I can guarantee you that when you compare the dangers of pot to the dangers of some of the drugs the pharmaceutical companies push on us, pot comes out looking very harmless. Pot isn't illegal because it's dangerous, pot is illegal because the U.S. hasn't cornered the market.
They can't figure out a good way to tax it. Thats probably the only reason it isn't legal now. Short term memory loss, lack of motivation are the two worst things about it. I guess its possible it could give you lung cancer eventually, but there isn't a single case of that happening i don't think.
Well thats their own fault then. Its a gold mine and it would seem they would be the first ones to jump on that bandwagon. Are they scared outsiders would corner the market and get a slice of their pie?
Agreed. Look at aspirin for goodness sake. It kills around 7000 people per year. I challenge anybody to find me a comparable statistic for pot.
Marijuana should be legal, with the caveat that if you smoke it for years and develop an adverse health condition from it you don't come running to the government for help. I see no danger in making it legal to sit in the privacy of your own home and toke up on occasion.
I guess i should have been clearer. In so many words you just explained what i was saying. Take money out of their pockets, because weed would be a alternative to many sedatives on the market. I see the point your making, but i don't believe thats 100% why. Some just feel its morally wrong and link weed to hippies and label it a gateway drug. Its less harmful than tobacco or alcohol, but they don't see it that way.Corner the weed market? No, fortunately no pharmaceutical company owns the patent for Cannabis.
I absolutely believe that the use of certain meds would drop if it was legalized.