Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

Let me get this WANT our laws driven by the Bible?
I personally want judges to uphold freedom and liberty for all who live in the US.

I want those who want judges appointed for religious reasons to actually elect judges who go after what the Bible actually deems bad.

Way more things about adultery, divorce, and money lending than abortion or homosexuality.

Go after those things if you really care about the Bible.

Or just admit you use 2 issues to rile up the dummies and keep them in the conservative prison.
I personally want judges to uphold freedom and liberty for all who live in the US.

I want those who want judges appointed for religious reasons to actually elect judges who go after what the Bible actually deems bad.

Way more things about adultery, divorce, and money lending than abortion or homosexuality.

Go after those things if you really care about the Bible.

Or just admit you use 2 issues to rile up the dummies and keep them in the conservative prison.
I want a court system based on law and the Constitution, not which way a particular justice leans politically. Somehow I doubt either one of us gets what we want.
You know what is actually a sin in the Bible? Divorce. Why don't you all go after divorced people or money lenders or anything else the Bible says is wrong?

Where are all the judges appointed to stop divorces or unfair interest rates?

Conservatives have been duped to concentrate on abortions and homosexuality to keep their votes.

Leave the conservative prison and wake up.
You can actually be against more than one thing at a time....divorce, abortions and homosexuality may be legal under the government and still be immoral sins in God's eyes.

Trying to justify one by saying "look at that other sin" is wrong, and EVERYONE sins...but there is a different in saying "you sinned and you need to come to God through Jesus Christ and live thru Him" and "You are ok to continue to live that sin, God doesn't care"..

Love the sinner, hate the sin itself.
I personally want judges to uphold freedom and liberty for all who live in the US.

I want those who want judges appointed for religious reasons to actually elect judges who go after what the Bible actually deems bad.

Way more things about adultery, divorce, and money lending than abortion or homosexuality.

Go after those things if you really care about the Bible.

Or just admit you use 2 issues to rile up the dummies and keep them in the conservative prison.

Thanks for the proof.
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You can actually be against more than one thing at a time....divorce, abortions and homosexuality may be legal under the government and still be immoral sins in God's eyes.

Trying to justify one by saying "look at that other sin" is wrong, and EVERYONE sins...but there is a different in saying "you sinned and you need to come to God through Jesus Christ and live thru Him" and "You are ok to continue to live that sin, God doesn't care"..

Love the sinner, hate the sin itself.
Not justifying anything.

Asking a legit question .

So why are two issues always brought up but there are way bigger issues going by scripture that should be addressed first?

If people live by scripture and that is what drives who they think should be appointed as judges then an anti Divorce movement would be huge. There is not one at all because people don't care what the Bible says. They just want an issue to keep dummies in their prison.

Going after what the Bible actually says is wrong would make too many Rs look like hypocrites and sinners.
Sorry that I exposed the dumb hypocrisy.

The Bible has women being stoned and burned alive while pregnant for adultery or being unwed mothers. That is held up as the right thing to do.

It says divorce is wrong and a sin except in very specific cases.

It says interest on loans to anyone poorer than you is wrong.

So actually the Bible says those two things are worse than abortion. Elect some judges to stop divorce if you care about the word of God.
I missed the part about burning alive,
I think the Bible says God hates divorce but permitted it, the sin is sex with a divorced woman
And the sin is for excessive usury - high or excessive interest
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Not justifying anything.

Asking a legit question .

So why are two issues always brought up but there are way bigger issues going by scripture that should be addressed first?

If people live by scripture and that is what drives who they think should be appointed as judges then an anti Divorce movement would be huge. There is not one at all because people don't care what the Bible says. They just want an issue to keep dummies in their prison.

Going after what the Bible actually says is wrong would make too many Rs look like hypocrites and sinners.

Isn't it convenient for you, and most liberals, to use the Bible when you think it makes an opposing view look bad, then turn around and say that the United States was not founded by Christian men using Christian principles. Liberals also say that the Bible should not be the "standard" for our laws. Make up your mind please.
Thanks for the proof.
Nobody said it has to be a science book. They couldn't say "thou shalt not abort a baby" because mother****ers couldn't count weeks back then? What about for us? The Bible isn't just for the people that lived back then. Lots of **** in there in Revelation that still nobody totally understands. There are also clearly exceptions to "thou shalt not kill" (war is not the only one) so how do we know abortion isn't one of them? How do we know what the exceptions to abortion are? How do we know that God even considers it "killing"? You know how I know we needed more information? Because people are totally confused by it.

The Bible tells us nothing about this issue.
Non believers are confused about what is in the bible. Also at 9, water is wet.

It's not an exception if it doesnt get spelled out.

And as far as a logical look does it make sense that Christ came down, healed the sick, brought back a dead guy, hung out with the lowest rung of people, was specific about care for kids, and then would have some exception for scraping out a womb with a bent coat hanger?

Jesus was as even more anti killing than the rest of the bible. Turn the other cheek, unless you are going to be inconvenienced by the events of your life?

There is no logical way for you to argue that one should expect an exception that is no where to be found and the antithesis of what is already covered.
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Sorry that I exposed the dumb hypocrisy.

The Bible has women being stoned and burned alive while pregnant for adultery or being unwed mothers. That is held up as the right thing to do.

It says divorce is wrong and a sin except in very specific cases.

