Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

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These clowns may get their way, but they’ll never get their dignity back. Apocalyptic hypocrisy that will cause the pendulum to swing back wildly, directly in their face.

You do realize how many videos are out there proving Dems are hypocrites and none of this could be possible if if wasn’t for Harry Reid , right ? This is the pendulum swinging back at the left . Enjoy .
A few of my liberal friends are melting down on Facebook. It’s comical to watch the overreaction on the part of the left. I bet they would still be agonizing over ACB if Merrick Garland had been confirmed during Obama’s last few months. Partisans simply must have something to bitch about even if it exposes them as hypocrites.
It’s amazing, my grandfather didn’t act like them when RGB was sworn in. There has never been as big a swing as that shift....and the direction the court took going forward....justices influencing the law rather than just ruling on it
Hard to believe this has gotten the traction it has as somehow being corrupt. A by the book, well, guess I should say Constitution, nomination and confirmation, yet people are now screaming about it being unfair and saying Dems should expand the court. What BS. I get people don't like the politics in play. I don't like the fact that the SCOTUS is a political body. But there was absolutely no wrong doing here. Expanding the court just to get your way is freaking childish. If Joe wins, he'll get to nominate liberal justices to fill the seats. That should be enough.
How can you prove or disprove something like this?

Maybe someday we'll find the 11th commandment. We needed to be explicitly told not to lie but we didn't need to be told:

11. Thou shalt not abort a fetus. This is sort of confusing and terribly important, so we want to be clear, it does count as murder because it's sacred human life.

Instead, we got "life is in the blood", LOL.
Uh. You are making it way more complicated than it is.

In the bible killing is killing. Even in the old testament non believers, slaves etc it was still considered murder. The only distinction is war.

They wouldnt have had the understanding about all the developmental stages of life, so the bible breaking it down would have been doubly pointless. Pointless once because killing is already wrong, and pointless a second time because it would have gone over their head.

No one expects the bible to be a science or history book breaking down the finer working of things or humans. It sets the groundwork for what is acceptable and what isnt. And it's pretty clear on murder. That's already a commandment.
They're not born. So life hasn't started. Can I murder the already dead?

Last I checked my birthday marked the beginning of life. Otherwise I would have started hitting the bars 9 months earlier.
If a pregnant lady gets killed are you against the law that allows for the murderer to face two murder charges?
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You do realize how many videos are out there proving Dems are hypocrites and none of this could be possible if if wasn’t for Harry Reid , right ? This is the pendulum swinging back at the left . Enjoy .
I literally laughed when I read his post and he used the word "dignity". Ask Brett Cavanaugh about Democrats and dignity.
Uh. You are making it way more complicated than it is.

In the bible killing is killing. Even in the old testament non believers, slaves etc it was still considered murder. The only distinction is war.

They wouldnt have had the understanding about all the developmental stages of life, so the bible breaking it down would have been doubly pointless. Pointless once because killing is already wrong, and pointless a second time because it would have gone over their head.

No one expects the bible to be a science or history book breaking down the finer working of things or humans. It sets the groundwork for what is acceptable and what isnt. And it's pretty clear on murder. That's already a commandment.

Nobody said it has to be a science book. They couldn't say "thou shalt not abort a baby" because mother****ers couldn't count weeks back then? What about for us? The Bible isn't just for the people that lived back then. Lots of **** in there in Revelation that still nobody totally understands. There are also clearly exceptions to "thou shalt not kill" (war is not the only one) so how do we know abortion isn't one of them? How do we know what the exceptions to abortion are? How do we know that God even considers it "killing"? You know how I know we needed more information? Because people are totally confused by it.

The Bible tells us nothing about this issue.
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View attachment 318399

These clowns may get their way, but they’ll never get their dignity back. Apocalyptic hypocrisy that will cause the pendulum to swing back wildly, directly in their face.

So you are saying the Republicans finally drew even with Dems with regard to lack of dignity and apocalyptic hypocrisy with regard to SCOTUS nominees. Guess it had to happen eventually.
You know what is actually a sin in the Bible? Divorce. Why don't you all go after divorced people or money lenders or anything else the Bible says is wrong?

Where are all the judges appointed to stop divorces or unfair interest rates?

Conservatives have been duped to concentrate on abortions and homosexuality to keep their votes.

Leave the conservative prison and wake up.
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You know what is actually a sin in the Bible? Divorce. Why don't you all go after divorced people or money lenders or anything else the Bible says is wrong?

Where are all the judges appointed to stop divorces or unfair interest rates?

Conservatives have been duped to concentrate on abortions and homosexuality to keep their votes.

Leave the conservative prison and wake up.

"Sniff...Sniff...Yuup...the stinch of ignorance as usual. (Although I have no delusions that this is an original thought)
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You know what is actually a sin in the Bible? Divorce. Why don't you all go after divorced people or money lenders or anything else the Bible says is wrong?

Where are all the judges appointed to stop divorces or unfair interest rates?

Conservatives have been duped to concentrate on abortions and homosexuality to keep their votes.

Leave the conservative prison and wake up.
If we did this, all the politicians would be in jail.

Therefore you have my support.
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You know what is actually a sin in the Bible? Divorce. Why don't you all go after divorced people or money lenders or anything else the Bible says is wrong?

Where are all the judges appointed to stop divorces or unfair interest rates?

Conservatives have been duped to concentrate on abortions and homosexuality to keep their votes.

Leave the conservative prison and wake up.
Keep pitching something is bound to stick eventually!FE036DBE-05D8-46AB-A9A9-92C9E5AE0A07.jpeg
"Sniff...Sniff...Yuup...the stinch of ignorance as usual.
Sorry that I exposed the dumb hypocrisy.

The Bible has women being stoned and burned alive while pregnant for adultery or being unwed mothers. That is held up as the right thing to do.

It says divorce is wrong and a sin except in very specific cases.

It says interest on loans to anyone poorer than you is wrong.

So actually the Bible says those two things are worse than abortion. Elect some judges to stop divorce if you care about the word of God.
Sorry that I exposed the dumb hypocrisy.

The Bible has women being stoned and burned alive while pregnant for adultery or being unwed mothers. That is held up as the right thing to do.

It says divorce is wrong and a sin except in very specific cases.

It says interest on loans to anyone poorer than you is wrong.

So actually the Bible says those two things are worse than abortion. Elect some judges to stop divorce if you care about the word of God.

Let me get this WANT our laws driven by the Bible?

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