curious.. what limited situations are acceptable ?
As long as you're not taking choices away and people's freedom like the nazi eugenicists. You know eugenicist is not inherently a negative term, right? What's wrong with improving the gene pool?
The manner in which it's done? Murder is generally bad. Killing someone generally denies them all choice and freedom.
The manner in which it's done? Murder is generally bad. Killing someone generally denies them all choice and freedom.

Sure, but you can make this point about anything that isn't inherently bad. Is capitalism inherently bad? No, but the manner in which it is done can be bad. Same thing with eugenics. Same thing with religion.
Sure, but you can make this point about anything that isn't inherently bad. Is capitalism inherently bad? No, but the manner in which it is done can be bad. Same thing with eugenics. Same thing with religion.
there's a thread for those. . .
Says who? Roe vs. Wade introduced the Right to Privacy that had not been found in the Constitution prior to 1973, but did not create a legal definition of when life starts, although it referenced the traditional concept it began at birth. In fact, it expressly recognized the different phases of pre-natal development.
And remember you’re talking to a “lawyer” here 😂
Since we're discarding all pretense of preserving human life and we're also only considering economic ramifications for birthing children instead of aborting them, AND we're saying that the arbitrary line for life is "birth", what's stopping us from just going ahead and pushing that line on out to aborting anyone that is unable to support themselves and relies on government intervention?

They're kill babies that survive abortions by letting them die in a closet.
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A few of my liberal friends are melting down on Facebook. It’s comical to watch the overreaction on the part of the left. I bet they would still be agonizing over ACB if Merrick Garland had been confirmed during Obama’s last few months. Partisans simply must have something to bitch about even if it exposes them as hypocrites.

These clowns may get their way, but they’ll never get their dignity back. Apocalyptic hypocrisy that will cause the pendulum to swing back wildly, directly in their face.
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