It says interest on loans to anyone poorer than you is wrong.

So actually the Bible says those two things are worse than abortion. Elect some judges to stop divorce if you care about the word of God.
Pretty sure murder is a mortal sin. Not sure about the specifics on loan policy, so not sure where you are pulling this from.
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I personally want judges to uphold freedom and liberty for all who live in the US.

I want those who want judges appointed for religious reasons to actually elect judges who go after what the Bible actually deems bad.

Way more things about adultery, divorce, and money lending than abortion or homosexuality.

Go after those things if you really care about the Bible.

Or just admit you use 2 issues to rile up the dummies and keep them in the conservative prison.
Except for the unborn....cause they arent alive? Then what's the point of an abortion?
Not justifying anything.

Asking a legit question .

So why are two issues always brought up but there are way bigger issues going by scripture that should be addressed first?

If people live by scripture and that is what drives who they think should be appointed as judges then an anti Divorce movement would be huge. There is not one at all because people don't care what the Bible says. They just want an issue to keep dummies in their prison.

Going after what the Bible actually says is wrong would make too many Rs look like hypocrites and sinners.
You clearly dont hang out with many Christian's, or at least Catholics.

There are more ways to solve a sin than a law. Actually makes no sense to depend on the laws of man to fix a sin against God.
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Isn't it convenient for you, and most liberals, to use the Bible when you think it makes an opposing view look bad, then turn around and say that the United States was not founded by Christian men using Christian principles. Liberals also say that the Bible should not be the "standard" for our laws. Make up your mind please.
He is pointing out the same fallacy on the right. Considering they are alledgely followers of christ I would think they are more concerned about the plank in their eye rather than the splinter in the lefts eye.
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Which has nothing to do with abortion, though there may have been fewer murders if people had been more willing to embrace it.
Taking an innocent life is generally considered murder. Hard to blame the other life for any wrong doings in the mothers life.

And there could have been even fewer murders if we didnt kill off millions. Who knows what inventions, ideas, policies could have come forth if lives hadnt been cut short.

It's not just the hitlers and Manson's that get killed off. Especially considering the racist roots of abortion in this country it's incredibly short sighted to say they do more(any?) good than bad. Even if you arent at the extreme of good or bad the outside world doesnt get to determine the value that life has. It's the groundwork for why murder of anyone is wrong.
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Taking an innocent life is generally considered murder. Hard to blame the other life for any wrong doings in the mothers life.

And there could have been even fewer murders if we didnt kill off millions. Who knows what inventions, ideas, policies could have come forth if lives hadnt been cut short.

It's not just the hitlers and Manson's that get killed off. Especially considering the racist roots of abortion in this country it's incredibly short sighted to say they do more(any?) good than bad. Even if you arent at the extreme of good or bad the outside world doesnt get to determine the value that life has. It's the groundwork for why murder of anyone is wrong.
I'm not particularly in favor of abortion, but i dont see it as murder provided it's done early. Talking about possibilities is too complex of an argument to make because each of nature, nurture, and fortune determine the outcome of a human life.
He is pointing out the same fallacy on the right. Considering they are alledgely followers of christ I would think they are more concerned about the plank in their eye rather than the splinter in the lefts eye.
I think the strawman argument here is that people think if you say "abortion is a sin" or "homosexuality is a sin" people say "OMG you're judging, or thinking your sin doesnt matter, or being a homophobe" etc.

I can say i am a sinner who needs God's love and I love my fellow man and WANT them to be free of sin as well...If i disagree with someone being supportive of "gay marriage" or abortion, it's from a moral and spiritual truth from God's Word. It doesnt mean those sins are better or worse than others....
You know what is actually a sin in the Bible? Divorce. Why don't you all go after divorced people or money lenders or anything else the Bible says is wrong?

Where are all the judges appointed to stop divorces or unfair interest rates?

Conservatives have been duped to concentrate on abortions and homosexuality to keep their votes.

Leave the conservative prison and wake up.

Ignorant take. The Bible doesn't say divorce is a sin. Jesus was clear that marriage should be permanent, but he also acknowledged that the marriage bond could be broken under certain circumstances. Also, there are thousands of cases throughout history where judges have refused to grant a divorce. You can google that if interested.

But you know what else is a sin... gluttony. People don't bring it up much because we're the fattest most unhealthy society in the world and it makes people uncomfortable, but it is still wrong. But is eating too much equivalent to murder? Of course not... and divorce or lending money isn't eqivalent to murder either. To suggest that divorce is equivalent to killing a beating heart is just plain evil. You should really think about what you're saying.

To answer your question though, "Why don't you go after divorced people or mondey lenders?"... the answer is simple. Most adults can defend themselves, an unbord child can not.
Nobody said it has to be a science book. They couldn't say "thou shalt not abort a baby" because mother****ers couldn't count weeks back then? What about for us? The Bible isn't just for the people that lived back then. Lots of **** in there in Revelation that still nobody totally understands. There are also clearly exceptions to "thou shalt not kill" (war is not the only one) so how do we know abortion isn't one of them? How do we know what the exceptions to abortion are? How do we know that God even considers it "killing"? You know how I know we needed more information? Because people are totally confused by it.

The Bible tells us nothing about this issue.

The Bible says repeatedly that it's an abomination to murder your children. In Genesis 25 the Bible also refers to the things in the womb as "children".

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